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Intel® QuickAssist Technology (QAT) Async Mode Nginx

Table of Contents


Nginx* [engine x] is an HTTP and reverse proxy server, a mail proxy server, and a generic TCP/UDP proxy server, originally written by Igor Sysoev. This project provides an extended Nginx working with asynchronous mode OpenSSL*. With Intel® QuickAssist Technology (QAT) acceleration, the asynchronous mode Nginx can provide significant performance improvement.


The Licensing of the files within this project is:

Intel® Quickassist Technology (QAT) Async Mode Nginx - BSD License. Please see the LICENSE file contained in the top level folder. Further details can be found in the file headers of the relevant files.


  • Asynchronous Mode in SSL/TLS processing (including http/stream/mail/proxy module)
  • SSL Engine Framework for engine configuraion
  • Support for external polling mode and heursitic polling mode
  • Release hardware resource during worker is shutting down (For more details information, please read modules/nginx_qat_module/README)
  • Support OpenSSL Cipher PIPELINE feature
  • Support QATzip module to accelerate GZIP compression with Intel® Quickassist Technology

Hardware Requirements

Async Mode Nginx supports Crypto and Compression offload to the following acceleration devices:

Software Requirements

This release was validated on the following:

  • OpenSSL-1.1.0h
  • QAT engine v0.5.40
  • QATzip v0.2.7

Additional Information

  • Async Mode Nginx is developed based on Nginx-1.14.2.
  • Async Mode Nginx SSL engine framework provides new directives:


Syntax:     ssl_asynch on | off;
Default:    ssl_asynch off;
Context:    stream, mail, http, server

    Enables SSL/TLS asynchronous mode


file: conf/nginx.conf

    http {
        ssl_asynch  on;
        server {...}
    stream {
        ssl_asynch  on;
        server {...}


Syntax:     proxy_ssl_asynch on | off;
Default:    proxy_ssl_asynch off;
Context:    stream, http, server

Enables the SSL/TLS protocol asynchronous mode for connections to a proxied server.


file: conf/nginx.conf

    http {
        server {
            location /ssl {
                proxy_ssl_asynch on;
  • Async Mode Nginx provide new option asynch for listen directive.


file: conf/nginx.conf

    http {
        server{ listen 443 asynch; }
  • Support OpenSSL Cipher PIPELINE feature (Deitals information about the pipeline settings, please refer to OpenSSL Docs)


Syntax:     ssl_max_pipelines size;
Default:    ssl_max_pipelines 0;
Context:    server

Set MAX number of pipelines


Syntax:     ssl_split_send_fragment size;
Default:    ssl_split_send_fragment 0;
Context:    server

Set split size of sending fragment


Syntax:     ssl_max_send_fragment size;
Default:    ssl_max_send_fragment 0;
Context:    server

Set max number of sending fragment


  • Nginx supports reload operation, when QAT hardware is involved for crypto offload, user should ensure that there are enough number of QAT instances. For example, the available qat instance number should be 2x equal or more than Nginx worker process number.

    For example, in Nginx configuration file (nginx.conf) worker process number is configured as

       worker_processes 16;

    Then the instance configuration in QAT driver configuration file should be

        NumberCyInstances = 1
        NumberDcInstances = 0
        NumProcesses = 32
        LimitDevAccess = 1

Installation Instructions

Install Async Mode Nginx

Set the following environmental variables:

NGINX_INSTALL_DIR is the directory where Nginx will be installed to

OPENSSL_LIB is the directory where the OpenSSL has been installed to

QZ_ROOT is the directory where the QATzip has been compiled to

Configure nginx for compilation:

    ./configure \
        --prefix=$NGINX_INSTALL_DIR \
        --with-http_ssl_module \
        --add-dynamic-module=modules/nginx_qatzip_module \
        --add-dynamic-module=modules/nginx_qat_module/ \
        --with-cc-opt="-DNGX_SECURE_MEM -I$OPENSSL_LIB/include -I$QZ_ROOT/include -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations" \
        --with-ld-opt="-Wl,-rpath=$OPENSSL_LIB/lib -L$OPENSSL_LIB/lib -L$QZ_ROOT/src -lqatzip -lz"

Compile and Install:

    make install

Build OpenSSL* and QAT engine

These instructions can be found on QAT engine

Build QATzip

These instructions can be found on QATzip

Run Nginx official test

These instructions can be found on Official test

SSL Engine Framework for Configuration

As QAT engine is implemented as a standard OpenSSL* engine, its behavior can be controlled from the OpenSSL* configuration file (openssl.conf), which can be found on QAT engine.

Note: From v0.3.2 and later, this kind of configuration in openssl.conf will not be effective for Nginx. Please use the following method to configure Nginx SSL engine, such as Intel® QAT.

An SSL Engine Framework is introduced to provide a more powerful and flexible mechanism to configure Nginx SSL engine directly in the Nginx configuration file (nginx.conf).

ssl_engine configuration

A new configuration block is introduced as ssl_engine which provides two general directives:

Syntax:     use_engine [engine name];
Default:    N/A
Context:    ssl_engine
            Specify the engine name
Syntax:     default_algorithms [ALL/RSA/EC/...];
Default:    ALL
Context:    ssl_engine
            Specify the algorithms need to be offloaded to the engine
            More details information please refer to OpenSSL engine

A following configuration sub-block can be used to set engine specific configuration. The name of the sub-block should have a prefix using the engine name specified in use_engine, such as [engine_name]_engine.


Any 3rd party modules can be integrated into this framework. By default, a reference module dasync_module is provided in src/engine/modules and a QAT module nginx_qat_module is provided in modules/nginx_qat_modules.

An example configuration in the nginx.conf:

    load_module modules/;
    ssl_engine {
        use_engine qat;
        default_algorithms RSA,EC,DH,PKEY_CRYPTO;
        qat_engine {
            qat_offload_mode async;
            qat_notify_mode poll;
            qat_poll_mode heuristic;
            qat_shutting_down_release on;

For more details directives of nginx_qat_module, please refer to modules/nginx_qat_modules/README.

Support for Nginx Side Polling

The qat_module provides two kinds of Nginx side polling for QAT engine,

  • external polling mode
  • heuristic polling mode

Please refer to the README file in the modules/nginx_qat_modules directory to install this dynamic module.

Note: External polling and heuristic polling are unavailable in SSL proxy and stream module up to current release.

External Polling Mode

A timer-based polling is employed in each Nginx worker process to collect accelerator's response.

Directives in the qat_module

Syntax:     qat_external_poll_interval time;
Default:    1
Dependency: Valid if (qat_poll_mode=external)
Context:    qat_engine
            External polling time interval (ms)
            Valid value: 1 ~ 1000

Example file: conf/nginx.conf

    load_module modules/;
    ssl_engine {
        use_engine qat;
        default_algorithms ALL;
        qat_engine {
            qat_offload_mode async;
            qat_notify_mode poll;

            qat_poll_mode external;
            qat_external_poll_interval 1;

Heuristic Polling Mode

This mode can be regarded as an improvement of the timer-based external polling. It is the recommended polling mode to communicate with QAT accelerators because of its performance advantages. With the knowledge of the offload traffic, it controls the response reaping rate to match the request submission rate so as to maximize system efficiency with moderate latency, and adapt well to diverse types of network traffics.


  • This mode is only available when using QAT engine v0.5.35 or later.
  • External polling timer is enabled by default when heuristic polling mode is enabled.

In the heuristic polling mode, a polling operation is only triggered at a proper moment:

  • Number of in-flight offload requests reaches a pre-defined threshold (in consideration of efficiency)
  • All the active SSL connections have submitted their cryptographic requests and been waiting for the corresponding responses (in consideration of timeliness).

Directives in the qat_module

Syntax:     qat_heuristic_poll_asym_threshold num;
Default:    48
Dependency: Valid if (qat_poll_mode=heuristic)
Context:    qat_engine
            Threshold of the number of in-flight requests to trigger a polling
            operation when there are in-flight asymmetric crypto requests
            Valid value: 1 ~ 512

Syntax:     qat_heuristic_poll_sym_threshold num;
Default:    24
Dependency: Valid if (qat_poll_mode=heuristic)
Context:    qat_engine
            Threshold of the number of in-flight requests to trigger a polling
            operation when there is no in-flight asymmetric crypto request
            Valid value: 1 ~ 512

Example file: conf/nginx.conf

    load_module modules/;
    ssl_engine {
        use_engine qat;
        default_algorithms ALL;
        qat_engine {
            qat_offload_mode async;
            qat_notify_mode poll;

            qat_poll_mode heuristic;
            qat_heuristic_poll_asym_threshold 48;
            qat_heuristic_poll_sym_threshold 24;

QATzip Module Configuration

This module is developed to accelerate GZIP compression with QAT accelerators through QATzip stream API released in v0.2.6.


  • This mode is only available when using QATzip v0.2.6 or later.

Directives in the qatzip_module

    Syntax:     qatzip on | off;
    Default:    qatzip off;
    Context:    http, server, location, if in location
                Enables or disables qatzipping of responses.

    Syntax:     qatzip_chunk_size size;
    Default:    qatzip_chunk_size 64k;
    Context:    http, server, location
                Sets the chunk buffer size in which data will be compressed into
                one deflate block. By default, the buffer size is equal to 64K.

    Syntax:     qatzip_stream_size size;
    Default:    qatzip_stream_size 256k;
    Context:    http, server, location
                Sets the size of stream buffers in which data will be compressed into
                multiple deflate blocks and only the last block has FINAL bit being set.
                By default, the stream buffer size is 256K.

Example file: conf/nginx.conf

    load_module modules/;

    gzip_http_version   1.0;
    gzip_proxied any;
    qatzip on;
    qatzip_min_length 128;
    qatzip_comp_level 1;
    qatzip_buffers 16 8k;
    qatzip_types text/css text/javascript text/xml text/plain text/x-component application/javascript application/json application/xml application/rss+xml font/truetype font/opentype application/ image/svg+xml application/octet-stream image/jpeg;
    qatzip_chunk_size   64k;
    qatzip_stream_size  256k;
    qatzip_sw_threshold 256;

For more details directives of nginx_qatzip_module, please refer to modules/nginx_qatzip_modules/README.

Known Issues

'Orphan ring' errors in dmesg output when Nginx exit
Working with current QAT driver (version 4.4.0 in, Nginx workers exit with 'Orphan ring' errors. This issue has been fixed in future QAT driver release

Cache manager/loader process will allocate QAT instance via QAT engine
According to current QAT engine design, child process forked by master process will initialize QAT engine automatically in QAT engine atfork hook function. If cache manager/loader processes are employed, QAT instances will be allocated in the same way as worker process. Cache manager/loader processes do not perform modules' exit process method in Nginx native design which will introduce "Orphan ring" error message in dmesg output.

QATzip module does not support dictionary compression
QATzip module supports GZIP compression acceleration now, does not support user define dictionary compression yet.

Intended Audience

The target audience may be software developers, test and validation engineers, system integrators, end users and consumers for Async Mode Nginx integrated Intel® Quick Assist Technology.


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