3,103,844 events, 1,438,041 push events, 2,259,362 commit messages, 174,327,029 characters
test/doom.d/init.el: Updating from hlissner/doom-emacs - c0c64738
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@
company ; the ultimate code completion backend
;;helm ; the *other* search engine for love and life
;;ido ; the other *other* search engine...
- ivy ; a search engine for love and life
+ ;;ivy ; a search engine for love and life
+ vertico ; the search engine of the future
;;deft ; notational velocity for Emacs
@@ -119,6 +120,7 @@
;;csharp ; unity, .NET, and mono shenanigans
;;data ; config/data formats
;;(dart +flutter) ; paint ui and not much else
+ ;;dhall
;;elixir ; erlang done right
;;elm ; care for a cup of TEA?
emacs-lisp ; drown in parentheses
@@ -170,7 +172,7 @@
;;zig ; C, but simpler
- ;;(mu4e +gmail)
+ ;;(mu4e +org +gmail)
;;(wanderlust +gmail)
change the link
shit I forgot. I'm so fucking stupid
Updates for: The girl who swears no one has ever made love to her has a right to swear. -- Sophia Loren
dark mode
commit f3c09d2c4fcf35b76160505d886f6d3243a3b13b Author: Philip Borenstein [email protected] Date: Fri Aug 13 03:03:05 2021 -0400
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
commit 51b65a0c305ed6ad0f0d8d80528898db9f50a356 Author: Philip Borenstein [email protected] Date: Fri Aug 13 01:34:42 2021 -0400
Because a vision softly creeping
commit 87d9435bd21c3142dca9ec01caada345996cd706 Author: Philip Borenstein [email protected] Date: Fri Aug 13 00:24:21 2021 -0400
I've come to speak with you again
commit 61d9fb197aa6e8e4e03a7456e467ba7b766aa815 Author: Philip Borenstein [email protected] Date: Fri Aug 13 00:07:42 2021 -0400
hello darkness, my old friend
commit a3660fdf613c45b45fae180d3ff8b5e617926e5a Author: Philip Borenstein [email protected] Date: Thu Aug 12 23:32:45 2021 -0400
toward a darkmode of the soul
"8:15am. I got up early today. This is good as it will be more comfortable doing the chores before the sun gets up. Let me do it right now. Later I'll work on adding token literal suffixes to the language.
10:10am. So there are about 6.5 rows that need filling and at the rate of 0.5 a row a day I'll be done with the winter preparation is 13 days. Good.
I've had time to think about what I want to do today. First of all, this TensTorrent opportunity is an ideal test of Spiral's perceived worth. I know well enough myself that if the company adopted the language it would be a drastic improvement of the ease of use of their device. Even the old Spiral was like that with Cuda. The newer v2 would be a heaven sent opportunity for them.
But it is not like this encounter is easy for others to recognize.
I've decided that I am ready to start the job hunt. I do not want to depend on others. I sent the email to the CEO yesterday and it has been enough time for him to look at it and skip it over.
I'll get the job and make money with my own hands with which to buy the device.
But in return, if it turns out that Spiral cannot give me these minor advantages of getting chips as a reward for my good work of the past 6.5 years, then what am I keeping this public show of will for? There is no need to be a spectacle.
If I were to do a TensTorrent backend, other people could greatly benefit from it, but I myself would gain nothing from other people benefiting. I do not want the company to free ride on my work. And since I am doing a poker agent, and since the chip I'll surely get it to train, doing that in public would just depress my own earnings.
10:20am. In other words, it is like this - if Spiral is to be open source, other people will have to contribute more significantly. 3 people donating a total of 120E over several months is not enough of a benefit.
Right now, my RL research is in a lurch, and if I have to do everything myself, I might as well save myself the effort and take in further Spiral development private.
10:25am. I'll make it a race, if I get a positive response from the CEO and he grants me a Grayskull card, I'll do the backend and continue the project I am doing in public just as I have up to now. If not, that is proof enough that there is no interest in Spiral from AI companies and I should spend my energy more wisely instead of trying to catch people's attention.
Ultimately, there is a purpose to using these commits as a diary, and doing the PL sub reviews. If it is not being fulfilled and the show of will is pointless, then I should recognize that reality and embrace the shadows.
10:35am. Turing has been spamming for remote jobs. Let's see what they have. I'll spent today applying to a few place.
10:50am. The site is already pissing me off, it says it accepts .doc files, but then rejects them once they are uploaded. I guess I'll go with a PDF.
11:25am. The site is interesting. I fill out the resume, it uses ML to dig out keywords then I proceed to fill out the relevant work experience, and now it has a bunch of tests waiting for me. For some reason it is really pushing SQL on me.
Well, whatever. I can pick that up in a day.
One thing I do not want to fuck up is the C# test. I am actually an F# expert, not a C# one. I think I should play around with C# for a few hours before taking the test because I do not want to be fooling around with its syntax in a timed situation. When I am doing things at my own pace, dealing with C# is no problem, but I should take a refresher.
The first thing I have to deal with is tell them about my work experience.
11:35am. There is gaming potential for this site. If I wanted to be 100% sure of passing the test, I could make a fake persona and check them out ahead of time.
Even without looking at them, I am almost sure to pass what I have experience in. They are unlikely to make them too hard. But...I am tempted to bend the odds even further in my favor.
11:40am. No I am overthinking it. They are likely to be super easy.
Let me have breakfast here, then I'll do the work experience assessment. After that I'll play with C# for an hour or two to warm myself up and take the test. If I can pass that, I am set. If I fuck up for some reason I'll just look for work elsewhere. If I really want to push Turing I could just reapply using my father's id. That would make things complicated though.
It is not really that important either way. If there is one Turing, there should be another elsewhere in this space."
Refactor and fix validation in the app
Most validation rules don't need to override the first error message since they are not invalid in new forms. Only a couple rules need this.
For some absolutely inexplicable reason, some message overrides work, and some don't, and I couldn't for the life of me find out why. That's why the BindStrictValidation contains the 'magicallyWorks' parameter - if it's true it means that overriding the error message only once will work as expected. If it doesn't (like for the movie or series forms) then it needs to override the error message 4 times. Why 4? Hell if I know. But now it works and I'm currenly OK with this hack.
Create thought_mapping.md
Tools to quickly capture local thoughts about relations of things in a way that one can carry out simulations based on given assumptions, refine these assumptions, etc.
Basically reflect the thoughts off of themselves.
--- revery ---
0: an abstracted state of absorption (reverie.n.02)
1: absentminded dreaming while awake (reverie.n.01)
--- wonder ---
0: the feeling aroused by something strange and surprising (wonder.n.01)
1: something that causes feelings of wonder (wonder.n.02)
2: a state in which you want to learn more about something (curiosity.n.01)
3: have a wish or desire to know something (wonder.v.01)
4: place in doubt or express doubtful speculation (wonder.v.02)
5: be amazed at (wonder.v.03)
--- allude ---
0: make a more or less disguised reference to (allude.v.01)
--- impart ---
0: transmit (knowledge or skills) (impart.v.01)
1: bestow a quality on (lend.v.01)
2: transmit or serve as the medium for transmission (impart.v.03)
--- embody ---
0: represent in bodily form (incarnate.v.02)
1: represent, as of a character on stage (embody.v.02)
2: represent or express something abstract in tangible form (embody.v.03)
--- educe ---
0: deduce (a principle) or construe (a meaning) (educe.v.01)
1: develop or evolve from a latent or potential state (derive.v.04)
--- elude ---
0: escape, either physically or mentally (elude.v.01)
1: be incomprehensible to; escape understanding by (elude.v.02)
2: avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues) (hedge.v.01)
--- echoic ---
0: (of words) formed in imitation of a natural sound; ; - Harry Hoijer (echoic.a.01)
1: like or characteristic of an echo (echoic.s.02)
--- know ---
0: the fact of being aware of information that is known to few people (know.n.01)
1: be cognizant or aware of a fact or a specific piece
Create 2021-08-12-for-the-love-of-music.md
layout: post title: "John Mauceri - For the Love of Music" date: 2021-08-12 published: true categories: ['art and music']
John Mauceri. 2020. For the Love of Music. A conductors guide to the art of listening New York: Álfred A. Knopf. 210 pp.
Johann Sebastian Bach here shown to be a projects guy besides a musical genius. Perhaps Christoff Wolff, previously himself also a director of the Bach Archive in Leipzig perhaps is also a taxonomist guy but there is nevertheless so much evidence we must accept that J.S. knew that his works were not only individually great works but that, assembled and presen ted as multi-volume works, were much more. Wolff is not sure how much was pre-meditated, initially not much maybe. However his need for a curriculum vitae for the cantor position in Leipzig was the initial impetus to present what he saw as his major contributions. Other applicants (Telemann et al) having academic backgrounds, Bach needed a pseudo-thesis. And this mindset seems to have continued. Thus (in part):
- The Little Organ Book, Well-Tempered Klavier and Inventions and Sinfonias (written pre-Leipzig);
- the year of choral cantatas;
- the Clavier-Übung series (six Partitas, Italian Concerto, Goldberg Variations etc);
- the passions and oratorios;
- the Art of Fugue and the Mass in B Minor
Among so much to be learned here, I didn't realise how few of Bach's works survive from before ~1710.
A listening companion henceforth.
Create README.md
In this project we used Python libraries like NumPy, pandas, matplotlib and seaborn to analysis data about the Olympics. The data used is from Kaggle titled - 120 years of Olympic history ; and it shows Olympic games athletes and results from Athens 1896 to Rio 2016. This project was inspired by the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
Findings from this project showed the USA has been a dominated force in these games, it has had the most participants(17847) to date. France and Great Britain were close with 11988 and 11404 participants respectively. The surprising country that showed up in the top 10 was Hungary with 6547 athletes participating over time, this came as a surprise because they are a relatively smaller country.
Next graphed the age distribution of athletes who have competed in the Olympics and it came as no shock that 20-30 year old athletes were the most common. This speak to their physical condition at that age, it is the most ideal to compete in these rigorous sports.
Looking at gender, there have been 196594 male athletes who have competed since the start of the games vs the 74522 females. It was refreshing to find that female athlete numbers have been gradually increasing since 1980, and can only expect those numbers to keep increasing thanks to the elimination of social norms that hindered females from competing before.
Lastly there is a high correlation (0.8) between the weight and height of athletes who have earned medals in the Olympics. Again athletes have to be in the best of shape to perform at their optimal best.
During this pandemic we worked alot breaking all boundaries of where personal life begins
Intellectual pleasure in day of exhaustion
Wow I was useful today, feeling pleasure and grateful today.
Thankyou for all you have given me and grant me the strength to give to others the way you have given to me.
I love this. Me in most unfiltered way to do something useful and interact with aspects
Discover aspects of AI, ML .. that nobody has seen before with data we capture which has never been observed
As a father teaching my kids the understanding they have of world around us and me too
Unfiltered criticism from a child knows no dishonesty, immense love and passion.
We as adults learn how to hide so much better
Raw emotions that make a human being
To become truly human results.
Complexity of language grow as more neural networks are connected, frontal cortex forming for 10 years
Incredible that the knowledge fed throughout shaping neural nets as forming
Most beautiful thing to do which completes me.
Decades of compassion, sharing, anger, patience, as a parent you become a very different kind of teacher
Learning process of sharing, conveying knowledge, encapsulating the complex, and giving bite size chunks society can appreciate.
finish readme
this world is hell and you are on your own , don't expect true love and loyalty.
Hotfix for yet another case where shit destroys itself on death on the same tic for fuck's sake why do you people keep doing this shit can't you fucking learn for once to code death states properly you goddamn maniacs. Also added another intermission art while I was at it, because why not.
Register All 4 Tiers of Teleposition Foci
Reworked them to use a similar registration method to the Blood Orbs.
Added recipes, again copying from 1.12 as much as possible. The Demonic Teleposition Sigil was given a new recipe (8 Blood Shards around a Reinforced Teleposition Sigil) due to Demon Blood Shards no longer existing.
Added notes for myself regarding the Teleposer Port.
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Create index.html
<title>PARALLAX WEBSITE</title> <section>
<div class="title">
<h3>Let's do some</h3>
<div class="parallax-one">
<div class="block">
<p><span class="first-character sc">I</span>n 1978, Brian Smith landed in Southern California with a bag of sheepskin boots and hope. He fell in love with the sheepskin experience and was convinced the world would one day share this love. The beaches of Southern California had long been an epicenter of a relaxed, casual lifestyle, a lifestyle that Brian felt was a perfect fit for his brand. So he founded the UGG brand, began selling his sheepskin boots and they were an immediate sensation. By the mid 1980's, the UGG brand became a symbol of relaxed southern California culture, gaining momentum through surf shops and other shops up and down the coast of California, from San Diego to Santa Cruz. UGG boots reached beyond the beach, popping up in big cities and small towns all over, and in every level of society. Girls wore their surfer boyfriend's pair of UGG boots like a letterman jacket. When winter came along, UGG boots were in ski shops and were seen in lodges from Mammoth to Aspen.</p>
<p class="line-break margin-top-10"></p>
<p class="margin-top-10">The UGG brand began to symbolize those who embraced sport and a relaxed, active lifestyle. More than that, an emotional connection and a true feeling of love began to grow for UGG boots, just as Brian had envisioned. People didn't just like wearing UGG boots, they fell in love with them and literally could not take them off. By the end of the 90's, celebrities and those in the fashion world took notice of the UGG brand. A cultural shift occurred as well - people were embracing, and feeling empowered, by living a more casual lifestyle and UGG became one of the symbols of this lifestyle. By 2000, a love that began on the beaches had become an icon of casual style. It was at this time that the love for UGG grew in the east, over the Rockies and in Chicago. In 2000, UGG Sheepskin boots were first featured on Oprah's Favorite Things® and Oprah emphatically declared that she "LOOOOOVES her UGG boots." From that point on, the world began to notice.</p>
<div class="parallax-two">
<h2>NEW YORK</h2>
<div class="block">
<p><span class="first-character ny">B</span>reaking into the New York fashion world is no easy task. But by the early 2000's, UGG Australia began to take it by storm. The evolution of UGG from a brand that made sheepskin boots, slippers, clogs and sandals for an active, outdoor lifestyle to a brand that was now being touted as a symbol of a stylish, casual and luxurious lifestyle was swift. Much of this was due to a brand repositioning effort that transformed UGG into a high-end luxury footwear maker. As a fashion brand, UGG advertisements now graced the pages of Vogue Magazine as well as other fashion books. In the mid 2000's, the desire for premium casual fashion was popping up all over the world and UGG was now perfectly aligned with this movement.</p>
<p class="line-break margin-top-10"></p>
<p class="margin-top-10">Fueled by celebrities from coast to coast wearing UGG boots and slippers on their downtime, an entirely new era of fashion was carved out. As a result, the desire and love for UGG increased as people wanted to go deeper into this relaxed UGG experience. UGG began offering numerous color and style variations on their sheepskin boots and slippers. Cold weather boots for women and men and leather casuals were added with great success. What started as a niche item, UGG sheepskin boots were now a must-have staple in everyone's wardrobe. More UGG collections followed, showcasing everything from knit boots to sneakers to wedges, all the while maintaining that luxurious feel UGG is known for all over the world. UGG products were now seen on runways and in fashion shoots from coast to coast. Before long, the love spread even further.</p>
<div class="parallax-three">
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<p><span class="first-character atw">W</span>hen the New York fashion community notices your brand, the world soon follows. The widespread love for UGG extended to Europe in the mid-2000's along with the stylish casual movement and demand for premium casual fashion. UGG boots and shoes were now seen walking the streets of London, Paris and Amsterdam with regularity. To meet the rising demand from new fans, UGG opened flagship stores in the UK and an additional location in Moscow. As the love spread farther East, concept stores were opened in Beijing, Shanghai and Tokyo. UGG Australia is now an international brand that is loved by all. This love is a result of a magical combination of the amazing functional benefits of sheepskin and the heightened emotional feeling you get when you slip them on your feet. In short, you just feel better all over when you wear UGG boots, slippers, and shoes.</p>
<p class="line-break margin-top-10"></p>
<p class="margin-top-10">In 2011, UGG will go back to its roots and focus on bringing the active men that brought the brand to life back with new styles allowing them to love the brand again as well. Partnering with Super Bowl champion and NFL MVP Tom Brady, UGG will invite even more men to feel the love the rest of the world knows so well. UGG will also step into the world of high fashion with UGG Collection. The UGG Collection fuses the timeless craft of Italian shoemaking with the reliable magic of sheepskin, bringing the luxurious feel of UGG to high end fashion. As the love for UGG continues to spread across the world, we have continued to offer new and unexpected ways to experience the brand. The UGG journey continues on and the love for UGG continues to spread.</p>
Adding various changes -- but remove the 'about' stuff, looks like absolute dogshit. Thinking about adding a ripple effect to the about page, still need to add content or at the very, very fucking least, placeholder text. Lorem ipsum that shit you lazy bitch.
Don't proc cthulhu's dreams in hell.
Can wake up uniques
overlays: notch-city: Add 3 mode display cutout handler [2/3]
[@AgentFabulous - POSP]
- Introduces the HideCutout and StatusBarStock overlay used in the 3 mode display cutout handler. The HideCutout overlay is necessary since we can't register a content observer in the display manager code. We only have access to resources during boot. Thus, leave this as an overlay and let the config and overlay change methods handle this. Though we can probably do statusbar stock height toggling in the SystemUI code without overlays, I kinda got lazy by the end, just live with it god damn it xD
Signed-off-by: Kshitij Gupta [email protected] Change-Id: I62f63f39bcb410cfbc68e0028b9cef3d748d7eb6 Signed-off-by: Arghya Chanda [email protected]
notch-city: Refactor package name
Signed-off-by: ShubhamB [email protected] Change-Id: Ieb8b35a3062c9334e82153a1dd26df3853db4f1f
how is the documentation so god awful i don't understand
Cleaning Info Update (#506)
Update cleaning data Morning Fogs Refined v1.0.0 No snow under the roof v2.3 Birds of Skyrim v0.6.5 Immersive College of Winterhold v6.2 Shadowmarks Improved v2.0 SkyTEST v1.65 Blackreach Overhaul v0.6 KS Hairdos v1.8 Northborn Scars v1.1 Solvable Dragon Claw Doors v1.0 Unique Border Gates v2.2 Solitude and Temple Frescoes v1.3 Aringoth Combo Patch v1.3 Tavern AI Fix v1.1d Immersive Laundry v1.0d Falling Gildergreen Petals v1.0 How Hard Is This Persuasion Check v1.3 Hearthfire Extended v1.0.3 Inconsequential NPCs v1.9e ArteFakes v2.0 Solemn Keep Chronicles v1.1 Immersive Patrols v2.2.3 EasierRider's Dungeon Pack v1.5 Honed Metal v1.21 MoreHUD v3.0.2 Smart Training Tweaked v1.5 White Lighthouse v2.0 Thief's Hideout Ultimate v2.01 Quaint Raven Rock v1.6 The Great City of Solitude v2.02 Nordic Ruins of Skyrim v2.0 Kynesgrove v1.1.6 Skyrim Sewers v4.12 Missives v2.03 Realistic Water Two v1.12 Cutting Room Floor v2.0.8 Verdant v2.2 SMIM v2.08
Add cleaning data Aetherial Crown v 1.2 Unique Stros M'Kai Rum v1.0 AI Overhaul for USLEEP v1.3 True Homecooked Meals v1.0 Unique Riften Bee and Barb Specials v1.1 Ahzidal's Armor Set v2 Stormfang v1.1 Ghostblade v3.0 Horksbane v1.0 Response to Jaree-Ra v1.0 Hearthfire Display Case Fix v1.0 Depths of Skyrim v1.1.7 Wilderness Camp Encounters v1.1 Light Beam Fix v1.4 Dolmen Ruins v1.0.1 Flying Crows v1.1 Horses On Patrol - Stormcloaks v1.1 Buyable Golden Claw v1.1 Leaps of Faith v1.0 Cobb Tweaks v1.0.3 Ulfric Shout Fix v1.1 Dragon Claw Stand v1.1.0 Glorious Doors of Skyrim v1.0 TESL Loading Screens v1.2 Luminous Atronachs v2.0 Taarie's Dialogue Fix v1.0 Don't talk with your mouth full v1.0 Courier Delivers to NPCs v1.0.4.1 Windhelm Gate Fix v1.2 Snow Whale Bones v1.2 Bent Pines v1.0b Khajiit Caravan Mules v1.3 Skyrim Exterior Fixes v6.3 CG4 Snow Effects v1.1 Real Rabbits HD Haafingar Expanded v1.1 Serana Dialogue Add-On v2.7.0 Iomaungandr Rising v1.0.0 More to Say v8.0.3 A Cat's Life v1.1 Immersive Cloudy Cloud District v1.0.0 FISS v1.21 Jaxonz Diagnostics v1.1 Scale Nord Armor v1.0 R.A.S.S. v.3.1.2 Extended Encounters v1.6.3 aMidianBorn Book of Silence v1.9.1 Blackreach Railroad v2.0 Skjolga's Basin v1.1 G.R.I.M. v1.5.1 Tirashan v1.0 Windhelm's Ancient Lighthouse v1.0 The Ruins of Mharzurk v1.02 Karstaag - The Frost King Reborn v1.0 The Blood Horker v1.1 GRAHL - The Ice Troll v1.3.0 Practical Pirate Outfit v1.0 Rough Leather Armor v1.2 JK's Skyrim v2 The Great Town of Shor's Stone v1.04 The Great Town of Karthwasten v1.1 The Great Village of Old Hroldan v1.03 The Great Village of Mixwater Mill v1.0 Solitude Expansion v2.056 Darkwater Crossing v1.0.7 No Snow Under the Roof - JK's Skyrim v1.1 Palaces and Castles Enhanced v2.3 Misc Dialogue Edits v1.7 More Dialogue Options v1.3 Dawnguard Map Markers v1.0.1 Pirates of The North v4.0 Interesting Roads v1.1.1 Seagulls of Skyrim v1.4 Inconsequential NPCs Visual Overhaul v1.1f Enhanced Blood Textures v3.8 Pandorable's Black-Briar Ladies v1.0 Pandorable's Shield-Sisters v1.0
shove 9 cocks in my ass because github desktop sucks
Delete README.md
I took this Stanford class from 8th grade to 9th grade COVID summer. No offense, it was pretty useless to me because I had experience in Python already and the concepts were too easy. I still enjoyed it kinda and I learned a little bit I guess. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1lD2m5DvaA&ab_channel=AlanChen is my project, I didn't really spend too much time on it because I had other classes and tests coming up. Sorry Code in Place. ;-; 8/13/2021 - Alan C