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Web3, Authentication, Web3Identity & Signatures

Nicolas Lorusso edited this page Jan 11, 2024 · 9 revisions

dApp authentication process

Allows the user authentication in the application via web3 wallet signing.

The class: DappWeb3Authenticator : IWeb3VerifiedAuthenticator.

The LoginAsync process consists in:

  1. Connects via web socket (Socket.IO lib) to the auth-server
  2. Request a signature for an ephemeral login message
  3. The server responds with a requestId
  4. The client opens a new browser tab through explorer-website to let the user sign through a custom installed wallet using the requestId
  5. After the user signs the payload, the server sends a message to the client with the resultant auth-chain information

Identities expires after 1 week.

Identity cache management & local storage

After the user successfully authenticates, the identity is stored in two sources, via ProxyWeb3Authenticator:

  • PlayerPrefs PlayerPrefsIdentityProvider, so the identity can be used in the following sessions without the need of the login process
  • Memory MemoryWeb3IdentityCache, so it can be accessed anywhere without performance implications

How to get the user address

It is required that the user is already authenticated, through IWeb3Authenticator.LoginAsync(..) during the application flow.

Then you can access the address by: IWeb3IdentityCache.Identity.Address. Example:

public class MyClass
    private readonly IWeb3IdentityCache web3IdentityCache;

    public MyClass(IWeb3IdentityCache web3IdentityCache)
        this.web3IdentityCache = web3IdentityCache;

    public void DoSomething()
        Web3Address ownUserId = web3IdentityCache.Identity!.Address;
        Debug.Log($"My address is: {ownUserId}");

How to authorize a request with the auth-chain

Some systems in Decentraland requires a user authorization to access different kind of resources, like saving your profile.

Here is how you can get an AuthChain:

using AuthChain authChain = IWeb3IdentityCache.Identity!.Sign("your payload information");

Depends on the required request structure, it may vary how you can fill the parameters, but here is an example:

private readonly IWeb3IdentityCache web3IdentityProvider;

private void SignRequest(UnityWebRequest unityWebRequest)
    using AuthChain authChain = web3IdentityProvider.Identity!.Sign("your payload information");

    var i = 0;

    foreach (AuthLink link in authChain)
        unityWebRequest.SetRequestHeader($"x-identity-auth-chain-{i}", link.ToJson());

Signing messages into the blockchain

Web3 operations requires to be authorized/signed by a wallet (ie: Metamask). For example an SDK scene wants to allow the user to make an ERC20 transaction of XX tokens, or get the current ERC20 balance, or get the gas price, etc.

Follows the Metamask JSON RPC Api reference for messaging schemas.

In order to complete the transactions, a request is sent to the auth-server and then a browser's tab is opened to allow the user to authorize the transaction. It is required that the user is already logged in, since it requires a valid authChain.

By injecting an EthereumController provider into js context, scenes may request ethereum transactions following EthereumController.sendAsync specification.


In order to execute IEthereumApi.SendAsync(...) it is required that the rpc method is allowed in the client, otherwise it will throw a Web3Exception.

DappWeb3Authenticator is the class that implements IEthereumApi. Via constructor it is possible to inject a whitelist. For example:

new DappWeb3Authenticator(..., whitelistMethods: new HashSet<string> { "eth_signTypedData_v4", "personal_sign", "wallet_getPermissions" });

From the explorer client (C#)

public struct GetPermissionResponse
    public string id;
    public string parentCapability;
    public string invoker;
    public long date;
    public Caveats[] caveats;

    public struct Caveats
        public string type;
        public string[] value;

public class MyClass
    private readonly IEthereumApi ethereumApi;
    private readonly IWeb3IdentityCache identityCache;

    public MyClass(IEthereumApi ethereumApi,
        IWeb3IdentityCache identityCache)
        this.ethereumApi = ethereumApi;
        this.identityCache = identityCache;

    public async UniTask MakePersonalSign(CancellationToken ct)
        string signature = await ethereumApi.SendAsync<string>(new EthApiRequest
            method = "personal_sign",
            @params = new object[] { "0x00", identityCache.Identity!.Address.ToString() },
        }, ct);

        Debug.Log($"My signature is: {signature}");

    public async UniTask GetPermissions(CancellationToken ct)
        GetPermissionResponse[] permissions = await ethereumApi.SendAsync<GetPermissionResponse[]>(new EthApiRequest
            method = "wallet_getPermissions",
            @params = Array.Empty<object>(),
        }, ct);

        Debug.Log($"List of permissions is: {JsonUtility.ToJson(permissions)}");

From the SDK (ts/js)

The EthereumApiWrapper.SendAsync(...) class acts as a bridge to the sdk and responds to SendAsyncResponse, being jsonAnyResponse field represented in the schema:

    "id": number,
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": the raw data from

Requesting user's mana balance:

import {createEthereumProvider} from "@dcl/sdk/ethereum-provider";
import {ContractFactory, RequestManager} from "eth-connect";
import manaAbi from "./contracts/manaAbi";

export async function readUserManaBalance() {
    try {
        const provider = createEthereumProvider()
        const requestManager = new RequestManager(provider)
        const factory = new ContractFactory(requestManager, manaAbi)
        const manaSepoliaContractAddress = '0xfa04d2e2ba9aec166c93dfeeba7427b2303befa9'
        const contract = (await as any
        const userAddress = '0x...'
        const balance = await contract.balanceOf(userAddress)
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Errored reading user mana balance', error)

Another example for requesting eth_signTypedData_v4 method:

import {createEthereumProvider, RPCSendableMessage} from "@dcl/sdk/ethereum-provider";

async function request(message: RPCSendableMessage): Promise<any> {
  const provider = createEthereumProvider()
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
      provider.sendAsync(message, (error, result) => {
        if (error) {

export async function signTypedData() {
    try {
      const userAddress = '0x...';
      const result = await request({
            id: 20,
            jsonrpc: '2.0',
            method: 'eth_signTypedData_v4',
            params: [
                    types: {
                        EIP712Domain: [
                                name: 'name',
                                type: 'string'
                                name: 'version',
                                type: 'string'
                                name: 'chainId',
                                type: 'uint256'
                                name: 'verifyingContract',
                                type: 'address'
                        Person: [
                                name: 'name',
                                type: 'string'
                                name: 'wallet',
                                type: 'address'
                        Mail: [
                                name: 'from',
                                type: 'Person'
                                name: 'to',
                                type: 'Person'
                                name: 'contents',
                                type: 'string'
                    primaryType: 'Mail',
                    domain: {
                        name: 'Ether Mail',
                        version: '1',
                        chainId: 11155111,
                        verifyingContract: '0xCcCCccccCCCCcCCCCCCcCcCccCcCCCcCcccccccC'
                    message: {
                        from: {
                            name: 'Cow',
                            wallet: '0xCD2a3d9F938E13CD947Ec05AbC7FE734Df8DD826'
                        to: {
                            name: 'Bob',
                            wallet: '0xbBbBBBBbbBBBbbbBbbBbbbbBBbBbbbbBbBbbBBbB'
                        contents: 'Hello, Bob!'
        console.log('Personal sign result', result)
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Errored signing message', error)