[](https://travis-ci.org/David Conner/Spectra)
This is a library for building on top of Metal for iOS and OSX. This is one of my first forays into graphics programming, so you've been warned.
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
Spectra is available through CocoaPods. To install, add pod 'Spectra'
to your Podfile
David Conner, [email protected]
Spectra is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
READ: Metal Programming Guide
READ: Caltech Geometry Papers
explore Swinject or Dip dependency injection
I wrote this basic OSX app MetalSpectrograph with Metal. I just got an iPhone, so i want to refactor out my code into this app. Instead of just copying and pasting what I have (which can barely render 20,000 triangles) I want to rewrite it, so it's at least decent. I don't want to use another 3d framework.
However, after watching and rewatching some of the WWDC videos from 2014/2015, I have a lot of questions I keep circling around to when assessing how to get from my current design to one that is "decent" from a performance and code maintainence/flexibility standpoint.
Need to check out MathGeoLib
, which may be of use to include alongside Spectra. But may be best not to tangle in with Spectra itself.
Need to check out the license for CAGL
, which looks amazing, but it seems there's some restrictions for commercial application distribution
Nodes are objects with uniformables, etc
Node generators generate vertexes and vertex-triangle maps, which can also be used to index texture/color coordinates.
Nodes should just have a map of buffers?
NodeGenerators should also create vertex-face maps. best way to generate an ID for the faces?
vertex-face maps allow for vertex-face tesselation using compute generator
need to better understand complicated geometry shhit like {3,2,,4} like wtf does that even mean? probably useful when creating compute generators for geometry
vertex-morph maps: compute generators to create either random or non-random maps of vertices to ID vertices to move as groups... whoa dude
or like a 3D slice map: approximate all vertices that lie in a plane by approximating the plane to a linear 3D slice or a slice of a 3D funciton. this generates a vertex morph map, to be used to modulate vertex position or color
is this even a problem i want to worry about? or should this be user defined?
Tensor maps need to be vertex-vertex maps defining the graph between nodes. for simplicity, they should be limited to a set number of relationships between each node (at first)
Tensor data lists contain one entry for every vertex-vertex edge and define a set number of parameters for each edge. Tensor data lists can be applied to modulate vertices, textures and colors. Tensor data lists will need to be input to compute/vertex/fragment shaders, and also copied
it seems like maybe i wouldn't, but that I also don't want to allocate new command buffers, so maybe i do need a separate pool.
I want an easy way to list a bunch of objects on screen and have them be rendered using various settings and textures.
change encode function to accept a block? then configure behavior for renderer in view or scene?
I should "only create one per render pass" is the advice given in the wwdc talk. At least, until I need multiples per render pass. My point is, i shouldn't need one per Renderer and i shouldn't need one renderer per object.
it looks like a render encoder only works for like one vertex/fragment function, but that can't be true.
any of the .set
methods can be called on a renderEncoder without generating a new one.
the easiest and best option here would be to have a renderStrategy object for a scene, which takes a list of pipelineState keys, along with blocks for each transition. at this point, it's up to the user (via the scene) to decide how to transition between each renderEncoder. the renderStrategy will accept the next block, which either transitions the renderEncoder to an acceptable state, or creates a new one from the commandBuffer.
There should be an analogous computeStrategy. renderStrategy should be nestable. these should provide enough flexibility.
with an array texture or texture atlas
create various pipelineStateDescriptors for each combination of vertex/fragment function. pipelineStateDescriptors also describe the colorAttachments and depthAttachments
create map of pipelineState's during initilazation, then pass in renderEncoder and pipelineState to encode(), along with block for encoding vertexBuffers & fragmentBuffers
could reset with a transition block, that defines commands to apply during the transition from one pipelineState to another
or i could reset to a known default state (for DepthStencilState and RenderPipelineState)
device.createBuffer for each object? or concatenate vertex, etc data for groups of objects and pass vertex start/count info for each object.
E.G. vertex-triangle maps. common structure for vertex-tensor maps, etc? Interface for automatically allocating the required maps?
or explore using MTLVertexBufferLayoutDescriptor?
just wrap buffers in buffer provider pattern?
in the wwdc 2015 video for advanced metal, the dev mentions that what is written to a vertex/fragment buffer needs to stick around long enough after it's encoded for the GPU to render it. But, if so, what's the point of StorageModeShared if you would have to constantly copy the updates you've made to other buffers in that buffer pool?
E.G. i want to stream audio waveform/fft data from EZAudio into StorageModeShared (or managed) memory. However, if i should use a semaphore and pool of buffers for this and then i need to copy updates from the last two frames to the next frame's buffer, that pretty much negates the benefits i receive from using this and makes it an order of magnitude more complicated. So that can't be the right answer.
At the same time, if i want to use the CPU to setup the next frame while the GPU renders and i'm using a single vertex buffer, instead of a semaphore & buffer pool, then I may be stomping all over my changes from the last frame. Maybe this doesn't matter for my application, where I'm essentially streaming in vertex data from FFT.
update: looks like no, encoder.setBytes() encodes using a copy of data! excellent.
By 'inputs', i mean the data i'm using below in setBytes
. similarly to the
situation described above, and perhaps more inportantly, if the data
referenced by the pointer &data changes between this frame and the next,
the the fragment shader may be receiving data that's invalid.
For me, this is important because i'm writing FFT audio to a circular buffer, then using a BufferInput to tell the vertex shader where the data starts. Except I'm getting some very wierd behavior. I'm not sure if this is the cause. But, if the circular buffer start byte is lagging behind, this may cause some wierd behavior.
renderEncoder.setVertexBytes(&data, length: data.size(), atIndex: bufferId)
In the advanced metal vid, the dev warns not to use reflection unless needed. I thought this would be an amazing way to make my vertex/fragment shaders reusable. I could reflect on the method definitions to determine what kinds of data the function required, then attach what I have (if i have it) and attach acceptable default values if i don't.
I doubt I'd get to the point where I use metal reflection any time soon, but I imagine it'd be incredibly useful for certain applications.
how do i do this? This is one of those features i saw mentioned in the metal docs somewhere that sounds like it enables very flexible shader code.
While one of the performance gains of Metal is compiling shaders at build time, this implies the ability to compile them at run time (or more preferably app startup time). Or perhaps I can iterate through my code and identify all the 'fragments' of vertex/fragment shaders that I might need and use the metal command line tools to glue them together and build a custom library (still at build time) I know this is possible, but how do i do it?