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896 lines (623 loc) · 31.7 KB

File metadata and controls

896 lines (623 loc) · 31.7 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


9.3.3 - 2024-09-04


  • Fixed Nullpointer in Manifestation.toString()

9.3.2 - 2024-08-09


  • Added missing client method refreshNewspapers for works

9.3.1 - 2024-08-06


  • Recursion detection of a mutual parent

9.3.0 - 2024-07-09


  • New endpoint /v6/digipress for faster retrieval of the newspaper list (manifestations): supports both filtering and sorting
  • Client: Added header containing the request id if available


  • Fixed Nullpointer in Manifestation.dumpShortenedRelations
  • Fixed clearing of request id

9.2.1 - 2024-06-11


  • Increased performance of reflection by 39.96%

9.2.0 - 2024-06-03


  • The Problem (of error responses) is expanded by a hint that gives clearer information about the actual error
  • User-friendly Problem's toString()
  • The related entities of Manifestations and Works contain their name if they are NamedEntitys and are an instance of the proper derived Entity class
  • Add allowed media type "Object"
  • Add allowed title type main/suppl


  • Add handling of ResourceNotFoundException for retrieval of active webpages

9.1.0 - 2024-04-16


  • More typedeclarations
  • Improved error responses: the body contains a Problem (JSON) with details about the exception; using the metasvc-client the Problem-object can be retrieved from the exception by calling getProblem()


  • SQL transaction isolation level is decreased to read committed


  • URL decoding: percent sign in filtering values were tried to url-decode twice

9.0.0 – 2024-03-14

This version changes both the groupId and artifactId of the contained maven modules as follows:

de.digitalcollections.cudami:dc-cudami-client io.github.dbmdz.metadata:metasvc-client
de.digitalcollections.cudami:dc-cudami-lobid-client io.github.dbmdz.metadata:metasvc-lobid-client
de.digitalcollections.cudami:dc-cudami-model io.github.dbmdz.metadata:metasvc-model
de.digitalcollections.cudami:dc-cudami-server-webapp io.github.dbmdz.metadata:metasvc-server-webapp
de.digitalcollections.cudami:dc-cudami-server-business io.github.dbmdz.metadata:metasvc-server-business
de.digitalcollections.cudami:dc-cudami-server-backend-api io.github.dbmdz.metadata:metasvc-server-backend-api
de.digitalcollections.cudami:dc-cudami-server-backend-inmemory io.github.dbmdz.metadata:metasvc-server-backend-inmemory
de.digitalcollections.cudami:dc-cudami-server-backend-jdbi io.github.dbmdz.metadata:metasvc-server-backend-jdbi
de.digitalcollections.cudami:dc-cudami-server-backend-file io.github.dbmdz.metadata:metasvc-server-backend-file
de.digitalcollections.cudami:dc-cudami-server-backend-lobid io.github.dbmdz.metadata:metasvc-server-backend-lobid


  • BREAKING: Java version of dc-cudami-client & dc-cudami-model (thus former dc-model as well) upgraded to 17
  • Integrated previously independent digitalcollections-model - the original changelog can be found here
  • Integrated several former independent modules from dc-commons


  • Several missing equals & hashCode methods are added to model classes
  • Order of a website's root webpages is retained
  • Renamed parameter locale to pLocale in the client

8.0.3 – 2024-01-19


  • Update of nodes' children order
  • Admin-GUI no longer sorts children webpage alphabetically, but keeps their real order
  • User management (create & change an user)

8.0.2 – 2024-01-12


  • Fixed production build by including the build assets from dc-cudami-editor

8.0.1 – 2023-12-20


  • Fixed updating RenderingFileResources on DigitalObjects

8.0.0 – 2023-11-29


  • Hierarchically filled DigitalObject (by UUID or identifier); the lastModified date of the DigitalObject is set to the newest of its WMI objects, the WMI objects lose their date therefor
  • Identifiers of objects enclosed in Work, Manifestation & Item
  • SQL function to retrieve an identifiable's identifiers
  • SQL function to convert dbidentifier[] (composite database type) into json(b)
  • Filter Identifiables by Identifier (namespace & id)
  • New filter operators for regular expressions, e.g. ?filtering=identifiers.namespace:regex:mdz-obj%28-child%29%3F (i.e. urlencoded mdz-obj(-child)?)
  • Ability to retrieve multiple UniqueObjects by UUIDs within a single request


  • Replaced data-colwidth with data-label in table rendering
  • DigitalObject is retrieved 90 percent faster by SQL joins instead of single getByUuid calls
  • Expand Manifestation with reduced fields by…
    • work title
    • work of parent of manifestation
    • move PublishingInfo objects from full fields


  • Removed plugin for table column resizing
  • Breaking: Objects contained in a DigitalObject retrieved by UUID/identifier are not completely filled anymore


  • Fixed selection of rendering template for webpages
  • Fixed entity to entity relations ordered by rel.sortindex
  • Add existing collection as subcollection to another one

7.1.1 - 2023-10-11


  • Added functionality to add a data-label attribute to table cells

7.1.0 - 2023-10-10


  • Add topic add/remove entities/fileresources
  • Add article add/remove creators


  • SQL: replace count by exists in trigger functions that check the existence of foreign tables' PKs
  • Upgrade dc-model(-jackson) to 12.2.1
  • Upgrade dc-commons-jdbi to 7.0.3
  • Upgrade dc-commons-springmvc to 7.0.3


  • Fix missing handling of multivalue filter conversion
  • Fix wrong filter type by search for geolocation birth / death
  • Fix collection add digitalobjects
  • Fixed retrieval of existing images by name in admin GUI
  • Saving of UrlAliases of subcollections, subwebpages and subtopics

7.0.0 - 2023-08-28


  • Add GUI for Predicates (CRUD) in administration section

  • Added table sorting to Articles, DigitalObjects, Collections

  • Added dropdown to select number of rows per page in table lists on Articles, DigitalObjects, Collections

  • Added status storing of new tables (navigating back to list shows list in last status)

  • Added highlighting of searched term in result lists in new table lists on Articles, DigitalObjects, Collections

  • Add backend and GUI for Event

  • Add convenience controller endpoints for items to remove a parent (attribute partOf)

  • Add or-linked filtering: new request parameter filtering with new complex syntax:

    • single conditions are separated by semicolon

      ?filtering=lastname:eq:foo;age:gt:30 → lastname == "foo" AND age > 30

    • …and can be surrounded by braces (we call them "FilterCriteria")

      ?filtering={lastname:eq:foo;age:gt:30} → same

    • $AND and $OR determines how all of the conditions within braces are logically linked
    • by default the FilterCriteria are linked by AND, so $AND can be omitted

      ?filtering={lastname:eq:foo;age:gt:30} is same as ?filtering={$AND;lastname:eq:foo;age:gt:30}

    • several FilterCriteria can be appended, seperated by semicolon; these FilterCriteria are always linked by AND

      ?filtering={$OR;lastname:eq:foo;firstname:eq:foo};{age:gt:30} → (lastname == "foo" OR firstname == "foo") AND age > 30
      ?filtering={$OR;lastname:eq:foo;firstname:eq:foo};{$OR;age:gt:30;age:lt:20} → (lastname == "foo" OR firstname == "foo") AND (age > 30 OR age < 20)

    • within the value(s) of a condition semicolons and braces (i.e. ;{}) must be backslash escaped; URL encoding is necessary as usual
  • Add Lobid-Clients for missing Lobid objects

  • Add persistence support for new field Headword.labelNormalized

  • Add sorting to Buckets and Bucket objects handling in HeadwordRepositoryImpl

  • Add action links to object's view and edit under topic


  • WEMI parts: Manifestations, Works
  • POST/PUT/PATCH-Requests require the attribute objectType in the JSON body. If it is missing, it is heuristically set
  • Labels of Identifiables must not be empty
  • Breaking: Changed runtime dependency from JRE11 to JRE17
  • UrlAlias uses Locale.toLanguageTag() explicitly to always retrieve a language, even for Locale.ROOT i.e. und
  • Split some controller into API and "not-API"-Controllers to make GUI and REST-methods more visible
  • Lists (using Bootstrap-Table component)
    • replacing language tabs with dropdown on new lists pages
    • for Articles list (to proof preview image rendering)
    • for DigitalObjects list (to proof fixing of too many tabs)
    • for Collections list
  • Locale handling:
    • Switch language of displayed multilanguage data fields now using a select drop down instead of tabs in view and list pages
    • Switch language of displayed multilanguage data fields now also handling languages with script
  • Thymeleaf Date and TimeValue rendering fragment (date.html) and messages properties moved from cudami admin webapp to cudami client for easy reuse in frontend clients
  • Separate PageRequest param handling from ListRequest param handling in BaseRestClient
  • Reuse logic from BaseRestClient in CudamiHeadwordsClient
  • Set keepalive time to 5 minutes


  • UrlAlias does actively ignore any script of the target's locale
  • SQL migration (can be long running) replaces every emtpy string key in the labels (that comes from Locale.ROOT as language) by "und"
  • getByValue method in PredicateRepositoryImpl
  • Comment not supported sorting throwing warning every time in EntityToEntityRelationRepositoryImpl
  • Fix saveUrlAlias (one question mark placeholder in sql more than given params)
  • Fix sql migrations 14.10.00, 14.04.00, 9.02.02
  • Fix data language handling in admin webapp
  • Fix visibility of long text in collection view
  • Fix website label rendering
  • Fix CSS for an identifiable's ToC


  • Breaking Due to model changes, the tables item_works and work_creators are removed and their contents, if ever used, are lost.
  • Method getItems from WorksClient

6.2.3 - 2023-04-14


  • Upgraded dc-model(-jackson) to 11.0.3

6.2.2 - 2023-03-29


  • Upgraded dc-model(-jackson) to 11.0.2

6.2.1 - 2023-02-10


  • Fixed syntax to include fragments

6.2.0 - 2022-11-25


  • Add parameter fill-wemi to return a hierarchically (in direction Item -> Manifestation -> Work) filled DigitalObject (currently only with the Item data)

6.1.4 - 2022-11-07


  • Fixed display of ToC navigation

6.1.3 - 2022-11-03

No real changes, but the publishing did not work well...

6.1.2 - 2022-11-03


  • Added rendering of ToC if renderingHints.showInPageNavigation in the webpage is true
  • Add rendering of ToC links if renderTocLinks is set to true somewhere in the model

6.1.1 - 2022-08-29


  • Dependency update to fix deserialization of corporate bodies

6.1.0 - 2022-07-29


  • WEMI part: Item
  • notes property to Entity
  • DB: split_label column to identifiables
  • search by label, optionally limited to the language
    • looks for the existence of the single words in arbitrary order by default (optimized and thus to be preferred)
    • to search for a phrase embed the term in double quotes (can be much slower)
  • Added endpoints to delete collections, corporate bodies, geolocations, humansettlements and persons
  • Added rendering of contained digital objects
  • Added missing lastModified column to the list of IdentifierType, RenderingTemplate and User
  • Added rendering of the list of License and Work and of a single License
  • Added validation of the given identifiers on save and update against the available identifier types


  • find by searchTerm looks for the existence of the single words; to look for the words as phrase, embed them in double quotes (but it will be much slower)
  • retrieval of DigitalObjects for an Item now works with paging
  • Breaking: Bumped dc-model dependency to version 11.0.0


  • Fixed "remember me" functionality for login (token is valid for 14 days)
  • Fixed retrieval by identifier with slashes


  • removed unused fields language, publicationDate, publicationPlace, publisher and version from items
  • removed redundant table item_digitalobjects

6.0.0 - 2022-06-23


  • Handling of LinkedDataFileResources
  • Added missing columns for unique objects
  • Added sorting of resources in dc-cudami-admin-webapp
  • Added handling of identifiableObjectType for Identifiables
  • Added migration of UrlAliases column from target_entity_type to target_identifiable_objecttype
  • Added functionality to modify and delete tables in the editor
  • Added possibility to search for human settlements, identifier types, rendering templates and users.


  • Breaking Using digitalcollections-model in version 10 (affects the client)
  • Database update for the updated DigitalObject
  • Fill new fields of DigitalObject, when a single DigitalObject is returned
  • Improved Identifier handling by avoiding useless deletions and re-insertions
  • Test updates
  • Fixed handling of IdentifierTypes
  • Fixed filtering of LocalizedUrlAliases by Locale
  • Added collation to varchar columns
  • Changed default sorting of identifiables in dc-cudami-server-webapp from label in default language to lastModified and uuid
  • Updated multiple dependencies
  • Normalize method names: getBy for returning one object, findBy for returning a list of objects, "set" for saving a list after deleting previous list
  • Set default case sensitivity for sorting to ignoreCase
  • Fixed copy&paste of iframe, image and video blocks in the editor
  • Fixed delivery of multilingual UrlAliases


  • Methods returning one object renamed from find... to getBy...:
    • findOne(UUID uuid)-methods, use getByUuid-method instead
    • findOne(UUID uuid, Locale locale)-methods, use getByUuidAndLocale-method instead
    • findOneByIdentifier(String namespace, String id)-methods, use getByIdentifier-method instead
    • findOneByRefId(long refId)-methods, use getByRefId-method instead
    • findOneByEmail(String email)-methods, use getByEmail-method instead
    • findOneByLabelAndLocale-methods, use getByLabelAndLocale-method instead
    • findOne(UUID uuid, Filtering filtering)-methods, use getByUuidAndFiltering-method instead
    • findOneByNamespace(String namespace)-methods, use getByNamespace-method instead
  • EntityType storage in database (replaced by IdentifiableObjectType)
  • Removed deprecated initial param (#1776)

5.2.5 - 2022-05-20


  • Updated dc-model version to 9.1.1

5.2.4 - 2022-04-26


  • Missing ORDER BY keywords in SQL select statement

5.2.3 - 2022-04-01


  • Updated Spring Boot to fix CVE-2022-22965

5.2.2 - 2022-03-15


  • Fixed update of own password

5.2.1 - 2022-02-08


  • Added indexes on big tables to improve performance of joins and sorting


  • Fixed search for a website's rootpages
  • Fixed two wrong endpoints endpoints called in the client
  • Improved paging: added unique field to sorting

5.2.0 - 2022-02-07


  • Added management of UrlAliases
  • Added and pre-filled table url_aliases via Flyway migration
  • Improved some parts of the admin GUI
  • Bumped dc-model dependency to version 9.1.0
  • Added search for url on websites
  • Added transactions to all SQL statements by annotation on class level in business service layer
  • Added config endpoint, mainly for admin GUI
  • Added HeadwordEntry and Headword endpoints for management of dictionaries / encyclopedias
  • Added uuid to allowed sorting fields
  • Added management of Licenses


  • Refactored relation between business service and repository layers
  • Refactored most of the class components to function components in dc-cudami-editor
  • Fixed search in nested JSONB fields


  • Removed foreign keys that do not work with PostgreSQL table inheritance

5.1.0 - 2021-08-17


  • Added better error handling with display of an error message
  • Added codevov ( to the CI
  • Added functionality to add an attached identifiable by refId
  • Added display of refId to view page of collections
  • Added search functionality to some more identifiable lists


  • Improved datepicker design
  • Optimised ci caching
  • Optimised display of empty language
  • Fixed alt text of preview image
  • Refactored form for users to react

5.0.1 - 2021-07-26


  • Bumped dc-model dependency to version 9.0.0

5.0.0 - 2021-07-06


  • Added filtering for entity-type(s) when loading lists of Entity
  • Added template for table of content rendering
  • Implemented list of persons and geolocations
  • Added sorting of imports in dc-cudami-editor
  • Added possibility to define mailto links in the editor
  • Added search functionality to many identifiable lists
  • Added many controller and repository tests
  • Added functionality to remove languages from content
  • Added v5 endpoints
  • Added request id header (if present) to logging
  • Added possibility to build releases on the CI


  • Migrated to dc-model in version 9
  • Restructured packages in dc-cudami-client to be synchronous with other modules
  • Migrated list of articles, attached entities/files corporate bodies, digital objects, file resources, identifier types, projects, (sub)topics, users to react
  • Refactored structure and names of react components
  • Fixed deletion for empty identifier lists
  • Replaced old sorting syntax with new one
  • Refactored webpack configuration
  • Refactored design to AdminLTE (
  • Refactored form for identifier types to react
  • Fixed session configuration
  • Replaced jsondoc with openapi/swagger
  • Refactored to react in version 17
  • Added usage of HTTP/1.1 by default in dc-cudami-client


  • Removed EntityPart and Subtopic
  • Removed XML stuff
  • Removed development application in dc-cudami-editor

4.5.3 - 2021-06-22


  • Added usage of HTTP/1.1 by default in dc-cudami-client

4.5.2 - 2021-06-07


  • Fixed an error that happens when a searchTerm is inserted into a jsonpath like_regex search that contains double quotes (#1045)
  • Fixed security restriction for /users/updatePassword
  • Fixed check if label should be rendered


  • Removed checkbox to activate remember-me functionality, as it is not working at the moment

4.5.1 - 2021-05-17


  • Fixed sticky button in the navbar

4.5.0 - 2021-04-08


  • Migrated all API calls to latest endpoints in dc-cudami-client to use the versioned endpoints

4.4.4 - 2021-04-01


  • Fixed term search in description and label

4.4.3 - 2021-03-25


  • Fixed search for identifiables

4.4.2 - 2021-03-19


  • Added possibility to define mailto links


  • Fixed removal of digital objects, which contain no identifiers

4.4.1 - 2021-02-24


  • Fixed sorting
  • Fixed getting of creators of article
  • Fixed return of preview image and fileresource type
  • Fixed retrieval of fileresource with identifier

4.4.0 - 2021-02-08


  • Added functionality to define external http hooks for save and update actions
  • Introduced random lists and person family- and givennames


  • Refactored the whole SQL backend
  • Fixed editing of other users
  • Refactored to new sorting param syntax

4.3.0 - 2021-01-22


  • Made the edit and save buttons sticky
  • Added endpoints for retrieval of websites' and top collections' languages


  • Refactored list of top collections and websites to react
  • Fixed the query for a digital objects' active collections

4.2.0 - 2021-01-11


  • Added a new endpoint to retrieve all related corporate bodies to a collection
  • Added publication date and creators to article
  • Added possibility to enter the url of a corporate body
  • Added endpoints to change the order of (sub) webpages
  • Added support for sorting by multiple fields and subfields
  • Added functionality for adding a rendering template to a webpage
  • Added a switch to the webpage form to activate/deactivate the in-page navigation
  • Added person birth and death locations, geo locations and humansettlements


  • Removed the field description from the search for collections and digital objects

4.1.1 - 2020-11-10


  • Add pattern for url validation to also allow relative urls

4.1.0 - 2020-11-03


  • Added paged retrieval of a website's rootpages


  • Refactored list of webpages to React

4.0.0 - 2020-10-27


  • Added custom attributes to entity
  • Added filtering possibilities for active webpages
  • Added functionality to retrieve a children tree for a webpage
  • Added functionality to get relations by predicate


  • Renamed "corporation" to "corporate body"


3.7.0 - 2020-10-05


  • Added an endpoint that returns a reduced digitalobjects list
  • Added handling of items and works
  • Added functionality to edit links
  • Added GND fetch and save endpoint
  • Added get by identifier and refid
  • Made form fields optional
  • Added handling of entity relations
  • Added functionality to insert videos
  • Introduced GitHub Actions
  • Added functionality to delete a digital object with its dependencies
  • Added spinner when autocomplete is loading
  • Added publication dates for collections
  • Added parent collections and publication status to collection view


  • Fixed the removal of iframe, image and link attributes
  • Added unique constraint to identifiers


3.6.0 - 2020-09-09


  • Added functionality to stay in the same language when switching from the view to the edit page
  • Added functionality to add and remove digital objects from a project
  • Added the possibility to add, move and remove subcollections
  • Added display of identifiers to identifiable list
  • Added floating labels instead of placeholders for some input fields, so that the label is still visible when the is content in the field
  • Added language tabs for paged list of identifiables


  • Fixed external links to open in a new tab
  • Fixed link urls containing whitespace
  • Made the whole application use the complete width of the screen
  • Fixed the filename of images added as url to only contain the last part of the url

3.5.0 - 2020-08-18


  • Added a view for digital objects
  • Added item numbers to all lists for better referenceability and sorting impression
  • Added functionality to add and remove digital objects from a collection
  • Added functionality to remove digital objects from a project
  • Added a legend for the publication status


  • Moved admin rest to cudami client and remove admin webapp layers/modules
  • Replaced feign with Java HttpClient
  • Made alt text input not required anymore
  • Fixed sorting fields

3.4.1 - 2020-07-08


  • Added a title for the button to add a preview image
  • Added a notification when removing the preview image
  • Added mocking of api calls for an easier development of the react parts

3.4.0 - 2020-07-01


  • Added image preview for uploaded and selected images
  • Added providing the breadcrumb via REST
  • Added functionality to edit iframe and image content blocks
  • Added functionality to add images without alignment/text wrapping
  • Added functionality to create subcollections
  • Added a dialog to add and edit a preview image


  • Fixed issues with changing the password

3.3.0 - 2020-05-29


  • Added possibility to set start/end date of publication
  • Added breadcrumbs for webpages and websites
  • Added fileresource default preview image
  • Added configuration properties for webjar versions
  • Added the possibility to define the title attribute for iframes
  • Added the possibility to add images in the editor
  • Added a restriction for the editor, which is used for the short description: only the marks (bold, italic, etc.) can be applied
  • Added the possibility to change the own password
  • Added rendering of horizontal rule


  • Renamed ContentTree to Topic and ContentNode to Subtopic
  • Fixed language tab sorting (by prioritised languages, if defined, and alphabetically)


  • Removed the floating toolbar
  • Removed the abort button from forms

3.2.2 - 2019-11-25


  • Added param for disabling rendering of webpage label in HTML output
  • Added rendering of horizontal rule
  • Added styling for blockquotes
  • Added possibility for the user for updating his/her own password


  • Fixed possible NPE if fileresource is null
  • Fixed conversion of multiple languages in localized structured content for xml in v1
  • Refactored v1 controller to return de_DE instead of de
  • Made database migrations more flexible by setting out of order migrations to true
  • Reformated SQL to make it more readable
  • Fixed rendering of html attributes
  • Fixed rendering of the mark types strikethrough, subscript, superscript and underline


  • Disabled insert of footnotes and images for the moment

3.2.1 - 2019-11-13


  • Fixed the sorting of the language tabs
  • Fixed language switch


  • Removed placeholder from editor when content is empty

3.2.0 - 2019-10-28


  • Added digital object management (digital objects and contained file resources)
  • Added entity to entities relations
  • Added entity to file resources relations
  • Added
  • Added spotbugs code checks
  • Added documentation how to configure and use client
  • Added deploy stage to ci configuration
  • Added digital objects
  • Refactored docker-compose setup to include a iiif server
  • Added identifier types management
  • Added LinkedDataFileResource
  • Added auto-formatting via google style
  • Added prometheus and some more monitoring endpoints
  • Added management of Collection, Corporation and Project


  • Migrated from Bootstrap 3 to Bootstrap 4
  • Migrated database schema and SQL from multiple joins to PostgreSql inheritance (where applicable)
  • Bumped versions of various dependencies
  • Fixed batch execution to avoid already closed connection
  • Fixed link rendering (missing blank after opening a tag)
  • Refactored from deprecated jdbi findOnly to findOne
  • Refactored label, description and text of identifiables to an easier data structure
  • Refactored locale to language
  • Refactored the editor to React
  • Added simplified version of client
  • Added webjar versions from pom
  • Refactored logging configuration to log to STDOUT
  • Fixed v2 endpoint for retrieving webpages and add v3


  • Removed OracleJDK from build matrix

3.1.1 - 2019-01-23


  • Fixed webpage endpoints for v1 of the model

3.1.0 - 2019-01-23


  • Added support for multi-language contents
  • Added logic for locale specific content retrieval
  • Introduced docker compose setup for local development
  • Added hierarchical creation of webpages
  • Added creation of content nodes
  • Added automatic snapshot deployments to sonatype nexus
  • Introduced articles
  • Added new objects to main page and new section resources
  • Introduced adding of identifiables to Article, ContentNode and Webpage
  • Added file upload functionality
  • Added openjdk11 to build matrix
  • Added endpoint versioning
  • Added new template fragments for rendering of identifiables


  • Refactored to use new dc-model
  • Fixed query for retrieving the sort index
  • Fixed webapp and actuator security configuration for the admin webapp
  • Fixed rendering of marks
  • Bumped versions of various dependencies
  • Fixed badges


  • Removed no longer used model module