Name | Type | Description | Notes |
description | string | The description of the project | [optional] |
status | string | The status of the project | [optional] |
owner_id | float | The ID of a project owner | [optional] |
start_date | \DateTime | The start date of the project. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. | [optional] |
end_date | \DateTime | The end date of the project. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. | [optional] |
deal_ids | int[] | An array of IDs of the deals this project is associated with | [optional] |
org_id | float | The ID of the organization this project is associated with | [optional] |
person_id | float | The ID of the person this project is associated with | [optional] |
labels | int[] | An array of IDs of the labels this project has | [optional] |