Various classes to make work with OWL ontologies more convenient. Contains a formatter to format OWL ontologies using DL syntax, which can also be used from the command line to make it convenient to browse large OWL files. Provides new datastructures for representing OWL axioms and concepts to allow for a more convenient access from Scala using pattern matching (uses case classes). Provides a parser for a simplified DL syntax.
This library was developed for and tested with Java version 8.
To build a fat jar of the library, compile as follows:
mvn clean compile assembly:single
Then the formatter can be used from the commad line as follows:
java -cp target/scala-2.12/lat-scala-dl-tools-standalone.jar OWL-FILE
To run tests via Maven use: mvn clean install -DskipTests=false
To compile and publish via Maven use: mvn clean install