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< 2021-03-14 >

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Sunday 2021-03-14 01:41:50 by Jean-Paul R. Soucy

New data: 2021-03-13: See data notes.

Revise historical data: cases (AB, MB, NS, QC, SK).

AB announced 474 cases today but the health region totals incremented by only 472. Contrast this to yesterday’s update (2021-03-12), where the health region totals incremented by 2 more than the provincial total. We have backdated 2 of the cases added yesterday in order to make the province-level totals match for both dates.

QC reported 789 cases today but the health region totals incremented by only 775. The reason for this is the removal of 14 previous cases Chaudière-Appalaches as duplicates. To match the daily and cumulative totals for the health regions, we have changed the date of the 14 most recent previous cases from the region to today’s date.

Made some retroactive changes to vaccine distribution data based on backdated updates to PHAC vaccine distribution data (2021-03-03). Only replaced numbers when provincial numbers were not available. Also added retroactive updated for 2021-03-10 and 2021-03-11. Also updated BC vaccine doses administered from 2021-03-12.

Note regarding deaths added in QC today: “11 new deaths, but the total of deaths amounts to 10,535, due to the withdrawal of 2 deaths not attributable to COVID-19: 0 death in the last 24 hours, 7 deaths between March 6 and March 11, 4 deaths before March 6.” We report deaths such that our cumulative regional totals match today’s values. This sometimes results in extra deaths with today’s date when older deaths are removed.

Recent changes:

2021-01-27: Due to the limit on file sizes in GitHub, we implemented some changes to the datasets today, mostly impacting individual-level data (cases and mortality). Changes below:

  1. Individual-level data (cases.csv and mortality.csv) have been moved to a new directory in the root directory entitled “individual_level”. These files have been split by calendar year and named as follows: cases_2020.csv, cases_2021.csv, mortality_2020.csv, mortality_2021.csv. The directories “other/cases_extra” and “other/mortality_extra” have been moved into the “individual_level” directory.
  2. Redundant datasets have been removed from the root directory. These files include: recovered_cumulative.csv, testing_cumulative.csv, vaccine_administration_cumulative.csv, vaccine_distribution_cumulative.csv, vaccine_completion_cumulative.csv. All of these datasets are currently available as time series in the directory “timeseries_prov”.
  3. The file codebook.csv has been moved to the directory “other”.

We appreciate your patience and hope these changes cause minimal disruption. We do not anticipate making any other breaking changes to the datasets in the near future. If you have any further questions, please open an issue on GitHub or reach out to us by email at ccodwg [at] gmail [dot] com. Thank you for using the COVID-19 Canada Open Data Working Group datasets.

  • 2021-01-24: The columns "additional_info" and "additional_source" in cases.csv and mortality.csv have been abbreviated similar to "case_source" and "death_source". See note in from 2021-11-27 and 2021-01-08.

Vaccine datasets:

  • 2021-01-19: Fully vaccinated data have been added (vaccine_completion_cumulative.csv, timeseries_prov/vaccine_completion_timeseries_prov.csv, timeseries_canada/vaccine_completion_timeseries_canada.csv). Note that this value is not currently reported by all provinces (some provinces have all 0s).
  • 2021-01-11: Our Ontario vaccine dataset has changed. Previously, we used two datasets: the MoH Daily Situation Report (, which is released weekdays in the evenings, and the “COVID-19 Vaccine Data in Ontario” dataset (, which is released every day in the mornings. Because the Daily Situation Report is released later in the day, it has more up-to-date numbers. However, since it is not available on weekends, this leads to an artificial “dip” in numbers on Saturday and “jump” on Monday due to the transition between data sources. We will now exclusively use the daily “COVID-19 Vaccine Data in Ontario” dataset. Although our numbers will be slightly less timely, the daily values will be consistent. We have replaced our historical dataset with “COVID-19 Vaccine Data in Ontario” as far back as they are available.
  • 2020-12-17: Vaccination data have been added as time series in timeseries_prov and timeseries_hr.
  • 2020-12-15: We have added two vaccine datasets to the repository, vaccine_administration_cumulative.csv and vaccine_distribution_cumulative.csv. These data should be considered preliminary and are subject to change and revision. The format of these new datasets may also change at any time as the data situation evolves.

Note about SK data: As of 2020-12-14, we are providing a daily version of the official SK dataset that is compatible with the rest of our dataset in the folder official_datasets/sk. See below for information about our regular updates.

SK transitioned to reporting according to a new, expanded set of health regions on 2020-09-14. Unfortunately, the new health regions do not correspond exactly to the old health regions. Additionally, the provided case time series using the new boundaries do not exist for dates earlier than August 4, making providing a time series using the new boundaries impossible.

For now, we are adding new cases according to the list of new cases given in the “highlights” section of the SK government website ( These new cases are roughly grouped according to the old boundaries. However, health region totals were redistributed when the new boundaries were instituted on 2020-09-14, so while our daily case numbers match the numbers given in this section, our cumulative totals do not. We have reached out to the SK government to determine how this issue can be resolved. We will rectify our SK health region time series as soon it becomes possible to do so.

Sunday 2021-03-14 02:59:59 by Henrik VT

Delete node.js.yml

fuckin broke ass shit actionscript

Sunday 2021-03-14 04:47:28 by Magical Marvelous MADMADMAD Mister Mim !

you know if you fucks would stop making me relive the worst days of my life without any gain because you all want to be loser chomo whores that do the same shit willfully over and over, i wouldnt have to rediscover that anaconda sucks and rewrite this crap puzzling over why this dumb shit is not working..... seriously.

Sunday 2021-03-14 05:31:16 by ShaunAshraf

Create 160A-Twins.cpp

Imagine that you have a twin brother or sister. Having another person that looks exactly like you seems very unusual. It's hard to say if having something of an alter ego is good or bad. And if you do have a twin, then you very well know what it's like.

Now let's imagine a typical morning in your family. You haven't woken up yet, and Mom is already going to work. She has been so hasty that she has nearly forgotten to leave the two of her darling children some money to buy lunches in the school cafeteria. She fished in the purse and found some number of coins, or to be exact, n coins of arbitrary values a1, a2, ..., an. But as Mom was running out of time, she didn't split the coins for you two. So she scribbled a note asking you to split the money equally.

As you woke up, you found Mom's coins and read her note. "But why split the money equally?" — you thought. After all, your twin is sleeping and he won't know anything. So you decided to act like that: pick for yourself some subset of coins so that the sum of values of your coins is strictly larger than the sum of values of the remaining coins that your twin will have. However, you correctly thought that if you take too many coins, the twin will suspect the deception. So, you've decided to stick to the following strategy to avoid suspicions: you take the minimum number of coins, whose sum of values is strictly more than the sum of values of the remaining coins. On this basis, determine what minimum number of coins you need to take to divide them in the described manner.

Input The first line contains integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 100) — the number of coins. The second line contains a sequence of n integers a1, a2, ..., an (1 ≤ ai ≤ 100) — the coins' values. All numbers are separated with spaces.

Output In the single line print the single number — the minimum needed number of coins.

Sunday 2021-03-14 09:25:04 by Grouflon

[CMake] Fuck you cmake, you suck, I'll never hear from you again [premake] Hello premake, hopefully you won't get in my way each time I want to change something like the other dude [mirror] added mirror submodule [C] went back to C++14 standard cause the only C++17 thing we were using will get solved by using a platform interface

Sunday 2021-03-14 14:13:50 by Guntel

commiting the shit I have saved

my god I have deleted all my stuff because I still do not know how to work with this bullshit fucking github good thing that I have put everything on different branches so I lost only 2 hours of work but still fuck me that I have lost it

Sunday 2021-03-14 14:47:16 by Peter Petrakovic


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Sunday 2021-03-14 16:05:30 by Kirill Tkhai

mm/vmscan.c: iterate only over charged shrinkers during memcg shrink_slab()

Using the preparations made in previous patches, in case of memcg shrink, we may avoid shrinkers, which are not set in memcg's shrinkers bitmap. To do that, we separate iterations over memcg-aware and !memcg-aware shrinkers, and memcg-aware shrinkers are chosen via for_each_set_bit() from the bitmap. In case of big nodes, having many isolated environments, this gives significant performance growth. See next patches for the details.

Note that the patch does not respect to empty memcg shrinkers, since we never clear the bitmap bits after we set it once. Their shrinkers will be called again, with no shrinked objects as result. This functionality is provided by next patches.

[[email protected]: v9] Link: Link:[email protected] Signed-off-by: Kirill Tkhai [email protected] Acked-by: Vladimir Davydov [email protected] Tested-by: Shakeel Butt [email protected] Cc: Al Viro [email protected] Cc: Andrey Ryabinin [email protected] Cc: Chris Wilson [email protected] Cc: Greg Kroah-Hartman [email protected] Cc: Guenter Roeck [email protected] Cc: "Huang, Ying" [email protected] Cc: Johannes Weiner [email protected] Cc: Josef Bacik [email protected] Cc: Li RongQing [email protected] Cc: Matthew Wilcox [email protected] Cc: Matthias Kaehlcke [email protected] Cc: Mel Gorman [email protected] Cc: Michal Hocko [email protected] Cc: Minchan Kim [email protected] Cc: Philippe Ombredanne [email protected] Cc: Roman Gushchin [email protected] Cc: Sahitya Tummala [email protected] Cc: Stephen Rothwell [email protected] Cc: Tetsuo Handa [email protected] Cc: Thomas Gleixner [email protected] Cc: Waiman Long [email protected] Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton [email protected] Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds [email protected] Signed-off-by: celtare21 [email protected]

Sunday 2021-03-14 17:14:07 by 15peaces

== Achievement System Rewrite (Part 4) == =General: *Merged missing changes from 3ceam rev. 722 - 724

*Fixed a issue where the zenkai unit coding would leak into other coding following it when certain conditions are met. Because of this issue, its critically recommend users running a server revision between 278 - 279 (the last two updates) update to this revision ASAP to get the issue fixed.

*Complete rewrite of the achievement system (part 4). -Fixed achievement reward packet. -Fixed getting achievement reward packets order & split achievement reward function to parts. -Fixed an Assertion Error when refine is failed. -Some more fixing & cleaning. -Thanks to @HerculesWS

*This update focuses to bring HP/SP drain timers, unit invervals, some formula's, resistance, and other misc. stuff to official. -This update along with the past few revisions brings a lot of this inaccurately coded stuff to official, as well as updated some once unknown values to official.

*Burnning status mechanic's updated to official. -Now deals damage equal to 3 percent of your MaxHP plus a added 1000. -Damage is dealed every 3 seconds.

*Added clif_parse_UseSkillToPos_homun function. -This function allows a homunculus to be able to use ground targeted skills. -A number of mutated homunculus skills requires this function to work.

=Skills: *NC_ARMSCANNON -Updated source code to work with the new target type. -Now targets enemy's.

*SO_CLOUD_KILL *SO_WARMER -Fixed a issue where the AoE would not generate when casted.

*SO_ARRULLO -Updated source code to work with the new target type. -Now targets the ground.

*GC_WEAPONBLOCKING -SP drain timer updated to every 5 seconds.

*GC_HALLUCINATIONWALK -Now requires a percentage of your MaxHP to cast. -HP percentage needed is affected by skill level.

*AB_PRAEFATIO -The HP of the kyrie barrier generated through this skill is no longer affected by the learned level of Kyrie Eleison. It is now entirely affected by the used level of this skill. -This is official and interesting as this skill can set a higher HP then regular kyrie can.

*WL_WHITEIMPRISON -Removed a piece of code thats no longer needed.

*WL_RADIUS -Fixed cast time formula reduction updated to official. The real official this time. -Not that bullshit made up formula that was in that iRO document.

*WL_READING_SB -SP drain timer updated to every 10 seconds.

*RA_WUGBITE -Fixed a issue where RA_TOOTHOFWUG increased the duration twice as much as it should. -Success chance updated to official. This also adds the resistance formula as well.

*NC_COLDSLOWER -Status are now applied through a special check. -It will first try to freeze any enemy that is hit. -It will then try to give frost misty status to any enemy it fails to freeze.

*NC_STEALTHFIELD -Now drains 1 percent of SP between every 3 to 5 seconds depending on the skill level used.

*LG_REFLECTDAMAGE -SP drain timer updated to every 10 seconds. -SP drain amount per drain updated.

*LG_INSPIRATION -HP and SP drain timer updated to every 5 seconds.

*WM_SATURDAY_NIGHT_FEVER -HP and SP drain timers updated to every 3 seconds.

*SO_DIAMONDDUST -Status duration reduction formula added.

*SO_VACUUM_EXTREME *GN_WALLOFTHORN *GN_DEMONIC_FIRE -Unit inverval updated to official.

*SO_VARETYR_SPEAR -Small change to the code.

*MH_POISON_MIST -Added full support for this skill.

Sunday 2021-03-14 17:49:58 by omega-fantasy

Tomorrow I'm gonna wake up and I'll be 50, and I'll still be doin' this shit. And that's all right. That's fine. I mean, you're sittin' on a winnin' lottery ticket. And you're too much of a pussy to cash it in, and that's bullshit. 'Cause I'd do fuckin' anything to have what you got. So would any of these fuckin' guys. It'd be an insult to us if you're still here in 20 years. Hangin' around here is a fuckin' waste of your time.

Sunday 2021-03-14 18:09:44 by Magical Marvelous MADMADMAD Mister Mim !

awful fucking jackasses will return to this later on of course being impeded by wretched disgusting assholes crowding around me annoyingly at points.

Sunday 2021-03-14 18:35:42 by doctor4t

Will BL is a bitch ass motherfucker

He added my rats to the list of succable entities for his vampires, so let's see how he handles explosive rats.

Sunday 2021-03-14 19:25:08 by Russell Matney

feate: key bindings defined in clj

Hacks some stuff together to support defbinding being consumed by defcom, and writing out awesome style bindings. For now, these bindings spawn a clawe command that fires the attached function via defcom.

There's some oddities and probably some subtle bugs. Right now the :binding/command needs to be arity 2 to match defcom.

It would probably be worth expanding the api to support writing fennel/awesome directly as well.

Resetting these right now requires running cmd+r twice, then cmd+shift+r

  • that's because we rebuild the clawe uberscript with the latest code, then running again writes that latest in-memory binding data to the clawe-bindings.fnl file, then an awesome restart updates keybindings based on the (now updated) static config. This is clearly not ideal - it might worth moving to a totally independent keybinding tool, as it's annoying to reboot awesome just to update keybindings - the awesome internal apis seem like they support removing bindings, but my impression is that it must be the same awful.key that was created, - you can't seem to be able to remove/upsert by keybinding (it just adds multiple listeners to that same binding...)

Sunday 2021-03-14 20:21:51 by Alex Vondrak

Invert zstyle storage

By using the input parameter in the context pattern instead of the style name, we can leverage zstyle to organize certain settings into distinct hierarchies. That way, we can easily blanket-apply settings (optics, fragments) to everything within the same hierarchy.

For example, consider storing the logo icon as a euclid fragment. Before, euclid::fragment logo X would have been doing

zstyle :euclid:fragments logo X

Then looking up the logo with euclid::fragment logo would be like saying

zstyle -s :euclid:fragments logo reply

But for the more specialized logos, we'd have to separately set & fetch logo:vicmd and logo:error by hand - the styles don't exist unless we set them explicitly. This makes it a pain in the ass to update the logo across all three (logo, logo:vicmd, logo:error) at once. It would be nice to just say euclid::fragments logo XX and have it set all three.

So by inverting things, this change allows us to bake wildcards into the context patterns. That way, we can just do a single

zstyle ':euclid:logo*' fragment X

Then when we query for the fragment on ':euclid:logo:vicmd' or ':euclid:logo:error', the wildcard automatically acts as a catch-all, unless we explicitly set more specific fragments.

So that way the user could either set all three logos at the same time with

zstyle ':euclid:logo*' fragment XX

or just a specific type of logo with

zstyle :euclid:logo:vicmd fragment XXX

With the wildcards baked into the euclid::{optics,fragment} functions, the user doesn't even have to be particularly aware that this is what's happening under the hood. Magic. ✨

< 2021-03-14 >