diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 9473c00c..e229481a 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -33,7 +33,10 @@
"devDependencies": {
"@types/node": "^22.10.5",
"knip": "^5.43.1",
- "typescript": "~5.6.2"
+ "typescript": "~5.6.2",
+ "@types/jest": "^29.0.0",
+ "jest": "^29.0.0",
+ "ts-jest": "^29.0.0"
"packageManager": "pnpm@9.15.2+sha512.93e57b0126f0df74ce6bff29680394c0ba54ec47246b9cf321f0121d8d9bb03f750a705f24edc3c1180853afd7c2c3b94196d0a3d53d3e069d9e2793ef11f321"
diff --git a/packages/core/src/core/__tests__/goal-manager.test.ts b/packages/core/src/core/__tests__/goal-manager.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fb464288
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/core/src/core/__tests__/goal-manager.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+import { describe, it, expect, beforeEach } from "vitest";
+import { GoalManager } from "../goal-manager";
+import type { Goal, GoalStatus } from "../types";
+describe("GoalManager", () => {
+ let manager: GoalManager;
+ const now = Date.now();
+ // Helper function to create a valid base goal
+ const createBaseGoal = (status: GoalStatus = "pending") => ({
+ description: "Test Goal",
+ horizon: "short" as const,
+ status: status as GoalStatus,
+ priority: 1,
+ success_criteria: ["Goal completed successfully"],
+ created_at: now,
+ });
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ manager = new GoalManager();
+ });
+ describe("addGoal", () => {
+ it("should create a goal with generated ID", () => {
+ const goal = manager.addGoal(createBaseGoal());
+ expect(goal.id).toBeDefined();
+ expect(goal.description).toBe("Test Goal");
+ expect(goal.progress).toBe(0);
+ });
+ it("should handle subgoal relationships", () => {
+ const parent = manager.addGoal({
+ ...createBaseGoal(),
+ description: "Parent Goal",
+ horizon: "medium",
+ });
+ const child = manager.addGoal({
+ ...createBaseGoal(),
+ description: "Child Goal",
+ parentGoal: parent.id,
+ });
+ const parentFromStore = manager.getGoalById(parent.id);
+ expect(parentFromStore?.subgoals).toContain(child.id);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("goal status management", () => {
+ it("should update goal status correctly", () => {
+ const goal = manager.addGoal(createBaseGoal());
+ manager.updateGoalStatus(goal.id, "completed");
+ const updated = manager.getGoalById(goal.id);
+ expect(updated?.status).toBe("completed");
+ expect(updated?.progress).toBe(100);
+ expect(updated?.completed_at).toBeDefined();
+ });
+ it("should handle goal failure", async () => {
+ const goal = manager.addGoal(createBaseGoal());
+ await manager.processGoalFailure(goal);
+ const failed = manager.getGoalById(goal.id);
+ expect(failed?.status).toBe("failed");
+ });
+ });
+ describe("goal dependencies", () => {
+ it("should check prerequisites correctly", () => {
+ const dep = manager.addGoal({
+ ...createBaseGoal(),
+ description: "Dependency",
+ });
+ const goal = manager.addGoal({
+ ...createBaseGoal(),
+ description: "Main Goal",
+ dependencies: [dep.id],
+ });
+ expect(manager.arePrerequisitesMet(goal.id)).toBe(false);
+ manager.updateGoalStatus(dep.id, "completed");
+ expect(manager.arePrerequisitesMet(goal.id)).toBe(true);
+ });
+ it("should update dependent goals when dependency is completed", () => {
+ const dep = manager.addGoal({
+ ...createBaseGoal(),
+ description: "Dependency",
+ });
+ const goal = manager.addGoal({
+ ...createBaseGoal(),
+ description: "Main Goal",
+ status: "pending",
+ dependencies: [dep.id],
+ });
+ manager.updateGoalStatus(dep.id, "completed");
+ const updated = manager.getGoalById(goal.id);
+ expect(updated?.status).toBe("ready");
+ });
+ });
+ describe("goal hierarchy", () => {
+ it("should get goal hierarchy correctly", () => {
+ const parent = manager.addGoal({
+ ...createBaseGoal(),
+ description: "Parent",
+ horizon: "medium",
+ });
+ const child1 = manager.addGoal({
+ ...createBaseGoal(),
+ description: "Child 1",
+ parentGoal: parent.id,
+ });
+ const child2 = manager.addGoal({
+ ...createBaseGoal(),
+ description: "Child 2",
+ parentGoal: parent.id,
+ });
+ const hierarchy = manager.getGoalHierarchy(parent.id);
+ expect(hierarchy).toHaveLength(3);
+ expect(hierarchy.map((g) => g.id)).toContain(child1.id);
+ expect(hierarchy.map((g) => g.id)).toContain(child2.id);
+ });
+ it("should update parent progress when child is completed", () => {
+ const parent = manager.addGoal({
+ ...createBaseGoal(),
+ description: "Parent",
+ horizon: "medium",
+ });
+ const child1 = manager.addGoal({
+ ...createBaseGoal(),
+ description: "Child 1",
+ parentGoal: parent.id,
+ });
+ const child2 = manager.addGoal({
+ ...createBaseGoal(),
+ description: "Child 2",
+ parentGoal: parent.id,
+ });
+ manager.updateGoalStatus(child1.id, "completed");
+ expect(manager.getGoalById(parent.id)?.progress).toBe(50);
+ manager.updateGoalStatus(child2.id, "completed");
+ const updatedParent = manager.getGoalById(parent.id);
+ expect(updatedParent?.progress).toBe(100);
+ expect(updatedParent?.status).toBe("ready");
+ });
+ });
+ describe("goal filtering and sorting", () => {
+ it("should get goals by horizon", () => {
+ manager.addGoal({
+ ...createBaseGoal(),
+ description: "Short 1",
+ priority: 2,
+ });
+ manager.addGoal({
+ ...createBaseGoal(),
+ description: "Short 2",
+ priority: 1,
+ });
+ manager.addGoal({
+ ...createBaseGoal(),
+ description: "Medium",
+ horizon: "medium",
+ });
+ const shortGoals = manager.getGoalsByHorizon("short");
+ expect(shortGoals).toHaveLength(2);
+ expect(shortGoals[0].priority).toBe(2); // Check priority sorting
+ });
+ it("should get ready goals correctly", () => {
+ // Create a ready goal
+ const readyGoal = manager.addGoal({
+ ...createBaseGoal("ready"),
+ description: "Ready Goal",
+ });
+ // Create a blocked goal
+ const blockedGoal = manager.addGoal(createBaseGoal("pending"));
+ manager.updateGoalStatus(blockedGoal.id, "blocked");
+ const readyGoals = manager.getReadyGoals();
+ expect(readyGoals).toHaveLength(1);
+ expect(readyGoals[0].description).toBe("Ready Goal");
+ });
+ });
+ describe("goal outcomes", () => {
+ it("should record goal outcomes correctly", () => {
+ const goal = manager.addGoal(createBaseGoal());
+ manager.recordGoalOutcome(goal.id, 0.8, "Good performance");
+ const updated = manager.getGoalById(goal.id);
+ expect(updated?.outcomeScore).toBe(0.8);
+ expect(updated?.scoreHistory).toHaveLength(1);
+ expect(updated?.status).toBe("completed");
+ });
+ it("should record goal failures correctly", () => {
+ const goal = manager.addGoal(createBaseGoal());
+ manager.recordGoalFailure(goal.id, "Resource unavailable");
+ const failed = manager.getGoalById(goal.id);
+ expect(failed?.status).toBe("failed");
+ expect(failed?.meta?.failReason).toBe("Resource unavailable");
+ expect(failed?.scoreHistory).toHaveLength(1);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("additional goal management", () => {
+ it("should update goal dependencies", () => {
+ const goal = manager.addGoal(createBaseGoal());
+ const dep = manager.addGoal(createBaseGoal());
+ manager.updateGoalDependencies(goal.id, [dep.id]);
+ const updated = manager.getGoalById(goal.id);
+ expect(updated?.dependencies).toContain(dep.id);
+ });
+ it("should get child goals", () => {
+ const parent = manager.addGoal(createBaseGoal());
+ const child1 = manager.addGoal({
+ ...createBaseGoal(),
+ parentGoal: parent.id,
+ });
+ const child2 = manager.addGoal({
+ ...createBaseGoal(),
+ parentGoal: parent.id,
+ });
+ const children = manager.getChildGoals(parent.id);
+ expect(children).toHaveLength(2);
+ expect(children.map((g) => g.id)).toContain(child1.id);
+ expect(children.map((g) => g.id)).toContain(child2.id);
+ });
+ it("should get dependent goals", () => {
+ const dep = manager.addGoal(createBaseGoal());
+ const goal1 = manager.addGoal({
+ ...createBaseGoal(),
+ dependencies: [dep.id],
+ });
+ const goal2 = manager.addGoal({
+ ...createBaseGoal(),
+ dependencies: [dep.id],
+ });
+ const dependents = manager.getDependentGoals(dep.id);
+ expect(dependents).toHaveLength(2);
+ expect(dependents.map((g) => g.id)).toContain(goal1.id);
+ expect(dependents.map((g) => g.id)).toContain(goal2.id);
+ });
+ it("should update goal progress", () => {
+ const goal = manager.addGoal(createBaseGoal());
+ manager.updateGoalProgress(goal.id, 75);
+ const updated = manager.getGoalById(goal.id);
+ expect(updated?.progress).toBe(75);
+ });
+ it("should get goals by status", () => {
+ const goal1 = manager.addGoal({
+ ...createBaseGoal(),
+ status: "completed",
+ });
+ const goal2 = manager.addGoal({
+ ...createBaseGoal(),
+ status: "completed",
+ });
+ const completed = manager.getGoalsByStatus("completed");
+ expect(completed).toHaveLength(2);
+ expect(completed.map((g) => g.id)).toContain(goal1.id);
+ expect(completed.map((g) => g.id)).toContain(goal2.id);
+ });
+ it("should check if goal can be refined", () => {
+ const shortGoal = manager.addGoal({
+ ...createBaseGoal(),
+ horizon: "short",
+ });
+ const mediumGoal = manager.addGoal({
+ ...createBaseGoal(),
+ horizon: "medium",
+ });
+ expect(manager.canBeRefined(shortGoal.id)).toBe(false);
+ expect(manager.canBeRefined(mediumGoal.id)).toBe(true);
+ });
+ it("should block goal hierarchy", () => {
+ const parent = manager.addGoal(createBaseGoal());
+ const child = manager.addGoal({
+ ...createBaseGoal(),
+ parentGoal: parent.id,
+ });
+ manager.blockGoalHierarchy(parent.id, "Resource unavailable");
+ const blockedParent = manager.getGoalById(parent.id);
+ const blockedChild = manager.getGoalById(child.id);
+ expect(blockedParent?.status).toBe("blocked");
+ expect(blockedChild?.status).toBe("blocked");
+ });
+ it("should get goal path", () => {
+ const root = manager.addGoal(createBaseGoal());
+ const mid = manager.addGoal({
+ ...createBaseGoal(),
+ parentGoal: root.id,
+ });
+ const leaf = manager.addGoal({
+ ...createBaseGoal(),
+ parentGoal: mid.id,
+ });
+ const path = manager.getGoalPath(leaf.id);
+ expect(path).toHaveLength(3);
+ expect(path[0].id).toBe(root.id);
+ expect(path[1].id).toBe(mid.id);
+ expect(path[2].id).toBe(leaf.id);
+ });
+ it("should estimate completion time", () => {
+ const goal = manager.addGoal({
+ ...createBaseGoal(),
+ horizon: "medium",
+ });
+ const dep = manager.addGoal({
+ ...createBaseGoal(),
+ horizon: "short",
+ });
+ manager.updateGoalDependencies(goal.id, [dep.id]);
+ const estimate = manager.estimateCompletionTime(goal.id);
+ expect(estimate).toBeGreaterThan(0);
+ });
+ it("should get goals by score", () => {
+ const goal1 = manager.addGoal(createBaseGoal());
+ const goal2 = manager.addGoal(createBaseGoal());
+ manager.recordGoalOutcome(goal1.id, 0.8);
+ manager.recordGoalOutcome(goal2.id, 0.9);
+ const scored = manager.getGoalsByScore();
+ expect(scored).toHaveLength(2);
+ expect(scored[0].outcomeScore).toBeGreaterThan(
+ scored[1].outcomeScore as number
+ );
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/packages/core/src/core/__test__/vector-db.test.ts b/packages/core/src/core/__tests__/vector-db.test.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from packages/core/src/core/__test__/vector-db.test.ts
rename to packages/core/src/core/__tests__/vector-db.test.ts
diff --git a/packages/core/src/core/chain-of-thought.ts b/packages/core/src/core/chain-of-thought.ts
index fa592721..d2173d9d 100644
--- a/packages/core/src/core/chain-of-thought.ts
+++ b/packages/core/src/core/chain-of-thought.ts
@@ -79,33 +79,12 @@ export class ChainOfThought extends EventEmitter {
"Planning strategy for objective",
- { objective }
- );
- const context = await this.gatherRelevantContext(objective);
- this.logger.info(
- "decomposeObjectiveIntoGoals",
- "Gathered relevant context",
- { context }
- );
- const goals = await this.generateGoalHierarchy(objective, context);
- this.logger.info(
- "decomposeObjectiveIntoGoals",
- "Generated goal hierarchy",
- { goals }
- );
- await this.createAndLinkGoals(goals);
- this.recordReasoningStep(
- `Strategy planned for objective: ${objective}`,
- "planning",
- ["strategy-planning"],
- { goals: this.getCreatedGoals() }
+ {
+ objective,
+ }
- }
- private async gatherRelevantContext(objective: string) {
+ // Fetch relevant documents and experiences related to the objective
const [relevantDocs, relevantExperiences] = await Promise.all([
this.memory.findSimilarDocuments(objective, 5),
this.memory.findSimilarEpisodes(objective, 3),
@@ -120,6 +99,7 @@ export class ChainOfThought extends EventEmitter {
+ // Build context from relevant documents
const gameStateContext = relevantDocs
(doc) => `
@@ -131,6 +111,7 @@ export class ChainOfThought extends EventEmitter {
+ // Build context from past experiences
const experienceContext = relevantExperiences
(exp) => `
@@ -143,23 +124,16 @@ export class ChainOfThought extends EventEmitter {
- return { gameStateContext, experienceContext };
- }
- private async generateGoalHierarchy(
- objective: string,
- context: { gameStateContext: string; experienceContext: string }
- ) {
const prompt = `
- ${context.gameStateContext}
+ ${gameStateContext}
- ${context.experienceContext}
+ ${experienceContext}
@@ -207,7 +181,7 @@ export class ChainOfThought extends EventEmitter {
try {
- return await validateLLMResponseSchema({
+ const goals = await validateLLMResponseSchema({
"You are a strategic planning system that creates hierarchical goal structures.",
@@ -217,12 +191,91 @@ export class ChainOfThought extends EventEmitter {
`Attempt ${attempt} failed`,
- { error }
+ {
+ error,
+ }
llmClient: this.llmClient,
logger: this.logger,
+ const allLLMGoals = [
+ ...goals.long_term.map((g) => ({
+ horizon: "long" as const,
+ ...g,
+ })),
+ ...goals.medium_term.map((g) => ({
+ horizon: "medium" as const,
+ ...g,
+ })),
+ ...goals.short_term.map((g) => ({
+ horizon: "short" as const,
+ ...g,
+ })),
+ ];
+ // Link: LLM’s "id" -> goal manager’s "goal-xyz" ID
+ const llmIdToRealId = new Map();
+ // Keep track of newly created goal IDs so we can fetch them after pass #2
+ const createdGoalIds: string[] = [];
+ // Pass #1: Create each goal (with empty dependencies)
+ for (const llmGoal of allLLMGoals) {
+ const {
+ id: llmId,
+ horizon,
+ dependencies: _,
+ ...rest
+ } = llmGoal;
+ // Create a new goal, letting GoalManager generate the random ID
+ const newGoal = this.goalManager.addGoal({
+ horizon,
+ status: "pending",
+ created_at: Date.now(),
+ dependencies: [], // empty for now, will fill in pass #2
+ ...rest,
+ });
+ // Map LLM’s temp ID -> our new random ID
+ llmIdToRealId.set(llmId, newGoal.id);
+ createdGoalIds.push(newGoal.id);
+ this.emit("goal:created", {
+ id: newGoal.id,
+ description: newGoal.description,
+ priority: newGoal.priority,
+ });
+ }
+ // PASS #2: Update dependencies with real IDs
+ for (const llmGoal of allLLMGoals) {
+ // Grab the real ID for this LLM goal
+ const realGoalId = llmIdToRealId.get(llmGoal.id);
+ if (!realGoalId) continue;
+ // Convert LLM dependencies to our manager IDs
+ const realDeps = llmGoal.dependencies
+ .map((dep) => llmIdToRealId.get(dep))
+ .filter((id): id is string => !!id);
+ this.goalManager.updateGoalDependencies(realGoalId, realDeps);
+ }
+ // Get all the goals we just created
+ const finalGoals = createdGoalIds
+ .map((id) => this.goalManager.getGoalById(id))
+ .filter((g): g is Goal => !!g);
+ // Add a planning step
+ this.recordReasoningStep(
+ `Strategy planned for objective: ${objective}`,
+ "planning",
+ ["strategy-planning"],
+ { goals: finalGoals }
+ );
} catch (error) {
@@ -233,64 +286,6 @@ export class ChainOfThought extends EventEmitter {
- private async createAndLinkGoals(goals: {
- long_term: any[];
- medium_term: any[];
- short_term: any[];
- }) {
- const allLLMGoals = [
- ...goals.long_term.map((g) => ({ horizon: "long" as const, ...g })),
- ...goals.medium_term.map((g) => ({
- horizon: "medium" as const,
- ...g,
- })),
- ...goals.short_term.map((g) => ({
- horizon: "short" as const,
- ...g,
- })),
- ];
- const llmIdToRealId = new Map();
- const createdGoalIds: string[] = [];
- // Pass #1: Create goals
- for (const llmGoal of allLLMGoals) {
- const { id: llmId, horizon, dependencies: _, ...rest } = llmGoal;
- const newGoal = this.goalManager.addGoal({
- horizon,
- status: "pending",
- created_at: Date.now(),
- dependencies: [],
- ...rest,
- });
- llmIdToRealId.set(llmId, newGoal.id);
- createdGoalIds.push(newGoal.id);
- this.emit("goal:created", {
- id: newGoal.id,
- description: newGoal.description,
- priority: newGoal.priority,
- });
- }
- // Pass #2: Link dependencies
- for (const llmGoal of allLLMGoals) {
- const realGoalId = llmIdToRealId.get(llmGoal.id);
- if (!realGoalId) continue;
- const realDeps = llmGoal.dependencies
- .map((dep: string) => llmIdToRealId.get(dep))
- .filter((id: string | undefined): id is string => !!id);
- this.goalManager.updateGoalDependencies(realGoalId, realDeps);
- }
- }
- private getCreatedGoals(): Goal[] {
- return Array.from(this.goalManager.goals.values());
- }
* Checks if a goal can be executed based on current state and requirements.
@@ -310,14 +305,55 @@ export class ChainOfThought extends EventEmitter {
missing_requirements: string[];
incompleteState?: boolean;
}> {
- try {
- const [relevantDocs, relevantExperiences, blackboardState] =
- await Promise.all([
- this.memory.findSimilarDocuments(goal.description, 5),
- this.memory.findSimilarEpisodes(goal.description, 3),
- this.getBlackboardState(),
- ]);
+ const [relevantDocs, relevantExperiences, blackboardState] =
+ await Promise.all([
+ this.memory.findSimilarDocuments(goal.description, 5),
+ this.memory.findSimilarEpisodes(goal.description, 3),
+ this.getBlackboardState(),
+ ]);
+ const prompt = `
+ ${goal.description}
+ ${relevantDocs
+ .map((doc) => `Document: ${doc.title}\n${doc.content}`)
+ .join("\n\n")}
+ ${relevantExperiences
+ .map((exp) => `Experience: ${exp.action}\n${exp.outcome}`)
+ .join("\n\n")}
+ ${JSON.stringify(blackboardState, null, 2)}
+ # Required dependencies:
+ ${JSON.stringify(goal.dependencies || {}, null, 2)}
+ # Analyze if this goal can be executed right now. Consider:
+ 1. Are all required resources available in the current game state?
+ 2. Are environmental conditions met?
+ 3. Are there any blocking conditions?
+ 4. Do we have the necessary game state requirements?
+ If you need to query then you could potentially complete the goal.
+ Think about this goal and the context here.
+ `;
+ try {
const schema = z
possible: z.boolean(),
@@ -332,13 +368,6 @@ export class ChainOfThought extends EventEmitter {
- const prompt = this.buildValidationPrompt(
- goal,
- relevantDocs,
- relevantExperiences,
- blackboardState
- );
const response = await validateLLMResponseSchema<{
possible: boolean;
reason: string;
@@ -353,7 +382,9 @@ export class ChainOfThought extends EventEmitter {
`Retry attempt ${attempt}`,
- { error }
+ {
+ error,
+ }
llmClient: this.llmClient,
@@ -381,52 +412,6 @@ export class ChainOfThought extends EventEmitter {
- private buildValidationPrompt(
- goal: Goal,
- relevantDocs: any[],
- relevantExperiences: any[],
- blackboardState: any
- ): string {
- return `
- ${goal.description}
- ${relevantDocs
- .map((doc) => `Document: ${doc.title}\n${doc.content}`)
- .join("\n\n")}
- ${relevantExperiences
- .map((exp) => `Experience: ${exp.action}\n${exp.outcome}`)
- .join("\n\n")}
- ${JSON.stringify(blackboardState, null, 2)}
- # Required dependencies:
- ${JSON.stringify(goal.dependencies || {}, null, 2)}
- # Analyze if this goal can be executed right now. Consider:
- 1. Are all required resources available in the current game state?
- 2. Are environmental conditions met?
- 3. Are there any blocking conditions?
- 4. Do we have the necessary game state requirements?
- If you need to query then you could potentially complete the goal.
- Think about this goal and the context here.
- `;
- }
* Refines a high-level goal into more specific, actionable sub-goals by analyzing relevant context.
@@ -444,7 +429,7 @@ export class ChainOfThought extends EventEmitter {
private async breakdownGoalIntoSubtasks(
goal: Goal,
maxRetries: number = 3
- ): Promise {
+ ): Promise {
const [relevantDocs, relevantExperiences, blackboardState] =
await Promise.all([
this.memory.findSimilarDocuments(goal.description, 5),
@@ -539,13 +524,9 @@ export class ChainOfThought extends EventEmitter {
// Update original goal status
this.goalManager.updateGoalStatus(goal.id, "active");
} catch (error) {
- this.logger.error(
- "breakdownGoalIntoSubtasks",
- "Failed to refine goal",
- { error }
+ throw new Error(
+ `Failed to refine goal after ${maxRetries} attempts: ${error}`
- return JSON.stringify({ error });
@@ -674,12 +655,7 @@ export class ChainOfThought extends EventEmitter {
- await this.goalManager.processGoalFailure(currentGoal);
- this.emit("goal:failed", {
- id: currentGoal.id,
- error,
- });
+ await this.processGoalFailure(currentGoal, error);
// Go on to the next goal
@@ -789,6 +765,35 @@ export class ChainOfThought extends EventEmitter {
+ /**
+ * Handles the failure of a goal by updating its status and notifying relevant systems.
+ *
+ * This method:
+ * 1. Updates the failed goal's status
+ * 2. If the goal has a parent, marks the parent as blocked
+ * 3. Emits a goal:failed event
+ *
+ * @param goal - The goal that failed
+ * @param error - The error that caused the failure
+ * @internal
+ */
+ private async processGoalFailure(
+ goal: Goal,
+ error: Error | unknown
+ ): Promise {
+ this.goalManager.updateGoalStatus(goal.id, "failed");
+ // If this was a sub-goal, mark parent as blocked
+ if (goal.parentGoal) {
+ this.goalManager.updateGoalStatus(goal.parentGoal, "blocked");
+ }
+ this.emit("goal:failed", {
+ id: goal.id,
+ error,
+ });
+ }
* Validates whether a goal has been successfully achieved by analyzing the current context
* against the goal's success criteria.
@@ -1125,27 +1130,6 @@ export class ChainOfThought extends EventEmitter {
- /**
- * Returns a formatted string listing all available outputs registered in the outputs registry.
- * The string includes each output name on a new line prefixed with a bullet point.
- * @returns A formatted string containing all registered output names
- * @example
- * ```ts
- * // If outputs contains "console" and "file"
- * getAvailableOutputs() // Returns:
- * // Available outputs:
- * // - console
- * // - file
- * ```
- * @internal
- */
- private getAvailableOutputs(): string {
- const outputs = Array.from(this.outputs.keys());
- return `Available outputs:\n${outputs
- .map((output) => `- ${output}`)
- .join("\n")}`;
- }
private buildPrompt(tags: Record = {}): string {
this.logger.debug("buildPrompt", "Building LLM prompt");
@@ -1236,16 +1220,68 @@ ${availableOutputs
public async think(
userQuery: string,
maxIterations: number = 10
- ): Promise {
+ ): Promise {
this.emit("think:start", { query: userQuery });
try {
- await this.initializeThinkingContext(userQuery);
- let pendingActions = await this.getInitialActions(userQuery);
+ // Consult single memory instance for both types of memories
+ const [similarExperiences, relevantDocs] = await Promise.all([
+ this.memory.findSimilarEpisodes(userQuery, 1),
+ this.memory.findSimilarDocuments(userQuery, 1),
+ ]);
+ this.logger.debug("think", "Retrieved memory context", {
+ experienceCount: similarExperiences.length,
+ docCount: relevantDocs.length,
+ });
+ this.logger.debug("think", "Beginning to think", {
+ userQuery,
+ maxIterations,
+ });
+ // Initialize with user query
+ this.recordReasoningStep(`User Query: ${userQuery}`, "task", [
+ "user-query",
+ ]);
let currentIteration = 0;
let isComplete = false;
+ // Get initial plan and actions
+ const initialResponse = await validateLLMResponseSchema({
+ prompt: this.buildPrompt({ query: userQuery }),
+ schema: z.object({
+ plan: z.string().optional(),
+ meta: z.any().optional(),
+ actions: z.array(
+ z.object({
+ type: z.string(),
+ payload: z.any(),
+ })
+ ),
+ }),
+ systemPrompt:
+ "You are a reasoning system that outputs structured JSON only.",
+ maxRetries: 3,
+ llmClient: this.llmClient,
+ logger: this.logger,
+ });
+ // Initialize pending actions queue with initial actions
+ let pendingActions: CoTAction[] = [
+ ...initialResponse.actions,
+ ] as CoTAction[];
+ // Add initial plan as a step if provided
+ if (initialResponse.plan) {
+ this.recordReasoningStep(
+ `Initial plan: ${initialResponse.plan}`,
+ "planning",
+ ["initial-plan"]
+ );
+ }
while (
!isComplete &&
currentIteration < maxIterations &&
@@ -1256,162 +1292,31 @@ ${availableOutputs
pendingActionsCount: pendingActions.length,
+ // Process one action at a time
const currentAction = pendingActions.shift()!;
+ this.logger.debug("think", "Processing action", {
+ action: currentAction,
+ remainingActions: pendingActions.length,
+ });
try {
const result = await this.executeAction(currentAction);
- await this.handleActionResult(currentAction, result);
- const completion = await this.verifyCompletion(
- userQuery,
- result,
- currentAction
- );
- isComplete = completion.complete;
+ // Store the experience
+ await this.storeEpisode(currentAction.type, result);
- if (completion.newActions?.length > 0) {
- pendingActions.push(
- ...this.extractNewActions(completion.newActions)
+ // If the result seems important, store as knowledge
+ if (calculateImportance(result) > 0.7) {
+ await this.storeKnowledge(
+ `Learning from ${currentAction.type}`,
+ result,
+ "action_learning",
+ [currentAction.type, "automated_learning"]
- if (isComplete || !completion.shouldContinue) {
- await this.handleCompletion(
- isComplete,
- completion.reason,
- userQuery
- );
- return;
- }
- this.recordReasoningStep(
- `Action completed, continuing execution: ${completion.reason}`,
- "system",
- ["continuation"]
- );
- } catch (error) {
- this.emit("think:error", { query: userQuery, error });
- return JSON.stringify({ error });
- }
- currentIteration++;
- }
- if (currentIteration >= maxIterations) {
- const error = `Failed to solve query "${userQuery}" within ${maxIterations} iterations`;
- this.logger.error("think", error);
- this.emit("think:timeout", { query: userQuery });
- }
- } catch (error) {
- this.emit("think:error", { query: userQuery, error });
- return JSON.stringify({ error });
- }
- }
- private async initializeThinkingContext(userQuery: string): Promise {
- const [similarExperiences, relevantDocs] = await Promise.all([
- this.memory.findSimilarEpisodes(userQuery, 1),
- this.memory.findSimilarDocuments(userQuery, 1),
- ]);
- this.logger.debug("think", "Retrieved memory context", {
- experienceCount: similarExperiences.length,
- docCount: relevantDocs.length,
- });
- this.logger.debug("think", "Beginning to think", {
- userQuery,
- });
- this.recordReasoningStep(`User Query: ${userQuery}`, "task", [
- "user-query",
- ]);
- }
- private async getInitialActions(userQuery: string): Promise {
- const initialResponse = await validateLLMResponseSchema({
- prompt: this.buildPrompt({ query: userQuery }),
- schema: z.object({
- plan: z.string().optional(),
- meta: z.any().optional(),
- actions: z.array(
- z.object({
- type: z.string(),
- payload: z.any(),
- })
- ),
- }),
- systemPrompt:
- "You are a reasoning system that outputs structured JSON only.",
- maxRetries: 3,
- llmClient: this.llmClient,
- logger: this.logger,
- });
- if (initialResponse.plan) {
- this.recordReasoningStep(
- `Initial plan: ${initialResponse.plan}`,
- "planning",
- ["initial-plan"]
- );
- }
- return [...initialResponse.actions] as CoTAction[];
- }
- private async handleActionResult(
- currentAction: CoTAction,
- result: any
- ): Promise {
- await this.storeEpisode(currentAction.type, result);
- if (calculateImportance(result) > 0.7) {
- await this.storeKnowledge(
- `Learning from ${currentAction.type}`,
- result,
- "action_learning",
- [currentAction.type, "automated_learning"]
- );
- }
- }
- private async verifyCompletion(
- userQuery: string,
- result: any,
- currentAction: CoTAction
- ): Promise<{
- complete: boolean;
- reason: string;
- shouldContinue: boolean;
- newActions: any[];
- }> {
- return await validateLLMResponseSchema({
- prompt: this.buildVerificationPrompt(
- userQuery,
- result,
- currentAction
- ),
- schema: z.object({
- complete: z.boolean(),
- reason: z.string(),
- shouldContinue: z.boolean(),
- newActions: z.array(z.any()),
- }),
- systemPrompt:
- "You are a goal completion analyzer using Chain of Verification...",
- maxRetries: 3,
- llmClient: this.llmClient,
- logger: this.logger,
- });
- }
- private buildVerificationPrompt(
- userQuery: string,
- result: any,
- currentAction: CoTAction
- ): string {
- return `${this.buildPrompt({ result })}
+ const completion = await validateLLMResponseSchema({
+ prompt: `${this.buildPrompt({ result })}
query: userQuery,
currentSteps: this.stepManager.getSteps(),
@@ -1449,33 +1354,86 @@ ${availableOutputs
Think in detail here
- `;
- }
+ `,
+ schema: z.object({
+ complete: z.boolean(),
+ reason: z.string(),
+ shouldContinue: z.boolean(),
+ newActions: z.array(z.any()),
+ }),
+ systemPrompt:
+ "You are a goal completion analyzer using Chain of Verification...",
+ maxRetries: 3,
+ llmClient: this.llmClient,
+ logger: this.logger,
+ });
- private extractNewActions(newActions: any[]): CoTAction[] {
- const extractedActions = newActions.flatMap(
- (plan: any) => plan.actions || []
- );
+ try {
+ isComplete = completion.complete;
+ if (completion.newActions?.length > 0) {
+ // Add new actions to the end of the pending queue
+ const extractedActions =
+ completion.newActions.flatMap(
+ (plan: any) => plan.actions || []
+ );
+ pendingActions.push(...extractedActions);
+ this.logger.debug("think", "Added new actions", {
+ newActionsCount: extractedActions.length,
+ totalPendingCount: pendingActions.length,
+ });
+ }
- this.logger.debug("think", "Added new actions", {
- newActionsCount: extractedActions.length,
- totalPendingCount: extractedActions.length,
- });
+ if (isComplete || !completion.shouldContinue) {
+ this.recordReasoningStep(
+ `Goal ${isComplete ? "achieved" : "failed"}: ${
+ completion.reason
+ }`,
+ "system",
+ ["completion"]
+ );
+ this.emit("think:complete", { query: userQuery });
+ return;
+ } else {
+ this.recordReasoningStep(
+ `Action completed, continuing execution: ${completion.reason}`,
+ "system",
+ ["continuation"]
+ );
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ this.logger.error(
+ "think",
+ "Error parsing completion check",
+ {
+ error:
+ error instanceof Error
+ ? error.message
+ : String(error),
+ completion,
+ }
+ );
+ continue;
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ this.emit("think:error", { query: userQuery, error });
+ throw error;
+ }
- return extractedActions;
- }
+ currentIteration++;
+ }
- private async handleCompletion(
- isComplete: boolean,
- reason: string,
- userQuery: string
- ): Promise {
- this.recordReasoningStep(
- `Goal ${isComplete ? "achieved" : "failed"}: ${reason}`,
- "system",
- ["completion"]
- );
- this.emit("think:complete", { query: userQuery });
+ if (currentIteration >= maxIterations) {
+ const error = `Failed to solve query "${userQuery}" within ${maxIterations} iterations`;
+ this.logger.error("think", error);
+ this.emit("think:timeout", { query: userQuery });
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ this.emit("think:error", { query: userQuery, error });
+ throw error;
+ }
@@ -1564,6 +1522,10 @@ ${availableOutputs
id: crypto.randomUUID(),
+ this.logger.info("storeEpisode", "Stored experience", {
+ experience,
+ });
} catch (error) {
this.logger.error("storeEpisode", "Failed to store experience", {
@@ -1598,6 +1560,10 @@ ${availableOutputs
await this.memory.storeDocument(document);
+ this.logger.info("storeKnowledge", "Stored knowledge", {
+ document,
+ });
this.emit("memory:knowledge_stored", { document });
} catch (error) {
this.logger.error("storeKnowledge", "Failed to store knowledge", {
@@ -1678,6 +1644,10 @@ ${availableOutputs
state[update.type][update.key] = update.value;
+ this.logger.info("getBlackboardState", "Found blackboard state", {
+ state,
+ });
return state;
} catch (error) {
@@ -1719,6 +1689,14 @@ ${availableOutputs
const docs = await this.memory.searchDocumentsByTag(tags, limit);
+ this.logger.info(
+ "getBlackboardHistory",
+ "Found blackboard history",
+ {
+ docs,
+ }
+ );
return docs
.map((doc) => ({
@@ -1737,4 +1715,25 @@ ${availableOutputs
return [];
+ /**
+ * Returns a formatted string listing all available outputs registered in the outputs registry.
+ * The string includes each output name on a new line prefixed with a bullet point.
+ * @returns A formatted string containing all registered output names
+ * @example
+ * ```ts
+ * // If outputs contains "console" and "file"
+ * getAvailableOutputs() // Returns:
+ * // Available outputs:
+ * // - console
+ * // - file
+ * ```
+ * @internal
+ */
+ private getAvailableOutputs(): string {
+ const outputs = Array.from(this.outputs.keys());
+ return `Available outputs:\n${outputs
+ .map((output) => `- ${output}`)
+ .join("\n")}`;
+ }
diff --git a/packages/core/src/core/goal-manager.ts b/packages/core/src/core/goal-manager.ts
index 1f8359a1..11129eb3 100644
--- a/packages/core/src/core/goal-manager.ts
+++ b/packages/core/src/core/goal-manager.ts
@@ -178,13 +178,15 @@ export class GoalManager {
return Array.from(this.goals.values())
.filter((goal) => {
const horizonMatch = !horizon || goal.horizon === horizon;
+ // Only consider goals that are explicitly in "ready" status
const isReady = goal.status === "ready";
const dependenciesMet =
!goal.dependencies?.length ||
(depId) => this.goals.get(depId)?.status === "completed"
- return horizonMatch && (isReady || dependenciesMet);
+ // A goal is only ready if it's explicitly in ready status AND dependencies are met
+ return horizonMatch && isReady && dependenciesMet;
.sort((a, b) => b.priority - a.priority);