diff --git a/bootstrap_files/dummy_md.xml b/bootstrap_files/dummy_md.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8db5537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bootstrap_files/dummy_md.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bootstrap_files/dummy_oidc_frontend.yaml b/bootstrap_files/dummy_oidc_frontend.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..735f406
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bootstrap_files/dummy_oidc_frontend.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+module: satosa_openid4vci.openid4vci.OpenID4VCIFrontend
+name: oidc-front
+ domain: localhost
+ server_name: localhost
+ base_url:
+ storage:
+ class: satosa_oidcop.core.storage.file.FilesystemDBNoCache
+ kwargs:
+ fdir: storage
+ key_conv: idpyoidc.util.Base64
+ value_conv: idpyoidc.util.JSON
+ default_target_backend: Saml2SP
+ salt_size: 8
+ op:
+ server_info:
+ entity_id:
+ persistence:
+ class: satosa_idpyop.persistence.federation_entity.FEPersistence
+ kwargs:
+ storage:
+ class: satosa_idpyop.core.storage.file.FilesystemDBNoCache
+ kwargs:
+ fdir: fe_storage
+ key_conv: idpyoidc.util.Base64
+ value_conv: idpyoidc.util.JSON
+ key_config:
+ key_defs:
+ - type: RSA
+ use:
+ - sig
+ - type: EC
+ crv: P-256
+ use:
+ - sig
+ private_path: private/pid_fed_keys.json
+ public_path: public/pid_fed_keys.json
+ read_only: false
+ preference:
+ organization_name: The OP operator
+ contacts: operations@op.example.com
+ authority_hints:
+ - https://openidfed-test-1.sunet.se:7001
+ trust_marks:
+ - eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IlUzTTRNMDlPTUZGaGNuTnJVbGhyVkU5ckxVOUpWMGwxVHpSaExXVjZVV1l4VlZOaE1UZzRVbWRxT0EifQ.eyJpYXQiOiAxNzE5ODQ2NjU0LCAiaWQiOiAiaHR0cDovL2RjNGV1LmV4YW1wbGUuY29tL1BlcnNvbklkZW50aWZpY2F0aW9uRGF0YS9zZSIsICJzdWIiOiAiaHR0cHM6Ly9zYXRvc2EtdGVzdC0xLnN1bmV0LnNlIiwgImV4cCI6IDE3NTEzODI2NTQsICJpc3MiOiAiaHR0cHM6Ly9vcGVuaWRmZWQtdGVzdC0xLnN1bmV0LnNlOjYwMDEifQ.p6zwGA2dK8OMWjzE2dMn3Bi3YDxmBpUGoDrNpiUaR1fAwL8kfFJZrW8lVRf1VybWkVZgXRJPsX90aoGEVmwdw30JEz18yGwAtoUtt19eYGjThArCxIGLYCaA9EhqWdNhAWAE5ust4sezZl57WsuPALGdVDZC0NKnue7mTqH_2cZj6REEpUeJ4n6OVwsJHqLg2oG87UYvxq1KZBwcbFji7nJMwu-Cmmv8NVL2FLQiHLKB5XlM6cMZpHorR2NwhQLUEiKsY8Ch5YkMN7-alFTH_afAAWTIDuGcoKmAk2Nf459yPx3bFcGD2YkttDLYxSKIV8yBZ55y7jLOJgiVsx0cnw
+ endpoints:
+ entity_configuration:
+ path: ".well-known/openid-federation"
+ class: fedservice.entity.server.entity_configuration.EntityConfiguration
+ trust_anchors:
+ https://openidfed-test-1.sunet.se:7001:
+ keys:
+ - kty: RSA
+ use: sig
+ e: AQAB
+ "n": p9S2whcSjmBdxerp80tIJreUUmZiGNGXIocJlNjx9pgD5_WD2l6mBNuEZMpP-QUB_TSV3VesNiqmOdydGp1wkfQ-NmVdoso29FjEdgrckLIwirAVmVQ6bGQQnXJrR56mRz0QqENi11vVpbDj6hsprxK1EZBQL-sQ2kem289B_BCNT-NvwVHrYJlaQA32z7cs1a7W8wt9eLxA10PeiYMgDVU_69wKBw4YrjjozOHKMRGchUQEjQhfSZfk49bip_5TNz4dmBmSCIbdE2yilFrfRSNrh7q2myuyDE3k2QZbSOXXGGT1LtHO74WIY58v-M3A7_zxp0f2Eo9ZD3N4h-InIw
+ - kty: EC
+ use: sig
+ kid: Nm82cTJKMDkydXhxOUMtTm0teFpMWlZiR0ZVa2U3YVVtbkJTV3hBd3FqOA
+ crv: P-256
+ x: 69XlQkKYfWJDXAv_Vbrqyfz9gfAhu1qQ4mtLde18-Cg
+ "y": ntBwdhy4_cS2PRBS-xdKkNwcO1yQP8TdoOHbHN9Yjv8
+ httpc_params:
+ verify: false
+ entity_type:
+ oauth_authorization_server:
+ class: openid4v.ServerEntity
+ kwargs:
+ config:
+ client_authn_methods:
+ client_secret_basic: idpyoidc.server.client_authn.ClientSecretBasic
+ client_secret_post: idpyoidc.server.client_authn.ClientSecretPost
+ attest_jwt_client_auth: openid4v.openid_credential_issuer.client_authn.ClientAuthenticationAttestation
+ dpop_client_auth: idpyoidc.server.oauth2.add_on.dpop.DPoPClientAuth
+ client_secret_jwt: idpyoidc.server.client_authn.ClientSecretJWT
+ private_key_jwt: idpyoidc.server.client_authn.PrivateKeyJWT
+ pushed_authz: idpyoidc.server.client_authn.PushedAuthorization
+ httpc_params:
+ verify: false
+ timeout: 1
+ persistence:
+ class: satosa_idpyop.persistence.openid_provider.OPPersistence
+ kwargs:
+ storage:
+ class: satosa_idpyop.core.storage.file.FilesystemDBNoCache
+ kwargs:
+ fdir: op_storage
+ key_conv: idpyoidc.util.Base64
+ value_conv: idpyoidc.util.JSON
+ preference:
+ grant_types_supported:
+ - authorization_code
+ - implicit
+ - urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer
+ - refresh_token
+ server_type: oauth2
+ token_handler_args:
+ jwks_def:
+ private_path: private/token_jwks.json
+ read_only: false
+ key_defs:
+ - type: oct
+ bytes: 24
+ use:
+ - enc
+ kid: code
+ code:
+ lifetime: 600
+ kwargs:
+ crypt_conf:
+ kwargs:
+ keys:
+ private_path: private/token_sid_jwks.json
+ read_only: false
+ key_defs:
+ - type: oct
+ use:
+ - enc
+ kid: password
+ - type: oct
+ use:
+ - enc
+ kid: salt
+ iterations: 1
+ token:
+ class: idpyoidc.server.token.jwt_token.JWTToken
+ kwargs:
+ lifetime: 3600
+ add_claims_by_scope: true
+ refresh:
+ class: idpyoidc.server.token.jwt_token.JWTToken
+ kwargs:
+ lifetime: 3600
+ id_token:
+ class: idpyoidc.server.token.id_token.IDToken
+ kwargs:
+ base_claims:
+ email:
+ essential: true
+ email_verified:
+ essential: true
+ keys:
+ key_defs:
+ - type: RSA
+ use:
+ - sig
+ - type: EC
+ crv: P-256
+ use:
+ - sig
+ uri_path: jwks/oauth_authorization_server
+ private_path: private/oa_jwks.json
+ read_only: false
+ endpoint:
+ token:
+ path: token
+ class: openid4v.openid_credential_issuer.access_token.Token
+ kwargs:
+ client_authn_method:
+ - attest_jwt_client_auth
+ authorization:
+ path: authorization
+ class: openid4v.openid_credential_issuer.authorization.Authorization
+ kwargs:
+ response_types_supported:
+ - code
+ response_modes_supported:
+ - query
+ - form_post
+ request_parameter_supported: true
+ request_uri_parameter_supported: true
+ client_authn_method:
+ - pushed_authz
+ pushed_authorization:
+ path: par
+ class: idpyoidc.server.oauth2.pushed_authorization.PushedAuthorization
+ kwargs:
+ client_authn_method:
+ - attest_jwt_client_auth
+ add_ons:
+ pkce:
+ function: idpyoidc.server.oauth2.add_on.pkce.add_support
+ kwargs:
+ code_challenge_length: 64
+ code_challenge_method: S256
+ dpop:
+ function: idpyoidc.server.oauth2.add_on.dpop.add_support
+ kwargs:
+ dpop_signing_alg_values_supported:
+ - ES256
+ dpop_endpoints:
+ - token
+ template_dir: template
+ authentication:
+ anon:
+ acr: http://www.swamid.se/policy/assurance/al1
+ class: idpyoidc.server.user_authn.user.NoAuthn
+ kwargs:
+ user: diana
+ authz:
+ class: idpyoidc.server.authz.AuthzHandling
+ kwargs:
+ grant_config:
+ usage_rules:
+ authorization_code:
+ supports_minting:
+ - access_token
+ - refresh_token
+ - id_token
+ max_usage: 1
+ access_token: {}
+ refresh_token:
+ supports_minting:
+ - access_token
+ - refresh_token
+ - id_token
+ expires_in: 43200
+ session_params:
+ encrypter:
+ kwargs:
+ iterations: 1
+ keys:
+ key_defs:
+ - kid: password
+ type: OCT
+ use:
+ - enc
+ - kid: salt
+ type: OCT
+ use:
+ - enc
+ userinfo:
+ class: satosa_idpyop.user_info.ProxyUserInfo
+ kwargs:
+ credential_type_to_claims:
+ PersonIdentificationData:
+ - email
+ - address.streetaddress
+ - sub
+ - name
+ - family_name
+ - given_name
+ - nickname
+ openid_credential_issuer:
+ class: satosa_openid4vci.openid_credential_issuer.OpenidCredentialIssuer
+ kwargs:
+ config:
+ issuer: https://example.com/
+ client_authn_methods:
+ client_secret_basic: idpyoidc.server.client_authn.ClientSecretBasic
+ client_secret_post: idpyoidc.server.client_authn.ClientSecretPost
+ dpop_client_auth: idpyoidc.server.oauth2.add_on.dpop.DPoPClientAuth
+ attest_jwt_client_auth: openid4v.openid_credential_issuer.client_authn.ClientAuthenticationAttestation
+ add_ons:
+ dpop:
+ function: idpyoidc.server.oauth2.add_on.dpop.add_support
+ kwargs:
+ dpop_signing_alg_values_supported:
+ - ES256
+ dpop_endpoints:
+ - credential
+ persistence:
+ class: satosa_idpyop.persistence.openid_credential_issuer.OCIPersistence
+ kwargs:
+ storage:
+ class: satosa_idpyop.core.storage.file.FilesystemDBNoCache
+ kwargs:
+ fdir: op_storage
+ key_conv: idpyoidc.util.Base64
+ value_conv: idpyoidc.util.JSON
+ userinfo:
+ class: satosa_idpyop.user_info.ProxyUserInfo
+ kwargs:
+ credential_type_to_claims:
+ PersonIdentificationData:
+ - email
+ - address.streetaddress
+ - sub
+ - name
+ - family_name
+ - given_name
+ - nickname
+ httpc_params:
+ verify: false
+ timeout: 11
+ preference:
+ attribute_disclosure:
+ '':
+ - given_name
+ - family_name
+ - name
+ - email
+ - nickname
+ credential_configurations_supported:
+ PDA1Credential:
+ format: vc+sd-jwt
+ id: eudiw.pda1.se
+ cryptographic_binding_methods_supported:
+ - jwk
+ cryptographic_suites_supported:
+ - RS256
+ - RS512
+ - ES256
+ - ES512
+ display:
+ name: Swedish PDA1 Provider Example
+ locale: en-US
+ vct: PDA1Credential
+ credential_definition:
+ type:
+ - PDA1Credential
+ credentialSubject:
+ family_name:
+ display:
+ - locale: en-US
+ name: Current Family Name
+ - locale: it-IT
+ name: Cognome
+ mandatory: true
+ given_name:
+ display:
+ - locale: en-US
+ name: Current First Name
+ - locale: it-IT
+ name: Nome
+ mandatory: true
+ birth_date:
+ display:
+ - locale: en-US
+ name: Birth date
+ mandatory: true
+ EHICCredential:
+ format: vc+sd-jwt
+ id: eudiw.ehic.se
+ cryptographic_binding_methods_supported:
+ - jwk
+ cryptographic_suites_supported:
+ - RS256
+ - RS512
+ - ES256
+ - ES512
+ display:
+ name: Swedish EHIC Provider Example
+ locale: en-US
+ vct:
+ EHICCredential
+ credential_definition:
+ type:
+ - EHICCredential
+ credentialSubject:
+ family_name:
+ display:
+ - locale: en-US
+ name: Current Family Name
+ mandatory: true
+ given_name:
+ display:
+ - locale: en-US
+ name: Current First Name
+ mandatory: true
+ birth_date:
+ display:
+ - locale: en-US
+ name: Birth Date
+ mandatory: true
+ keys:
+ key_defs:
+ - type: RSA
+ use:
+ - sig
+ - type: EC
+ crv: P-256
+ use:
+ - sig
+ private_path: private/oci_jwks.json
+ read_only: false
+ endpoint:
+ credential:
+ path: credential
+ class: openid4v.openid_credential_issuer.credential.Credential
+ kwargs:
+ client_authn_method:
+ - dpop_client_auth
+ # credential_constructor:
+ # EHICCredential:
+ # class: openid4v.openid_credential_issuer.credential_constructor.authentic_source.CredentialConstructor
+ # kwargs:
+ # url: http://apigw.example.com:8080/api/v1/credential
+ # jwks_url: http://apigw.example.com:8080/api/v1/credential/.well-known/jwks
+ # body:
+ # credential_type: sdjwt
+ # document_type: EHIC
+ # PDA1Credential:
+ # class: openid4v.openid_credential_issuer.credential_constructor.authentic_source.CredentialConstructor
+ # kwargs:
+ # url: http://apigw.example.com:8080/api/v1/credential
+ # jwks_url: http://apigw.example.com:8080/api/v1/credential/.well-known/jwks
+ # body:
+ # credential_type: sdjwt
+ # document_type: PDA1
+ template_dir: template
+ session_management: false
diff --git a/bootstrap_files/dummy_saml2_backend.yaml b/bootstrap_files/dummy_saml2_backend.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2614434
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bootstrap_files/dummy_saml2_backend.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ sp_config:
+ organization:
+ display_name: Vetenskapsrådet
+ name: Vetenskapsrådet
+ url: https://sunet.se
+ key_file: backend.key
+ cert_file: backend.crt
+ encryption_keypairs:
+ - key_file: backend.key
+ cert_file: backend.crt
+ allow_unknown_attributes: true
+ metadata:
+ local:
+ - /tmp/dummy_md.xml
+ entityid: https://satosa-issuer/sp
+ accepted_time_diff: 180
+ service:
+ sp:
+ name_id_format:
+ - urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient
+ allow_unsolicited: true
+ endpoints:
+ assertion_consumer_service:
+ - - "//acs/post"
+ - urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST
+ - - "//acs/redirect"
+ - urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect
+ discovery_response:
+ - - "//disco"
+ - urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:profiles:SSO:idp-discovery-protocol
+ want_response_signed: false
+ want_assertions_signed: false
+ want_assertions_or_response_signed: true
+ xmlsec_binary: "/usr/bin/xmlsec1"
+ disco_srv: https://ds.example.com
+ attribute_profile: saml
+module: satosa.backends.saml2.SAMLBackend
+name: Saml2SP
+plugin: BackendModulePlugin
diff --git a/satosa/plugins/oidc_frontend.yaml b/satosa/plugins/oidc_frontend.yaml
index 7d4db8d..6f56c76 100644
--- a/satosa/plugins/oidc_frontend.yaml
+++ b/satosa/plugins/oidc_frontend.yaml
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ config:
class: openid4v.openid_credential_issuer.credential_constructor.authentic_source.CredentialConstructor
- url: http://vc_apigw:8080:/api/v1/credential
+ url: http://vc_apigw:8080/api/v1/credential
jwks_url: http://vc_apigw:8080/api/v1/credential/.well-known/jwks
credential_type: sdjwt
diff --git a/start.sh b/start.sh
index 3925603..949820c 100755
--- a/start.sh
+++ b/start.sh
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ if [ ! -e simplesamlphp/samlcert/saml_metadata.key ]; then
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout simplesamlphp/samlcert/saml_metadata.key -out simplesamlphp/samlcert/saml_metadata.pem -sha256 -days 3650 -nodes -subj "/CN=simplesamlphp" -addext "subjectAltName=DNS:simplesamlphp"
cp simplesamlphp/samlcert/saml_metadata.pem satosa/
+ # Create an empty placeholder file to prevent Docker from mounting it as a directory
+ touch simplesamlphp/satosa-issuer.xml
docker compose run --rm \
--entrypoint /bin/bash \
-v "$(pwd)/simplesamlphp/samlcert:/var/simplesamlphp/samlcert" \
@@ -38,21 +40,24 @@ if [ ! -e simplesamlphp/samlcert/saml_metadata.key ]; then
-c "chgrp www-data /var/simplesamlphp/samlcert/saml_metadata.key && ls -l /var/simplesamlphp/samlcert/saml_metadata.key" && \
echo 'Group changed to www-data successfully!'
source .env
sed -i s/ISSUER_HOSTNAME/${ISSUER_HOSTNAME}/g satosa/plugins/saml2_backend.yaml
sed -i s#ISSUER_FQDN#${ISSUER_FQDN}#g config.yaml
if [ ! -e satosa/metadata/backend.xml ]; then
- printf "Configuring satosa and simplesamlphp in the correct order.\n"
- docker compose -f bootstrap.yaml up -d --wait
- printf "Waiting for backend.xml to be generated."
- while [ ! -f satosa/metadata/backend.xml ]; do
- printf "."
- sleep 1
- done
- printf " Done\n"
+ printf "Extracting SAML metadata from SATOSA for SimpleSAMLphp configuration.\n"
+ mkdir -p satosa/metadata
+ docker compose run --no-deps --rm \
+ -w /etc/satosa \
+ -v $(pwd)/bootstrap_files/dummy_md.xml:/tmp/dummy_md.xml \
+ -v $(pwd)/bootstrap_files/dummy_saml2_backend.yaml:/etc/satosa/plugins/saml2_backend.yaml \
+ -v $(pwd)/bootstrap_files/dummy_oidc_frontend.yaml:/etc/satosa/plugins/oidc_frontend.yaml \
+ --entrypoint satosa-saml-metadata satosa --no-sign --dir metadata /etc/satosa/proxy_conf.yaml
cp satosa/metadata/backend.xml simplesamlphp/satosa-issuer.xml
- docker compose -f bootstrap.yaml down
printf "Starting vc docker-compose services\n"
docker compose -f docker-compose.yaml up -d --remove-orphans