- 🌍 I'm based in Hamburg.
- 🧠 I ❤️ building things people use.
- 🧠 I consider DevOps a culture, and I believe that "Culture eats strategy for breakfast".
- 🧠 I consider complexity very bad, and I always aim at simplicity.
- 🧠 Cost of Software roughly equals Cost of Change (Kent Beck). Agility is a key architectural charateristic. Build for Change. 🚀.
- 🧠 I'm learning GitOps so I can help ship things fast and safe 🚀.
- 🧠 I like it functional and declarative.
- 💬 Ask me about driving state.
- 🤝 I'm open for collaboration on Kubernetes, Cloud, Distributed Systems, Clojure and around the JVM.
- 🌍 I run contentreich.de.