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This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 5, 2017. It is now read-only.

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113 lines (87 loc) · 5.46 KB

File metadata and controls

113 lines (87 loc) · 5.46 KB

Upstream Issues

Since WPCS employs many sniffs that are part of PHPCS, sometimes an issue will be caused by a bug in PHPCS and not in WPCS itself. Before reporting a bug, you should check what sniff an error is coming from. Running phpcs with the -s flag, which will show the names of the sniffs with each error. If the error message in question doesn't come from a sniff whose name starts with WordPress, the issue is probably a bug in PHPCS itself, and should be reported there.


Ongoing development will be done in the develop with merges done into master once considered stable.

To contribute an improvement to this project, fork the repo and open a pull request to the develop branch. Alternatively, if you have push access to this repo, create a feature branch prefixed by feature/ and then open an intra-repo PR from that branch to develop.

Once a commit is made to develop, a PR should be opened from develop into master and named "Next release". This PR will then serve provide a second round of Travis CI checks (especially for any hotfixes pushed directly to the develop branch), and provide collaborators with a forum to discuss the upcoming stable release.

Unit Testing


Make sure you have phpunit installed and available in your PATH. If you have installed phpcs and the WordPress-Coding-Standards as noted in the README, then you can navigate to the directory where the phpcs repo is checked out and do:

git checkout phpcs-fixer # needed temporarily until PHPCS 2.0
phpunit --filter WordPress tests/AllTests.php

Expected output:

PHPUnit 3.7.18 by Sebastian Bergmann.


Time: 1 second, Memory: 37.00Mb

OK (15 tests, 0 assertions)

You can ignore any skipped tests as these are for PHP_CodeSniffer external tools.

The reason why we need to checkout from PHP_CodeSniffer git repo to run the tests is because PEAR installation is intended for ready-to-use not for development. At some point WordPress-Coding-Standards might be submitted to PHP_CodeSniffer repo and using their existing convention for unit tests will eventually help them to test the code before merging in.

Unit Testing conventions

If you see inside the WordPress/Tests, the structure mimics the WordPress/Sniffs. For example, the WordPress/Sniffs/Arrays/ArrayDeclarationSniff.php sniff has unit test class defined in WordPress/Tests/Arrays/ArrayDeclarationUnitTest.php that check WordPress/Tests/Arrays/ file. See the file naming convention? Lets take a look what inside ArrayDeclarationUnitTest.php:

class WordPress_Tests_Arrays_ArrayDeclarationUnitTest extends AbstractSniffUnitTest
    public function getErrorList()
        return array(
                3 => 1,
                7 => 1,
                9 => 1,
                16 => 1,
                31 => 2,

    }//end getErrorList()

Also note the class name convention. The method getErrorList MUST return an array of line numbers indicating errors (when running phpcs) found in WordPress/Tests/Arrays/ If you run:

$ cd /path-to-cloned/phpcs
$ ./scripts/phpcs --standard=Wordpress -s CodeSniffer/Standards/WordPress/Tests/Arrays/
  3 | ERROR   | Array keyword should be lower case; expected "array" but found
    |         | "Array" (WordPress.Arrays.ArrayDeclaration)
  7 | ERROR   | There must be no space between the Array keyword and the
    |         | opening parenthesis (WordPress.Arrays.ArrayDeclaration)
  9 | ERROR   | Empty array declaration must have no space between the
    |         | parentheses (WordPress.Arrays.ArrayDeclaration)
 12 | WARNING | No space after opening parenthesis of array is bad style
    |         | (WordPress.Arrays.ArrayDeclaration)
 12 | WARNING | No space before closing parenthesis of array is bad style
    |         | (WordPress.Arrays.ArrayDeclaration)
 16 | ERROR   | Each line in an array declaration must end in a comma
    |         | (WordPress.Arrays.ArrayDeclaration)
 31 | ERROR   | Expected 1 space between "'type'" and double arrow; 0 found
    |         | (WordPress.Arrays.ArrayDeclaration)
 31 | ERROR   | Expected 1 space between double arrow and "'post'"; 0 found
    |         | (WordPress.Arrays.ArrayDeclaration)
 31 | ERROR   | Expected 1 space before "=>"; 0 found
    |         | (WordPress.WhiteSpace.OperatorSpacing)
 31 | ERROR   | Expected 1 space after "=>"; 0 found
    |         | (WordPress.WhiteSpace.OperatorSpacing)

You'll see the line number and number of ERRORs we need to return in getErrorList method. In line #31 there are two ERRORs belong to WordPress.WhiteSpace.OperatorSpacing sniff and it MUST not included in ArrayDeclarationUnitTest (that's why we only return 2 errros for line #31). Also there's getWarningList method in unit test class that returns an array of line numbers indicating WARNINGs.

Sniff Code Standards

The sniffs for WPCS should be written such that they pass the WordPress-Core code standards.