diff --git a/content/creator/sdk7/media/audio-streaming.md b/content/creator/sdk7/media/audio-streaming.md
index 04125f63..3504ec46 100644
--- a/content/creator/sdk7/media/audio-streaming.md
+++ b/content/creator/sdk7/media/audio-streaming.md
@@ -37,6 +37,21 @@ Set the volume of the `AudioStream` component by changing its `volume` property.
Switch the `AudioStream` component on or off by setting its `playing` property to _true_ or _false_.
+{{< hint info >}}
+**📔 Note**:
+Not all streaming services allow you to play their audio outside their site. The following are some examples that work in Decentraland:
+RAVE = ‘https://icecast.ravepartyradio.org/ravepartyradio-192.mp3’
+DELTA = ‘https://cdn.instream.audio/:9069/stream?_=171cd6c2b6e’
+GRAFFITI = ‘https://n07.radiojar.com/2qm1fc5kb.m4a?1617129761=&rj-tok=AAABeIR7VqwAilDFeUM39SDjmw&rj-ttl=5’
+SIGNS = ‘https://edge.singsingmusic.net/MC2.mp3’
+JAZZ = ‘https://live.vegascity.fm/radio/8010/the_flamingos.mp3’
+{{< /hint >}}
diff --git a/content/creator/sdk7/web-editor/smart-items.md b/content/creator/sdk7/web-editor/smart-items.md
index 6a3c5fe1..01d9d042 100644
--- a/content/creator/sdk7/web-editor/smart-items.md
+++ b/content/creator/sdk7/web-editor/smart-items.md
@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ Here are some common items and their default behaviors:
- **Chests**: They behave like doors, by default are opened or closed when clicking. You can place smaller items inside them.
- **Platforms**: They move between two positions. Use their tween actions to control where they move to, their speed, etc.
- **Trigger area**: An [invisible item](#invisible-items) that can trigger other smart items when the player walks into its area. See [About trigger areas](#about-trigger-areas).
+- **Video Player**: A screen for showing videos or live streams. See [Playing Videos](#playing-videos).
+- **Audio Stream**: Play audio from a live stream. See [Playing Audio Streams](#playing-audio-streams)
+- **NFT**: Display an NFT image as a portrait. See [Displaying NFTs](#displaying-nfts)
All smart items can be configured to behave in custom ways. For example, change what sounds a door plays when opened, how far a platform moves, etc.
@@ -85,9 +88,26 @@ The **Actions** component lists actions that the item can carry out. Each smart
- **Play Sound**: Plays a sound from a file, at the location of the item. See [About playing sounds](#about-playing-sounds)
- **Stop Sound**: Stops all sounds playing from the item.
- **Start Tween**: Makes a gradual change in position, rotation or scale over a given period. See [Moving, rotating or scaling](#moving-rotating-or-scaling).
-- **Change Visibility**: Makes the item visible or invisible.
+- **Set Visibility**: Makes the item visible or invisible.
- **Attach To Player**: Sets the item as a child of the player's avatar. For example to carry it on their hand or above their head.
- **Detach From Player**: Detaches the item from the player's avatar.
+- **Open Link**: Opens a link to an external website.
+ {{< hint info >}}
+ **📔 Note**:
+ This action can only happen as a result of clicking on an item. It can't be triggered by walking into a trigger area.
+ {{< /hint >}}
+- **Teleport Player**: Teleport a player to the coordinates of another scene in Decentraland. Players will appear in the spawn-point of the destination scene.
+- **Play Emote**: Make the player's avatar perform an animation.
+- **Show Text**: Display text on the screen's UI, to be hidden after a few seconds. Ideal hints, dialog lines, notifications, etc.
+- **Hide Text**: Hides any UI text that might be currently displayed.
+- **Start Delay**: Delays another action of the same item by as many seconds as you need.
+- **Stop Delay**: Cancels any delayed actions on the item.
+- **Start Loop**: Replays an action from the same item recurrently at a given interval.
+- **Stop Loop**: Cancels any looped actions on the item.
+- **Play Video Stream**: See [Playing Videos](#playing-videos).
+- **Stop Video Stream**: Stop any videos currently played.
+- **Play Audio Stream**: [Playing Audio Streams](#playing-audio-streams)
+- **Stop Audio Stream**: Stop any audio streams currently playing.
See [states and conditional logic](#states-and-conditional-logic) to learn about other actions related to logic conditions.
@@ -234,6 +254,67 @@ For example, use this to make a platform move continually. Use an **On Spawn** t
+##Â Playing videos
+Play videos from either:
+- **Local files**: Upload a video file as part of the scene, then point the _URL_ field to the path to that file.
+- **Stream from a URL**: Point to a live or pre-recorded stream on the web, for example from Vimeo.
+ {{< hint info >}}
+ **📔 Note**:
+ You can't stream a video from YouTube or similar sites, as these only allow displaying their content in their branded HTML widget. See See [About External Streaming]({{< ref "/content/creator/sdk7/media/video-playing.md#about-external-streaming" >}}) for options and tips.
+ {{< /hint >}}
+- **Stream live from DCL Cast**: This simplified service lets you easily set up a live stream as a scene owner. See [Decentraland Cast]({{< ref "/creator/worlds/cast.md">}}).
+There are two options for when to play a video:
+- Configure the **Video Player** component of the item directly. This makes the video start playing as soon as the scene loads.
+- Define an Action of type **Play Video Stream**. This lets you trigger the playing of the video as the result of a player interaction, like walking into a room, or pushing a button.
+You can configure the volume of the video's sounds. Note that the audio from the stream is not positional, it is heard at an even volume through all your scene.
+You can also configure the video to either loop or play once.
+{{< hint warning >}}
+**📔 Note**: Avoid playing more than one video at any given time in your scene, because it can severely impact performance for players. Always stop other videos before playing a second video.
+{{< /hint >}}
+##Â Playing audio streams
+Play an audio stream from a URL.
+{{< hint info >}}
+**📔 Note**:
+Not all streaming services allow you to play their audio outside their site. The following are some examples that work in Decentraland:
+RAVE = ‘https://icecast.ravepartyradio.org/ravepartyradio-192.mp3’
+DELTA = ‘https://cdn.instream.audio/:9069/stream?_=171cd6c2b6e’
+GRAFFITI = ‘https://n07.radiojar.com/2qm1fc5kb.m4a?1617129761=&rj-tok=AAABeIR7VqwAilDFeUM39SDjmw&rj-ttl=5’
+SIGNS = ‘https://edge.singsingmusic.net/MC2.mp3’
+JAZZ = ‘https://live.vegascity.fm/radio/8010/the_flamingos.mp3’
+{{< /hint >}}
+You can adjust the volume of your stream. Note that the audio from the stream is not positional, it is heard at an even volume through all your scene.
+##Â Displaying NFTs
+To display an NFT on Ethereum mainnet on a picture frame, you must provide a valid URN including the NFT's contract and ID. For example:
+See [Required permissions]({{< ref "/content/creator/sdk7/media/display-a-certified-nft.md#">}}) for more details.
+You can also configure a background color, this is particularly useful for NFTs with a transparent background.
+You can also chose a **frame style**, to frame the NFT in a variety of different styles, classic and modern.
## Invisible items
Some items are not meant to be seen by the player, but are visible while editing your scene to make them easier to manage. This is the case for items like **Ambience**, **Trigger Area**, **Click Area**, etc.
@@ -338,5 +419,7 @@ initAssetPacks(engine, pointerEventsSystem, {
+ Material,
+ VideoPlayer
diff --git a/static/images/editor/video-from-action.png b/static/images/editor/video-from-action.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4d3db4d3
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/images/editor/video-from-action.png differ
diff --git a/static/images/editor/video-from-start.png b/static/images/editor/video-from-start.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e1f7121a
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/images/editor/video-from-start.png differ