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documentation |
FGK101 - ZWave |
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This describes the Z-Wave device FGK101, manufactured by Fibargroup with the thing type UID of fibaro_fgk101_00_000
This version of the device is limited to firmware versions below 2.3
The device is in the category of Door, defining Door sensors.
The FGK101 supports routing. This allows the device to communicate using other routing enabled devices as intermediate routers. This device is unable to participate in the routing of data from other devices.
The FGK101 does not permanently listen for messages sent from the controller - it will periodically wake up automatically to check if the controller has messages to send, but will sleep most of the time to conserve battery life. Refer to the Wakeup Information section below for further information.
The Fibaro Door / Window Sensor is a wireless, battery powered, Z-Wave compatible reed sensor. Each time its two parts, i.e. the sensor's body and a magnet separate, a radio signal is sent. In addition the Fibaro Door / Window Sensor supports one DS18B20 temperature sensor and has one potential free input. The Fibaro Door / Window Sensor is designed for use with scenes in home automation systems and everywhere else where information related to opening / closing of doors, windows, garage gates, etc. is needed.
Prepare the sensor:
- Open the sensor with a small screwdriver (be careful)
- Remove the paper between the battery an the contact to activate the sensor.
- Close the sensor (be sure that it is closed correctly. The sensor must not act like a button if you push the casing. This sometimes happens. It is important to close the device correctly.)
Include the sensor in the network:
- Start HABmin.
- Navigate to Configuration > Bindings > select the ZWAVE Binding > select the devices tab on the right
- You should see at least your ZWAVE-Controller in the list of devices.
- Hit "include" to start the 30 sec include mode
- Hit the button on the back of the sensor 3 times in a short row.
- The device starts to blink in blue. If it stops repeat step 5 until the 30 sec inclusion is over. Keep the sensor not to close and not too far from the controller (between 30 cm and 100 cm)
- Hit "reload properties" in HABmin.
- The new device should appear in the list (grey with no name)
- If not, hit reload in your browser and navigate back to the device list.
- The new device should appear in the list (grey with no name)
- If not, restart your openHAB server, hit reload in your browser and navigate back to the device list.
- The new device should appear in the list (grey with no name)
- If not, repeat from step 4 until the device appears (This should happen rarely. I once needed two tries. Iadded 10 devices all together.)
- Hit the button on the back of the sensor 3 times in a short row.
- The device starts to blink in blue. Keep the sensor not to close and not too far from the controller (between 30 cm and 100 cm)
- Hit "reload properties" in HABmin.
- Repeat steps 14 - 16 several times. The device in the list will first show up a name, then turn to yellow and then to green.
- Congratulations, you fully added the sensor and it should work correctly now.
Exclude the sensor from the network:
- Start exclude mode on the ZWAVE Controller.
- Hit the button on the back of the sensor 3 times in a short row.
The FGK101 does not permanently listen for messages sent from the controller - it will periodically wake up automatically to check if the controller has messages to send, but will sleep most of the time to conserve battery life. The wakeup period can be configured in the user interface - it is advisable not to make this too short as it will impact battery life - a reasonable compromise is 1 hour.
The wakeup period does not impact the devices ability to report events or sensor data. The device can be manually woken with a button press on the device as described below - note that triggering a device to send an event is not the same as a wakeup notification, and this will not allow the controller to communicate with the device.
The default wake-up interval will drain the battery in a few weeks to months. It's advised to set a minimum wake-up interval of 3 hours to 24 hours after the device is configured correctly and a node.xml file has been created for the device.
The following table summarises the channels available for the FGK101 -:
Channel | Channel Id | Category | Item Type |
Door Sensor | sensor_door | Door | Contact |
Battery Level | battery-level | Battery | Number |
Alarm (water) | alarm_flood | Door | Switch |
Alarm (CO) | alarm_co | Door | Switch |
Alarm (smoke) | alarm_smoke | Smoke | Switch |
Alarm (CO2) | alarm_co2 | Door | Switch |
Alarm (general) | alarm_general | Door | Switch |
Alarm (heat) | alarm_heat | Switch | |
Temperature Sensor | sensor_temperature2 | Temperature | Number:Temperature |
Indicates if the door/window is open or closed.
The sensor_door
channel supports the Contact
item and is in the Door
category. This is a read only channel so will only be updated following state changes from the device.
The following state translation is provided for this channel to the Contact
item type -:
Value | Label |
OPEN | Open |
CLOSED | Closed |
Represents the battery level as a percentage (0-100%). Bindings for things supporting battery level in a different format (e.g. 4 levels) should convert to a percentage to provide a consistent battery level reading.
The battery-level
channel supports the Number
item and is in the Battery
Indicates if the flood alarm is triggered.
The alarm_flood
channel supports the Switch
item and is in the Door
category. This is a read only channel so will only be updated following state changes from the device.
The following state translation is provided for this channel to the Switch
item type -:
Value | Label |
OFF | OK |
ON | Alarm |
Indicates if the carbon monoxide alarm is triggered.
The alarm_co
channel supports the Switch
item and is in the Door
category. This is a read only channel so will only be updated following state changes from the device.
The following state translation is provided for this channel to the Switch
item type -:
Value | Label |
OFF | OK |
ON | Alarm |
Indicates if a smoke is triggered.
The alarm_smoke
channel supports the Switch
item and is in the Smoke
category. This is a read only channel so will only be updated following state changes from the device.
The following state translation is provided for this channel to the Switch
item type -:
Value | Label |
OFF | OK |
ON | Alarm |
Indicates if the carbon dioxide alarm is triggered.
The alarm_co2
channel supports the Switch
item and is in the Door
category. This is a read only channel so will only be updated following state changes from the device.
The following state translation is provided for this channel to the Switch
item type -:
Value | Label |
OFF | OK |
ON | Alarm |
Indicates if an alarm is triggered.
The alarm_general
channel supports the Switch
item and is in the Door
category. This is a read only channel so will only be updated following state changes from the device.
The following state translation is provided for this channel to the Switch
item type -:
Value | Label |
OFF | OK |
ON | Alarm |
Indicates if a heat alarm is triggered.
The alarm_heat
channel supports the Switch
item. This is a read only channel so will only be updated following state changes from the device.
The following state translation is provided for this channel to the Switch
item type -:
Value | Label |
OFF | OK |
ON | Alarm |
Indicates the current temperature.
The sensor_temperature2
channel supports the Number:Temperature
item and is in the Temperature
The following table provides a summary of the 9 configuration parameters available in the FGK101. Detailed information on each parameter can be found in the sections below.
Param | Name | Description |
1 | IN1 Alarm Cancellation Delay | Additional delay after an alarm from input IN1 has ceased. |
2 | Status change signalled by LED | |
3 | Type of input no. 1 | Type of IN input |
5 | Type of transmitted control frame for association | Type of transmitted control frame for association group 1 |
7 | Forced Level of Dimming group 1 | Parameter for dimming/opening blinds |
9 | Enable/Disable transmission cancelling alarm | Enable/Disable transmission of frame cancelling alarm |
12 | Sensitivity to temperature changes | Sensitivity to temperature changes |
13 | Transmitting alarm/control frame broadcast | Enabling/Disabling broadcast alarm for IN and TMP |
14 | Scene activation | Enable/Disable scene functionality |
Wakeup Interval | Sets the interval at which the device will accept commands from the controller | |
Wakeup Node | Sets the node ID of the device to receive the wakeup notifications |
Additional delay after an alarm from input IN1 has ceased. The parameter allows you to specify additional time, after which the input no. 1 alarm is cancelled once its violation has ceased. Values in the range 0 to 65535 may be set.
The manufacturer defined default value is 0
This parameter has the configuration ID config_1_2
and is of type INTEGER
The following option values may be configured -:
Value | Description |
0 | LED turned Off |
1 | LED turned On |
255 | No DS18B20 temperature sensor |
The manufacturer defined default value is 1
(LED turned On).
This parameter has the configuration ID config_2_1
and is of type INTEGER
Type of IN input Default = 0- INPUT_NC (Normally closed)
Available parameter settings
0 - INPUT_NC (Normally closed)
1 - INPUT_NO (Normally open)
3 - INPUT_BISTABLE The following option values may be configured -:
Value | Description |
0 | Normally Open |
1 | Normally Closed |
2 | Monostable |
3 | Bistable |
The manufacturer defined default value is 0
(Normally Open).
This parameter has the configuration ID config_3_1
and is of type INTEGER
Type of transmitted control frame for association group 1 Type of transmitted control frame for association group 1, activated via input IN1. The parameter allows to specify the type of alarm frame or to force transmission of control commands (BASIC_SET)
Default value = 255 - BASIC SET
Available parameter settings
1 - ALARM SMOKE frame
2 - ALARM CO frame
3 - ALARM CO2 frame
4 - ALARM HEAT frame
5 - ALARM WATER frame
255 Control frame BASIC_SET The following option values may be configured -:
Value | Description |
2 | ALARM CO |
3 | ALARM CO2 |
255 | BASIC_SET |
The manufacturer defined default value is 255
This parameter has the configuration ID config_5_1
and is of type INTEGER
Parameter for dimming/opening blinds Value of the parameter specifying the forced level of dimming/opening roller blinds when “switch on”/”open” commands are sent to devices from association group no.1. In case of alarm frames an alarm priority is specified. Default value: 255 Possible parameter settings: (1 – 99) and 255 Value of 255 makes it possible to activate a device. In case of the Dimmer module it means activating the device and setting it to the previously stored condition, e.g. when Dimmer is set to 30%, deactivated and then reactivated using 255 commend, it will be automatically set to the previous condition i.e. 30% Values in the range 1 to 255 may be set.
The manufacturer defined default value is 255
This parameter has the configuration ID config_7_1
and is of type INTEGER
Enable/Disable transmission of frame cancelling alarm Deactivating transmission of the alarm cancelling frame or the control frame deactivating the device (Basic). It allows for disabling the function of deactivating the device and cancelling alarms for devices associated with IN input. Default value: 0
Available parameter settings:
0 – for association group no. 1 information is sent
1 – for association group no. 1 information is not sent.
Parameter size: 1 [byte]. The following option values may be configured -:
Value | Description |
0 | Groups 1 and 2 sent |
1 | Group 1 sent, Group 2 not sent. |
2 | Group 2 sent, Group 1 not sent. |
The manufacturer defined default value is 0
(Groups 1 and 2 sent).
This parameter has the configuration ID config_9_1
and is of type INTEGER
Sensitivity to temperature changes Sensitivity to temperature changes. The maximum acceptable difference between the last reported temperature and the current temperature read from the sensor. If the temperatures differ by the set value or more, a report with the current temperature value is sent to the device assigned to association group no. 3.
Default value: 8 [0,5o C]
Available parameter settings: 0 – 255 [0o C to 16o C] [32o F – 60,8o F] To set an appropriate parameter value use the following formula: x = delta T x 16 - for Celsius x = delta T x 80 / 9 - for Fahrenheit x = parameter value delta T – maximum acceptable temperature gradient in Celsius or Fahrenheit If the value is set to 0: - if the wake-up interval is set to 255 seconds, temperature report will be sent according to the interval, - if the wake-up interval is set to over 255, temperature report will be sent each ca. 4 minutes. Parameter size: 1 [byte]. Values in the range 0 to 255 may be set.
The manufacturer defined default value is 8
This parameter has the configuration ID config_12_1
and is of type INTEGER
Enabling/Disabling broadcast alarm for IN and TMP Sending an alarm or control frame (for IN input, depending on parameter no.5 value), and TMP button alarm frame. The frame is sent in “broadcast” mode, i.e. to all devices within range - information sent in this mode is not repeated by the mesh network.
Default value: 0
Available parameter settings: 0 – IN and TMP Broadcast mode inactive,
1 – IN broadcast mode active, TMP broadcast mode inactive
2 – IN broadcast mode inactive, TMP broadcast mode active
3 – IN and TMP broadcast mode active
Parameter size: 1 [byte]. The following option values may be configured -:
Value | Description |
0 | IN and TMP Broadcast mode inactive |
1 | IN broadcast active, TMP broadcast inactive |
2 | IN broadcast inactive, TMP broadcast active |
3 | IN and TMP broadcast mode active |
The manufacturer defined default value is 0
(IN and TMP Broadcast mode inactive).
This parameter has the configuration ID config_13_1
and is of type INTEGER
Enable/Disable scene functionality Scene activation functionality.
Default value: 0
Available parameter settings:
0 - functionality deactivated
1 - functionality activated The device offers the possibility of sending commands compatible with Command class scene activation. Information is sent to devices assigned to association group no. 3 Controllers such as the Home Center 2 are able to interpret such commands and based on these commands activate scenes, to which specific scene IDs have been assigned. The user may expand the functionality of a button connected to IN input by distinguishing the sequence of it being pushed. For example: double click would trigger the “goodnight” scene and triple click would trigger the “morning” scene. To fully use the possibilities offered by the parameter no.14 it is recommended to use a momentary or a toggle switch (parameter no.3). Scene ID is determined in the following manner: IN input: Switch from “off” to “on” ID10 Switch from “on” to “off” ID11 Remaining IDs are recognized correctly if the value of parameter no.3 was set to 2 Holding down ID12 Releasing ID13 Double click ID14 Triple click ID15 Parameter size: 1 [byte]. The following option values may be configured -:
Value | Description |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
The manufacturer defined default value is 0
This parameter has the configuration ID config_14_1
and is of type INTEGER
The wakeup interval sets the period at which the device will listen for messages from the controller. This is required for battery devices that sleep most of the time in order to conserve battery life. The device will wake up at this interval and send a message to the controller to tell it that it can accept messages - after a few seconds, it will go back to sleep if there is no further communications.
This setting is defined in seconds. It is advisable not to set this interval too short or it could impact battery life. A period of 1 hour (3600 seconds) is suitable in most instances.
Note that this setting does not affect the devices ability to send sensor data, or notification events.
This parameter has the configuration ID wakeup_interval
and is of type INTEGER
When sleeping devices wake up, they send a notification to a listening device. Normally, this device is the network controller, and normally the controller will set this automatically to its own address. In the event that the network contains multiple controllers, it may be necessary to configure this to a node that is not the main controller. This is an advanced setting and should not be changed without a full understanding of the impact.
This parameter has the configuration ID wakeup_node
and is of type INTEGER
Association groups allow the device to send unsolicited reports to the controller, or other devices in the network. Using association groups can allow you to eliminate polling, providing instant feedback of a device state change without unnecessary network traffic.
The FGK101 supports 3 association groups.
Association group 1 supports 5 nodes.
Association group 2 supports 5 nodes.
Association group 3 supports 1 node.
Command Class | Comment |
Command Class | Comment |
Command Class | Comment |
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