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Autonomous Drone Navigation using FastPlanner and Octomap

Obstacle avoidance for drones using FastPlanner (, PX4 and Octomap.



  • Mapping has been done using Octomap

  • Fixed size euclidean distance map is computed using EDT3D Library ( for collision check.

  • Fixed Size EDT map gets updated around the drone after it travels a threshold distance from the previous location at which map was updated (here threshold is 1 metres).

  • Point cloud from the RGBD sensor (RealSense D415 and D455 were tested) is downsampled using pcl_ros

  • Zero mean Gaussian noise is added on the point cloud using pcl library

  • Installing mapping dependencies

    sudo apt-get install ros-$DISTRO-octomap-*  
    sudo apt-get install ros-$DISTRO-pcl-ros
    git clone 
           (Octomap source code is needed to generate EDT map (DynamicEDT3D class))
    cd octomap
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake .. && make
    sudo make install


  • Path planning is done using Fast-Planner ( developed by HKUST Aerial Robotics Group
  • Changes have been made in the source code in order to use it with Octomap.
  • Goal location is currently given in cartesian coordinates (using RViZ 2D Nav Goal and height of the goal is taken from the user)


  • PX4-Autopilot firmware has been used to control the drone (

  • Trajectory generated by the planner is traversed using offboard position control.

  • Position messages (with and without yaw) is published on the topic /mavros/setpoint_local/position.

  • Mavros has been used to pass the waypoints to the Pixhawk flight controller.

  • Installing PX4-Autopilot

     Refer to for setting up PX4 for simulation
  • Installing Mavros

    sudo apt-get install ros-$DISTRO-mavros ros-$DISTRO-mavros-extras
    sudo bash ./   


  • GPS is used for localizing the drone
  • Poses given by the EKF in PX4 is used (/mavros/local_position/pose)


Install and Run (Tested in ros melodic)

  • Building package

    sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev
    mkdir catkin_ws
    cd catkin_ws
    mkdir src   
    cd src
    git clone
    cd ..

Running the Planner

  • Simulation

      Terminal-1 : cd PX4-Autopilot && sudo no_sim=1 make px4_sitl_gazebo
      Terminal-2 : cd PX4-Autpilot && source Tools/setup_gazebo.bash $(pwd) $(pwd)/build/px4_sitl_default && roslaunch gazebo_ros empty_world.launch (set your world file as required). On the gazebo window, select iris_depth_camera from the left panel.
      Terminal-3 : cd catkin_ws && **roslaunch FastPlannerOctomap MappingSim.launch** (give goal location using 2D Nav Goal option)
      Terminal-4 : **rosrun FastPlannerOctomap Planner** (or noYawPlanner if you want to plan the trajectory keeping the heading or yaw of the drone fixed). For the startOver option select either 1 or 0. Refer to the source code (FastPlannerOctomap/src/kinodynamic_astar.cpp and Planner.cpp for details). Also give the height (in metres) of the goal location when prompted.
      Terminal-5 : **rosrun FastPlannerOctomap Controller**
  • Running on hardware

      Terminal-1 : Launch the depth camera (I used realsense_ros package and rs_camera.launch file)
      Terminal-2 : roslaunch mavros px4.launch 
      Terminal-3 : roslaunch FastPlannerOctomap MappingDrone.launch
                   Running the planner and controller remain the same as in simulation.
                   Remote Desktop is used to run rviz and give the goal location.