Heroku PaaS was used to deploy these apps. Heroku CLI provides the option to directly push the repo aur app to heroku to be deployed. The OS in use is Ubuntu.
$ sudo snap install --classic heroku
$ heroku create appname.
While Deploying the backend sever make sure to include the Procfile in your git repository which tells the heroku from where to start the web app. Contents of Procfile -
web: gunicorn main:app
Open the terminal in the server folder and follow the following steps
$ git init
$ heroku git:remote -a appname
$ git add .
$ git commit -m “your message”
$ git push heroku master
The link for the server is created. Update the server link in the config.js inside frontend/src
After the link is created and updated inside config.js in the src folder follow the following steps to deploy frontend. Create another app using
$ heroku create complete_app.
Open the terminal in the frontend folder and follow the following steps.
$ heroku git:remote -a appname
$ git add .
$ git commit -m “your message”
$ git push heroku master
NOTE : While Deploying the given codebase in frontend make sure to remove the '-p 8000' which is the local port from scripts in package.json located in frontend/package.json
The final app link will be generated which can be used for the purpose.
The same method above can be used to deploy the streamlit app