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Copy and paste the following markdown list into a deal.II Issue:

Pre-Release testing, QA and final code changes:

The following is a list of ouststanding QA tests that should be checked before proceeding with a release. In order to avoid duplicated efforts, add your a tag @name with your name after assigned: and link corresponding pull requests after pr:. Finally, tick of the box when the task is done.

  • Update regression tester (assigned:, pr: —) Check and (if necessary) update testing infrastructure so that at least one configuration runs with the latest versions of external dependencies and compilers. Also temporarily remove all test exclusion lists from the regression tester and re-evaluate whether they still have to be excluded.
  • Outstanding issues and pull-requests Check issues and pull-requests for outstanding fixes. Update release milestones
  • cppcheck (assigned:, pr:) Run cppcheck across all source files: cppcheck --force -j4 --enable=all -I./include/ ./source/*/*.cc >cppcheck-results.txt 2>&1 and look for anything that should obviously be fixed.
  • codespell (assigned:, pr:) Run codespell across all source files: codespell ./contrib/ ./cmake/ ./doc/ ./examples/ ./include/ ./source/ and look for typos and spelling mistakes that should be fixed.
  • clang-tidy (assigned:, pr:) Run clang tidy via: mkdir build && cd build ../contrib/utilities/ ../ and check that no warnings are reported.
  • doxygen reflinks (assigned:, pr:) Check doxygen commands and reflinks: cd include find . -iname "*h" -exec ../contrib/utilities/ {} \; > /dev/null Also check: grep -l '@ref[^"]*"[^"]*$' **/*.h grep -l '@ref$' **/*.h NOTE: Do not use to actually reflow comments - the script causes too much churn with little value.
  • doxygen (assigned:, pr:) Check that doxygen produces no errors when generating the documentation. Also check that the tutorial dot graph gets generated.
  • Copyright years (assigned:, pr:) Run the copyright script: ./contrib/utilities/update-copyright and make a pull request with a commit title "Update copyright years".
  • Examples (assigned:, pr:) Configure, build and run all examples by hand: cd examples for i in step-* ; do (cd $i ; cmake -DDEAL_II_DIR=../.. . ; make ; make run) ; done This step will require looking at the output and checking whether anything untoward is happening.
  • Code Gallery (assigned:, pr: —) Do the same for the code gallery examples: They should at the very least compile. If possible, also run them to make sure they don't trip up any exceptions.
  • Update .gitattributes (assigned:, pr:) Check that .gitattributes is up to date by using git archive and checking that the contents is meaningful. In particular, do quicktests still run?
  • Update authors (assigned:, pr: —) Update the authors list on the homepage authors.html by cross-referencing doc/news/changes.h and the git commit history: egrep '[0-9]+/[0-9]+/[0-9]+' doc/news/changes/*/* | perl -p -e 's/^.*\(//g; s#, *[0-9/]+\)##g; s/, */\n/g;' | sort | uniq Compare with the git commit history between the last release and current master: git log --date=short --format="%an %aE" v9.4.0..HEAD | grep -v 'dependabot\[bot\]' | sort | uniq The list of contributors to the current release should also be copied to the end of the release paper.
  • Changes file (assigned:, pr:) This step should happen immediately before branching off so that the changes file does not need to get updated again.
    • Create a new changes files by running the following commands: mkdir build-doc && cd build-doc cmake -DDOCUMENTATION=ON ../ make documentation cp doc/news/changes.h ../doc/news/9.4.0-vs-9.5.0.h cd ../
    • Manually check doc/news/9.4.0-vs-9.5.0.h for dead links, duplicated entries, obsolete entries (e.g., commit 1 adds feature A, commit 2 fixes feature A), etc. Update @page title and copyright year.
    • Then, git checkout -b update-changes-file git add doc/news/9.4.0-vs-9.5.0.h git commit -m "Update the changelog file for the release."
      ```git commit -m "Remove now obsolete files."```
      ```touch doc/news/changes/{major,minor,incompatibilities}/20230623dummy```
      ```git add doc/news/changes/{major,minor,incompatibilities}/20230623dummy```
      ```git commit -m "Add dummy files."```
    • Adjust doc/users/doxygen.html to link to the to-be-created TAG file.
    • Make a pull request

Branching off the release branch:

The following steps have to be done by a single developer (with admin privileges on the repository)

  • Create and push a release branch
    • Verify that the local master branch is up to date and create local branch: git checkout master && git pull git status git checkout -b dealii-9.5 (Note: exactly dealii-9.5 to remain consistent!)
    • Update VERSION file from 9.5.0-pre to 9.5.0-rc0: echo 9.5.0-rc0 > VERSION Note: Please do not use 9.5.0, or 9.5.0-rc1, directly because the soname is derived from the current version number. Therefore, 9.5.0 should only be used for the final, tagged and distributed code. git commit -a -m "update VERSION" Note: This commit is done without a pull request! We use the update VERSION commits to tag releases and release candidates and therefore should be plain commits on the release branch.
    • Push the branch to github (assuming origin points to github): ```git push origin dealii-9.5`
  • Github: Update branch properties Check branch properties on github! This should be set automatically but nevertheless make sure that the following options are set: push protection + mandatory test + mandatory number of reviews, best between 2 and 3.
  • Main branch: Update version git checkout master git checkout -b update_version
    • Update the VERSION file from 9.5.0-pre to 9.6.0-pre. echo 9.6.0-pre > VERSION Note: Conservatively only increment the minor version even if the plan is to later release a major update — it is always possible to convert 9.4 into 10.0 later, but one can't easily back down any more.
    • git commit -a -m "Update VERSION"
    • Make a pull request against main branch (master).

Post-Branching tasks and cleanup:

The following is a list of ouststanding tasks that have to happen on the release branch before we can tag a release (candidate). In order to avoid duplicated efforts, add your a tag @name with your name after assigned: and link corresponding pull requests after pr:. Finally, tick of the box when the task is done.

  • Update and (assigned:, pr:)
    • Create an file in the top-level directory of the branch that contains a text-only copy of the authors.html file from the website. You can start from lynx -dump -nolist >AUTHORS and format it like this:
    • Update to point to the file: [...] refers to the people listed in the file
    • git add git commit -a -m "update and"
    • Make a pull request against release branch (dealii-9.5).
  • Remove unfinished tutorial programs. (assigned:, pr:)
    • Delete directories on the release branch: cd examples git rm -r step-... ...
    • These steps should also not be listed on the branch in doc/doxygen/tutorial/
    • git commit -a -m "remove unfinished example steps"
    • Make a pull request against the release branch (dealii-9.5).
  • Update deprecations (assigned:, pr:) On the main branch, replace all occurrences of DEAL_II_DEPRECATED_EARLY by DEAL_II_DEPRECATED in the library. Note: This is a time critical task so that we don't lose track what declarations have been deprecated (early) before or after this release.
  • Update version dependencies (assigned:, pr:)
    • On mainline, do something like this to require the current dev version for the tutorials and in the documentation: perl -pi -e 's/deal.II 9.5.0/deal.II 9.6.0/g;' examples/*/CMakeLists.txt
    • Also check doc/users/* and tests/*: grep "FIND_PACKAGE(deal.II" -r doc/ tests/
    • git commit -a -m "Require the current version of deal.II."
    • Make a pull request against main branch (master).
  • Documentation check (assigned:, pr:) Ensure once more that the documentation is generated cleanly:
    • Ensure that the code gallery is in place: git clone
    • Generate documentation mkdir build && cd build cmake -DDOCUMENTATION=ON -DDEAL_II_DOXYGEN_USE_MATHJAX=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install> make documentation cd <install>/doc for i in `find . | egrep '\.html$'` ; do perl <source>/doc/doxygen/scripts/ $i ; done

Create a release:

The following steps have to be done by a single developer (with admin privileges on the repository)

  • Push the button
    • Update VERSION file from 9.5.0-rc0 to 9.5.0-rc1 (or 9.5.0 for the final release): echo 9.5.0-rc1 > VERSION git commit -a -m "update VERSION for release" Note: This commit is done without a pull request! We use the update VERSION commits to tag releases and release candidates and therefore should be plain commits on the release branch.
    • Create a signed tag for the commit: git tag -s -m "deal.II Pre-Release Version 9.5.0-rc1" v9.5.0-rc1 or alternatively for a release: git tag -s -m "deal.II Version 9.5.0" v9.5.0 You need a working gnupg key for this. (You should have anyway :-P)
    • Push the changes to github (assuming origin points to github): git push origin dealii-9.5 v9.5.0-rc1
  • Create and sign tar archive
    • Github automatically generates a source tarball from the current repository state, see
    • Download the source tarball from github, verify that its contents is what we expect, e.g., by doing the following in a clean repository: git checkout v9.5.0-rc1 tar --strip-components=1 -xvf dealii-9.5.0-rc1.tar.gz git status Now, the last git status will only record some deleted files but must not show any modified file contents!
    • Sign it: gpg --detach-sign --armor dealii-9.5.0-rc1.tar.gz
  • Create and sign documentation tar archive
    • Check out the code-gallery at the correct path
    • Install MathJax locally and export the path, for example on Debian/Gentoo: export MATHJAX_ROOT="/usr/share/mathjax"
    • Generate and install the documentation from a clean working directory containing the tagged release and configure with: cmake -DDOCUMENTATION=ON -DDEAL_II_DOXYGEN_USE_MATHJAX=ON -DDEAL_II_DOXYGEN_USE_ONLINE_MATHJAX=OFF \ -DDEAL_II_COMPILE_EXAMPLES=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install> make documentation make examples
    • Download images: <install>/doc/doxygen/deal.II <source dir>/contrib/utilities/
    • (In the same directory) copy mathjax and fix includes: cp -r "$MATHJAX_ROOT" mathjax sed -i -e "s#$MATHJAX_ROOT#mathjax#" **/*.html
    • Grep the documentation for "full path leaks", for example grep for your user name and the git repository location and fix up all remaining locations (in particular deal.tag)
    • Create dealii-9.5.0-rc1-offline_documentation.tar.gz: cd <install> tar --numeric-owner --owner=0 --group=0 -cvf dealii-9.5.0-rc1-offline_documentation.tar doc examples gzip dealii-9.2.0-offline_documentation.tar
    • And sign it: gpg --detach-sign --armor dealii-9.5.0-rc1-offline_documentation.tar.gz
  • Create a (pre-)release on github
    • Got to and select the just uploaded v9.5.0-rc1 tag and click on "add release notes". Use the following information: Tag: v9.0.0-rc1 existing tag Release title: deal.II pre-release version 9.0.0-rc1 Description: "" Note: For a release use: Tag: dealii-9.5.0 existing tag Release title: deal.II version 9.5.0 Description: [Short version of release notes as found in announce-9.5] A full list of changes can be found at
    • Attach dealii-9.5.0-rc1.tar.gz (yes, once again), dealii-9.5.0-rc1.tar.gz.asc, dealii-9.5.0-rc1-offline_documentation.tar.gz, dealii-9.5.0-rc1-offline_documentation.tar.gz.asc.

Post (Pre-)release steps:

The following is a list of ouststanding tasks that have to happen after we tagged a release (candidate). In order to avoid duplicated efforts, add your a tag @name with your name after assigned:. Finally, tick of the box when the task is done.

  • Generate the documentation on the webserver (assigned:)
  • Adjust header.include on the homepage (assigned:) Change links to the documentation of the most recent version; change the link to the changes_after_X_Y_Z.html file.
  • Adjust news.html on the homepage (assigned:)
    • add a new entry for the release using the link to the copied changes.h file from above
    • also rotate the news entry in the short news blurbb on the fron page in index.html
  • Generate MAC bundles and attach to current (pre-)release (assigned:)
  • Update deal.II package in Spack (assigned:)
  • Update deal.II package in Candi (assigned:)
  • Update deal.II package in Gentoo (assigned:)
  • Update deal.II package in Ubuntu/Debian and generate PPA for Ubuntu LTS (assigned:)
  • Update deal.II package in Archlinux AUR (assigned:)
  • Update deal.II Virtualbox Images (assigned:)
  • Release announcements (assigned: —)
    • on the user mailing list
    • send a separate mail with the list of contributors for this release
    • on social media (facebook, twitter)
    • send a news item to NADigest; web form breaks longer lines automatically, so keep them long to avoid awkward formatting;
    • SIAM CS&E digest
  • Update wikipedia pages (assigned:)