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+Copyright 2002, 2009 by David Chiang
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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+# tikz-qtree
+Version 1.2 (20 Apr 2012)
+This package provides a macro for drawing trees with TikZ using the
+easy syntax of Alexis Dimitriadis'
+[Qtree](https://ctan.org/pkg/qtree). It improves on TikZ's standard
+tree-drawing facility by laying out tree nodes without collisions, and
+it improves on Qtree by adding lots of features from TikZ (for
+example, edge labels, arrows between nodes).
+Please see tikz-qtree-manual.pdf for instructions and examples.
+Version history:
+1.2 (2012/04/20)
+ - level-specific styles (thanks to Andrew Stacey)
+1.12 (2011/10/10)
+ - fixed bug that was inserting spaces
+1.11 (2010/12/25):
+ - options don't break options for standard TikZ trees
+1.1 (2009/12/25):
+ - much deeper trees can be typeset without exceeding capacity
+ - sideways trees
+ - extra package for improved Qtree compatibility
+ - connections can be drawn to whole subtrees instead of nodes
+1 (2009/12/22):
+ - initial release
+## Credits
+David Chiang (dchiang@nd.edu)
+## License
+This package is available under the MIT License. Please see LICENSE.md
+for details.
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+%    pgfsubpic.tex
+%    Version 1.1, 25 Dec 2009
+%    Copyright 2009 by David Chiang
+%    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+%    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+%    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+%    (at your option) any later version.
+%    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+%    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%    GNU General Public License for more details.
+%    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+%    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+%    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+% New in version 1.1:
+% - the ability to save a subpicture in local variables
+% - nodes in subpictures are tracked if the subpicture is placed with arbitrary transforms
+% - new \pgffitsubpicture macro to transform a subpicture (preserving aspect) to fit in a desired box
+% Special virtual node for current subpicture's bounding box
+\expandafter\def\csname pgf@sh@ns@current subpicture\endcsname{rectangle}
+\expandafter\def\csname pgf@sh@np@current subpicture\endcsname{%
+  \def\southwest{\pgfqpoint{\pgf@subpicminx}{\pgf@subpicminy}}%
+  \def\northeast{\pgfqpoint{\pgf@subpicmaxx}{\pgf@subpicmaxy}}%
+\expandafter\def\csname pgf@sh@nt@current subpicture\endcsname{{\pgf@pt@aa}{\pgf@pt@ab}{\pgf@pt@ba}{\pgf@pt@bb}{\the\pgf@pt@x}{\the\pgf@pt@y}} % the transformation at invocation time
+\expandafter\def\csname pgf@sh@pi@current subpicture\endcsname{\pgfpictureid}
+% Create a pgfpicture inside an hbox for delayed placement
+\relax % not sure why. otherwise a curly brace immediately after causes an error
+% Allocate registers for saving a subpicture. #1 is text, not a control sequence.
+\expandafter\newbox\csname pgf@subpic@hbox@#1\endcsname
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname pgf@subpic@minx@#1\endcsname
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname pgf@subpic@miny@#1\endcsname
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname pgf@subpic@maxx@#1\endcsname
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname pgf@subpic@maxy@#1\endcsname
+% saved subpictures are local to the current group
+\expandafter\setbox\csname pgf@subpic@hbox@#1\endcsname\box\pgf@hbox
+\csname pgf@subpic@minx@#1\endcsname\pgf@subpicminx
+\csname pgf@subpic@miny@#1\endcsname\pgf@subpicminy
+\csname pgf@subpic@maxx@#1\endcsname\pgf@subpicmaxx
+\csname pgf@subpic@maxy@#1\endcsname\pgf@subpicmaxy
+\expandafter\edef\csname pgf@subpic@id@#1\endcsname{\subpictureid}%
+% place current subpicture into named subpicture
+% place current subpicture
+% override containing picture
+\expandafter\xdef\csname pgf@sh@pi@\subpictureid\endcsname{\csname pgf@subpic@id@#1\endcsname}%
+% copy contents of #1
+\pgfusepath{use as bounding box}%
+\expandafter\setbox\csname pgf@subpic@hbox@#1\endcsname\box\pgf@hbox
+\csname pgf@subpic@minx@#1\endcsname\pgf@subpicminx
+\csname pgf@subpic@miny@#1\endcsname\pgf@subpicminy
+\csname pgf@subpic@maxx@#1\endcsname\pgf@subpicmaxx
+\csname pgf@subpic@maxy@#1\endcsname\pgf@subpicmaxy
+% but don't save the new picture id, keep the existing one
+\edef\act{\global\noexpand\setbox\pgf@hbox\noexpand\box\csname pgf@subpic@hbox@#1\endcsname}\act
+\expandafter\global\expandafter\pgf@subpicminx\csname pgf@subpic@minx@#1\endcsname
+\expandafter\global\expandafter\pgf@subpicminy\csname pgf@subpic@miny@#1\endcsname
+\expandafter\global\expandafter\pgf@subpicmaxx\csname pgf@subpic@maxx@#1\endcsname
+\expandafter\global\expandafter\pgf@subpicmaxy\csname pgf@subpic@maxy@#1\endcsname
+\xdef\subpictureid{\csname pgf@subpic@id@#1\endcsname}%
+% Place a previously-created subpicture, lining up its origin with the current origin
+% expand current bounding box to accommodate subpicture
+\pgfusepath{use as bounding box}%
+% make the subpicture a node in the containing picture
+\expandafter\gdef\csname pgf@sh@ns@\subpictureid\endcsname{rectangle}%
+\expandafter\xdef\csname pgf@sh@np@\subpictureid\endcsname{%
+  \noexpand\def\noexpand\southwest{\noexpand\pgfqpoint{\the\pgf@subpicminx}{\the\pgf@subpicminy}}%
+  \noexpand\def\noexpand\northeast{\noexpand\pgfqpoint{\the\pgf@subpicmaxx}{\the\pgf@subpicmaxy}}%
+\expandafter\xdef\csname pgf@sh@nt@\subpictureid\endcsname{\pgf@temp}%
+\expandafter\xdef\csname pgf@sh@pi@\subpictureid\endcsname{\pgfpictureid}%
+% align origin of subpicture with origin
+% Hook onto existing macro \pgf@shape@interpictureshift.
+% This is called whenever we look up an anchor of a node.
+% This hook recursively checks to see if the node's picture
+% is a subpicture of another, and if so, adjusts its position accordingly.
+% This is slow. It makes drawing trees O(n^2) in the depth of the tree.
+% The alternative is to store, for each picture, a list of the nodes
+% inside it. But this way doesn't require us to hijack \pgfnode, and
+% is robust to re-placement of a subpicture. A compromise would be
+% to store, for each picture, a list of the *subpictures* inside it.
+% is #1 the current picture?
+% yes, we're done
+% does #1 have a parent picture?
+\expandafter\ifx\csname pgf@sh@pi@#1\endcsname\relax
+% no, the original node was not inside the current picture
+% yes, apply transform and move up to parent picture
+  \pgfsettransform{\csname pgf@sh@nt@#1\endcsname}%
+  \pgf@pos@transform{\pgf@x}{\pgf@y}%
+  \global\pgf@x=\pgf@x
+  \global\pgf@y=\pgf@y
+\unwind@subpic{\csname pgf@sh@pi@#1\endcsname}%
+\unwind@subpic{\csname pgf@sh@pi@#1\endcsname}%
+% \pgffitsubpicture{sw}{ne}
+% Make the subpicture fit in the rectangle from sw to ne, preserving its aspect ratio.
+% current size
+\pgfpointdiff{\pgfpointanchor{current subpicture}{south west}}{\pgfpointanchor{current subpicture}{north east}}%
+\pgf@xa=\pgf@x \pgf@ya=\pgf@y
+% desired size
+\pgf@xb=\pgf@x \pgf@yb=\pgf@y
+% current position
+\pgfpointanchor{current subpicture}{center}%
+\pgf@xa=\pgf@x \pgf@ya=\pgf@y
+% desired position
+% we scaled transform, so apply reverse scaling to argument
+\pgf@xb=\pgf@x \pgf@yb=\pgf@y
+% utility functions -- not currently used
+\expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname pgf@sh@ns@#1\endcsname\relax
+\expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname pgf@sh@np@#1\endcsname\relax
+\expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname pgf@sh@nt@#1\endcsname\relax
+\expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname pgf@sh@pi@#1\endcsname\relax
+\expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname pgf@sh@ma@#1\endcsname\relax
+\expandafter\ifx\csname pgf@sh@ns@#1\endcsname\relax#3\else#2\fi
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index 0000000..7f67c8f
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+++ b/pgftree.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+%    pgftree.tex
+%    Version 1.2, 20 Apr 2012
+%    Copyright 2009 by David Chiang
+%    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+%    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+%    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+%    (at your option) any later version.
+%    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+%    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%    GNU General Public License for more details.
+%    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+%    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+%    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+% New in version 1.2:
+% - level-specific styles (thanks to Andrew Stacey)
+% New in version 1.1:
+% - major restructuring to not do arbitrary nesting of subpicture environments
+% - sideways trees
+% To do:
+% - trees with all leaves at same level
+% - if \nodename does not exist as desired, wrap inside a rectangle node
+% - don't use pgfsubpic internals
+\newdimen\levelsep \levelsep=30pt
+\newdimen\subtreesep \subtreesep=2pt
+% definitions of growing directions
+\def\pgftree@levelshift{\csname pgftree@levelshift@\leveldirection\endcsname}
+\def\pgftree@parentanchor{\csname pgftree@parentanchor@\leveldirection\endcsname}
+\def\pgftree@childanchor{\csname pgftree@childanchor@\leveldirection\endcsname}
+% these assume that the current subpicture is the child
+\def\pgftree@presiblingshift{\csname pgftree@presiblingshift@\siblingdirection\endcsname}
+\def\pgftree@postsiblingshift{\csname pgftree@postsiblingshift@\siblingdirection\endcsname}
+\def\pgftree@presiblingshift@right{\pgf@process{\pgf@x-\pgf@subpicminx \advance\pgf@x\subtreesep \pgf@y 0pt}}
+\def\pgftree@postsiblingshift@right{\pgf@process{\pgf@x\pgf@subpicmaxx \pgf@y 0pt}}
+\def\pgftree@presiblingshift@left{\pgf@process{\pgf@x-\pgf@subpicmaxx \advance\pgf@x-\subtreesep \pgf@y 0pt}}
+\def\pgftree@postsiblingshift@left{\pgf@process{\pgf@x\pgf@subpicminx \pgf@y 0pt}}
+\def\pgftree@presiblingshift@up{\pgf@process{\pgf@x 0pt \pgf@y-\pgf@subpicminy \advance\pgf@y\subtreesep}}
+\def\pgftree@postsiblingshift@up{\pgf@process{\pgf@x 0pt \pgf@y\pgf@subpicmaxy}}
+\def\pgftree@presiblingshift@down{\pgf@process{\pgf@x 0pt \pgf@y-\pgf@subpicmaxy \advance\pgf@y-\subtreesep}}
+\def\pgftree@postsiblingshift@down{\pgf@process{\pgf@x 0pt \pgf@y\pgf@subpicminy}}
+% for convenience if you are using \pgftree directly
+% local variables that we need to assign to inside a \pgfforeach
+%%% \pgftree{subtree}
+%%% \pgfsubtree{root}{subtrees}
+% The first argument draws the root node using PGF/TikZ commands.
+% The node must be named \nodename.
+% The second argument is a sequence of 3n tokens.
+% Token 3n-2 draws the nth edge. It should draw an edge from \parentnodename to \nodename.
+% Token 3n-1 is a hook that can change \levelsep or \subtreesep for child n only.
+% Token 3n draws the nth subtree. Its root must be named \nodename.
+% Build subpicture with all the children and their subtrees
+\process@children #2}%
+% Create node
+% Place children
+{% center so that parent is midway between origins of first and last children
+% Draw the edges
+\process@edges #2}%
+{% No more children, step back to origin of last child
+\pgfrestoresubpicture{children}% pass children back to caller
+% #1 is the edge, #2 is the hook, #3 is the child
+{% call hook to get \levelsep and \subtreesep
+% and put them in \this@levelsep and \this@subtreesep
+% to hide them from descendants
+% Build the current child
+\advance\pgftree@level by 1\relax
+\advance\pgftree@depth by \this@levelsep
+% Place current child
+% The \levelsep and \subtreesep set in #2 apply only here
+\ifnum\pgftree@childi>0% the first child is always at 0
+\pgftree@presiblingshift \global\advance\pgftree@childx\pgf@x \global\advance\pgftree@childy\pgf@y
+\pgftree@postsiblingshift \global\advance\pgftree@childx\pgf@x \global\advance\pgftree@childy\pgf@y
+% Save the augmented row of children back into "children"
+\advance\pgftree@childi by 1%
+\advance\pgftree@childi by 1%
+% the subpicture which contains a node also contains exactly its subtree
+\csname pgf@sh@pi@#1\endcsname
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+%    tikz-qtree-compat.tex
+%    Version 1.1, 25 Dec 2009
+\def\Tree{\automath \qtreeprimes@internal \orig@Tree}
+\def\qsetw#1{\message{\noexpand\qsetw is not supported, sorry!}}
+\def\faketreewidth#1{\message{\noexpand\faketreewidth is not supported, sorry!}}
+\def\qbalance{\message{\noexpand\qbalance is not supported, sorry!}}
+\def\qframesubtree{\message{\noexpand\qframesubtree is not supported, sorry!}}
+% Implement \qroof as a fancy leaf node
+% since we are putting the qroof inside a node, we already have an inner sep
+% so for the purposes of defining our bounding box, we must eliminate inner sep
+\node [inner sep=0pt] {\the\@qrooflabel};% 
+\pgfusepath{use as bounding box}%
+\node (qrooftop) {\the\@qrooflabel};
+\draw \roof@edge{qrooftop}{qroofbot};%
+\def\@@qroof#1{\expandafter\@qrooflabel\expandafter{\the\@qrooflabel #1}\@qroof}
+%%% This is lifted straight from qtree.sty
+% and another odd convenience:
+% Make _, ^ go into math mode automatically in the scope of \automath
+{ % Temporarily change catcodes 
+  \global\def\automath{%
+    \catcode`\_=\active
+    \catcode`\^=\active
+    \def_##1{\@ifnextchar^{\automath@two_{##1}}{\ensuremath{\sb{##1}}}}%
+    \def^##1{\@ifnextchar_{\automath@two^{##1}}{\ensuremath{\sp{##1}}}}}
+\def\automath@two#1#2#3#4{\ensuremath{#1{#2}\relax #3{#4}}}
+% Restore default catcodes for ^, _
+\def\noautomath{\catcode`\_=8 \catcode`\^=7 }
+% Let \0, \1, \2 produce ^0, $'$, $''$
+% The \rlap results in better centering of the label (ignoring the
+%  superscript)
+  \def\0{\ifmmode ^0\else \rlap{$^0$}\fi}%
+  \def\1{\ifmmode '\else \rlap{$'$}\fi}%
+  \def\2{\ifmmode ''\else \rlap{$''$}\fi}%
+% Same commands, but without the \rlap feature
+  \def\0{\ensuremath{^0}}%
+  \def\1{\ensuremath{'}}%
+  \def\2{\ensuremath{''}}}
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+\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{DejaVu Serif}
+\setmonofont[Scale=0.95]{DejaVu Sans Mono}
+\newfontfamily\verbfont[Scale=0.8]{DejaVu Sans Mono}
+\newfontfamily\ar[Script=Arabic]{DejaVu Sans}
+\newfontfamily\ja{Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro}
+\newfontfamily\javerbfont[Scale=0.85,LetterSpace=5.0]{Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro}
+\setmathrm{DejaVu Serif} \setmathfont(Digits,Latin){DejaVu Serif}
+\title{\tikztree: better trees with TikZ}
+\author{David Chiang\\\texttt{chiang@isi.edu}}
+\date{Version 1.2 (22 Apr 2012)}
+The \tikztree{} package provides a macro for drawing trees with
+TikZ\footnote{\texttt{http://sourceforge.net/projects/pgf/}} using the
+easy syntax of Alexis Dimitriadis'
+Qtree\footnote{\texttt{http://www.ling.upenn.edu/advice/latex/qtree/}}. It
+improves on TikZ's standard tree-drawing facility by laying out tree
+nodes without collisions; it improves on Qtree by adding lots of
+features from TikZ; and it improves on \verb|pst-qtree| in being
+usable with pdf\TeX{} and
+\XeTeX{}.\footnote{Although \XeTeX{} works with \verb|pst-qtree| using the \verb|xetex-pstricks| package. For typesetting very large trees or a large number of trees, this may be the better option.}
+To load the package in \LaTeX{}:
+The simplest usage is identical to Qtree:
+\Tree [.S [.NP [.Det the ] [.N cat ] ] 
+          [.VP [.V sat ] 
+               [.PP [.P on ] 
+                    [.NP [.Det the ] [.N mat ] ] ] ] ]
+Subtrees are delimited by square brackets. A subtree's root label is
+joined by a dot (\verb|.|) to its opening bracket.\footnote{You can
+also write the label after the closing bracket instead of the opening
+bracket, or both, or neither. Please see the Qtree documentation for
+details.} As in Qtree, spaces are required after every (internal or
+leaf) node label. 
+\verb|\Tree| works inside or outside a
+\verb|tikzpicture| environment, but many of the features described 
+below require the explicit \verb|tikzpicture| environment.
+\section{Tree options} 
+Some options for standard TikZ trees work for \verb|\Tree| as
+\item \verb|level distance|: vertical distance between the anchors of a parent and its children
+\item \verb|sibling distance|: horizontal distance between the boundaries of sister subtrees (not the anchors of their roots, as in standard TikZ trees). Note that TikZ nodes already have some horizontal space around them (\verb|inner xsep|, by default \verb|0.3333em|), so even \verb|sibling distance=0pt| leaves some room.
+These are set either by writing
+\verb|\tikzset{|\textit{option}\verb|=|\textit{value}\verb|}| or by
+writing \verb|[|\textit{option}\verb|=|\textit{value}\verb|]| after a
+\verb|\begin{tikzpicture}| or \verb|\begin{scope}|.\footnote{Allowing
+options after \verb|\Tree| would have made sense, but there would be
+no way to disambiguate the two uses of square brackets.} For example:
+\tikzset{level distance=60pt}
+\Tree [.NP [.Adj tall ] [.N tree ] ]
+\begin{tikzpicture}[sibling distance=72pt]
+\Tree [.NP [.Adj fat ] [.N tree ] ]
+The \verb|grow=|\textit{direction}\/ and \verb|grow'=|\textit{direction}\/ options control the orientation of trees just as for standard TikZ trees. However, \textit{direction}\/ must be one of \verb|up|, \verb|down|, \verb|left|, or \verb|right|. The difference between \verb|grow| and \verb|grow'| is that \verb|grow| places children counterclockwise with respect to their parent and \verb|grow'| places them clockwise:
+\Tree [.NP [.Adj reverse ] [.N tree ] ]
+\Tree [.NP [.Adj upside-down ] [.N tree ] ]
+\tikzset{level distance=60pt,sibling distance=18pt}
+\tikzset{execute at begin node=\strut}
+\Tree [.NP [.Adj sideways ] [.N tree ] ]
+Note that in sideways trees, \verb|level distance| is horizontal and \verb|sibling distance| is vertical. Sideways trees do take a little extra adjusting to look right, since the defaults are geared towards vertically growing trees. The meaning of the option \verb|execute at begin node=\strut| is, before typesetting the label of every node, insert the command \verb|\strut|, which is an invisible box that maximizes the height and depth of the node.
+\subsection{Node styles}
+The following TikZ styles are automatically applied to tree nodes,
+providing a hook for you to change the appearance of nodes or particular kinds of nodes:
+\item \verb|every tree node| applies to every node (default: \verb|anchor=base|)
+\item \verb|every internal node| applies to every internal node
+\item \verb|every leaf node| applies to every leaf node
+\item \texttt{every level $n$ node} applies to every node at level $n$, where $n=0$ is the root
+The options for nodes are all handled by TikZ and are
+described in detail in the TikZ documentation. For example, if you
+have a font named \verb|\ar| and want to set all the leaf labels in
+this font:
+\tikzset{every leaf node/.style={font=\ar}}
+\Tree [.S [.NP القط ] 
+          [.VP [.V وجلس ] 
+               [.PP [.P على ] [.NP حصيرة ] ] ] ]
+You can make the nodes in a sideways tree line up on their left edge using \verb|anchor=base west|:
+\tikzset{grow'=right,level distance=32pt}
+\tikzset{execute at begin node=\strut}
+\tikzset{every tree node/.style={anchor=base west}}
+\Tree [.S [.NP [.Det the ] [.N cat ] ] 
+          [.VP [.V sat ] 
+               [.PP [.P on ] 
+                    [.NP [.Det the ] [.N mat ] ] ] ] ]
+In Qtree, it was allowed to use a line break (\verb|\\|) inside a node. TikZ nodes by default don't allow this, but the \verb|align| option (in PGF/TikZ version 2.1 or later) enables it as a side effect:\footnote{Thanks to Alan Munn for figuring this out. Prior to PGF/TikZ version 2.1, the fix was to use the options \verb|text width=2em,text centered|.}
+\tikzset{every tree node/.style={align=center,anchor=north}}
+\Tree [.S [.NP Det\\the N\\cat ]
+          [.VP V\\sat
+               [.PP P\\on
+                    [.NP Det\\the N\\mat ] ] ] ]
+\subsection{Edge styles}
+The \verb|edge from parent| style applies to every edge (default value: \verb|draw|). By defining this style, you can change the appearance of all the edges in a tree. For example, if you want the edges to be a little darker:
+\tikzset{edge from parent/.append style={very thick}}
+\Tree [.S [.NP [.Det the ] [.N cat ] ] 
+          [.VP [.V sat ] 
+               [.PP [.P on ] 
+                    [.NP [.Det the ] [.N mat ] ] ] ] ]
+Note that we must say \verb|.append style| instead of just \verb|.style|, in order to retain the \verb|draw| option without which the edge will be invisible.
+As a more complex example, edges have an
+\verb|edge from parent path| option which lets you change the shape of
+the edge. Its value is a TikZ path expressed in terms of
+\verb|\tikzparentnode|, the parent node, and \verb|\tikzchildnode|,
+the child node.
+\tikzset{edge from parent/.style=
+  {draw,
+   edge from parent path={(\tikzparentnode.south) 
+                          -- +(0,-8pt) 
+                          -| (\tikzchildnode)}}} 
+\Tree [.S [.NP [.Det the ] [.N cat ] ] 
+          [.VP [.V sat ] 
+               [.PP [.P on ] 
+                    [.NP [.Det the ] [.N mat ] ] ] ] ]
+\subsection{Node placement styles}
+The following styles aren't applied to nodes, but affect the placement of nodes. By defining these styles, you can change the options \verb|level distance| or \verb|sibling distance| for different parts of the tree.\footnote{Thanks to Andrew Stacey for helping with the implementation.}
+\item \texttt{level $n$} applies to the placement of level $n$ (relative to level $n-1$)
+\item \texttt{level $n$+} applies to level $n$ and below
+\item \verb|interior| applies to the placement of internal nodes (except the root)
+\item \verb|frontier| applies to the placement of leaves
+\tikzset{level 1/.style={level distance=36pt}}
+\tikzset{level 2/.style={level distance=32pt}}
+\tikzset{level 3+/.style={level distance=28pt}}
+\Tree [.S [.NP [.Det the ] [.N cat ] ] 
+          [.VP [.V sat ] 
+               [.PP [.P on ] 
+                    [.NP [.Det the ] [.N mat ] ] ] ] ]
+In this context, you can also set the option \verb|distance from root|, which positions a level relative to the root instead of the parent level. This is particularly useful for aligning all the leaf nodes:
+\tikzset{frontier/.style={distance from root=150pt}}
+\Tree [.S [.NP [.Det the ] [.N cat ] ] 
+          [.VP [.V sat ] 
+               [.PP [.P on ] 
+                    [.NP [.Det the ] [.N mat ] ] ] ] ]
+Unfortunately, the depth of the deepest leaf node is a global property of the tree and not easy to know during tree rendering, so you do have to specify the absolute depth of the leaf nodes. It will typically be an integer multiple of \verb|level distance|.
+\section{Embedding TikZ nodes}
+Inside a \verb|\Tree|, in place of a node label, you can use a TikZ
+\verb|\node| command.\footnote{\verb|\Tree| specifically watches out
+for the token \verb|\node|; do not use \verb|\path node| or other
+\verb|\node [|\textit{options}\verb|] (|\textit{name}\verb|) {|\textit{label}\verb|};|
+Don't forget the terminating semicolon. The
+\verb|[|\textit{options}\verb|]|, which are optional, let you change
+the appearance of the node; for example, the \verb|draw| option draws
+a border around the node. The \verb|(|\textit{name}\verb|)|, which is
+also optional, can be used for drawing lines/arrows to/from the node.
+\Tree [.CP [.NP \node(wh){what}; ] 
+           [.C$'$ [.I did ] 
+                  [.\node[draw]{IP}; 
+                    [.NP [.Det the ] [.N cat ] ]
+                    [.VP [.V sit ] 
+                         [.PP [.P on ] 
+                              [.\node[draw]{NP}; 
+                                [.NP [.Det a ] [.N book ] ] 
+                                [.PP [.P about ] [.NP \node(t){$t$}; ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]
+\draw[semithick,->] (t)..controls +(south west:5) and +(south:5)..(wh);
+You can also refer to the whole subtree rooted at the node named \textit{name}\/ using \verb|\subtreeof{|\textit{name}\verb|}|:
+\Tree [.S [.NP [.Det the ] [.N cat ] ] 
+          [.\node(site){VP}; [.V sat ] ] ]
+\Tree [.\node(root){VP}; VP$^\ast$
+                         [.PP [.P on ] 
+                              [.NP [.Det the ] [.N mat ] ] ] ]
+          controls +(west:1) and +(east:1)..(site);
+\noindent Another example for machine translation people:
+\begin{scope}[frontier/.style={distance from root=150pt}]
+\Tree [.S [.NP [.Det \node(e1){the}; ] 
+               [.N \node(e2){cat}; ] ] 
+          [.VP [.V \node(e3){sat}; ] 
+               [.PP [.P \node(e4){on}; ] 
+                    [.NP [.Det \node(e5){the}; ] 
+                         [.N \node(e6){mat}; ] ] ] ] ]
+              frontier/.style={distance from root=150pt}]
+\tikzset{every leaf node/.style={font=\ja}}
+\Tree [.S [.NP \node(j1){猫が}; ] 
+          [.VP [.PP [.NP [.NP \node(j2){マット}; ] 
+                         [.Part \node(j3){の}; ]
+                         [.NP \node(j4){上}; ] ] 
+                    [.P \node(j5){に}; ] ] 
+               [.V \node(j6){土}; ] ] ]
+\draw (e1)--(j1);
+\draw (e2)--(j1);
+\draw (e3)--(j6);
+\draw (e4)--(j4);
+\draw (e4)--(j5);
+\draw (e5)--(j2);
+\draw (e6)--(j2);
+\section{Explicit edges}
+The edge from a parent to a child node is normally automatically drawn
+for you, but you can do it yourself with an \verb|\edge| command
+\emph{before}\/ the corresponding child node. It is similar to the
+TikZ \verb|edge from parent| command.\footnote{Except that a TikZ
+\texttt{edge from parent} comes after the child node. I thought it was
+more logical to put it before.}
+\verb|\edge [|\textit{options}\verb|];|
+Again, don't forget the semicolon. The
+\verb|[|\textit{options}\verb|]|, which are optional, let you change
+the appearance of the edge, as described above.
+There is a predefined edge style \verb|roof| that draws a triangle-shaped edge over a node, like Qtree's \verb|\qroof|:
+\begin{tikzpicture}[level distance=40pt]
+\Tree [.S [.NP [.N this ] ] 
+          [.VP [.V is ] 
+               [.NP \edge[roof]; {a noun phrase the complexity of which 
+                                  is too great for me to parse} ] ] ]
+You can also add a label to the edge, using the following syntax:
+\verb|\edge [|\textit{options}\verb|] node [|\textit{options}\verb|] {|\textit{label}\verb|};|
+Typically one will use the \verb|auto| option for edge labels, which
+places the label to the side of the edge.
+\newcommand{\initial}[1]{\ensuremath{\alpha_{\textrm{\scriptsize #1}}}}
+\newcommand{\auxiliary}[1]{\ensuremath{\beta_{\textrm{\scriptsize #1}}}}
+\begin{tikzpicture}[level distance=36pt,sibling distance=12pt]
+\Tree [.\initial{sat} 
+        \edge node[auto=right]{1}; \initial{cat} 
+        \edge[dashed] node[auto=left]{2}; 
+        [.\auxiliary{on} 
+          \edge node[auto=left]{2}; \initial{mat} ] ]
+The fact that \verb|auto=left| draws a label on the right and
+\verb|auto=right| draws a label on the left makes sense if you think
+about the tree growing from the root to the leaves.
+\section{Qtree compatibility}
+For basic trees, \tikztree{} can be used as a drop-in replacement for Qtree, but most of Qtree's advanced features are either not accessed in the same way in \tikztree{} or not implemented at all. There is a package \verb|tikz-qtree-compat| which can be loaded to improve compatibility. Supported so far are:
+\item Superscripts and subscripts outside of math mode, and \verb|\automath|
+\item The \verb|\0|, \verb|\1|, and \verb|\2| commands, and \verb|\qtreeprimes|
+\item The \verb|\qroof| command
+For unsupported commands, warning messages are printed, but your file should compile.
+This was all Dan Gildea's idea. Thanks to Alan Munn for his very helpful suggestions, and to Andrew Stacey for modifications.
diff --git a/tikz-qtree.sty b/tikz-qtree.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f572cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tikz-qtree.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/tikz-qtree.tex b/tikz-qtree.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c28db5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tikz-qtree.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+%    tikz-qtree.tex
+%    Version 1.2, 20 Apr 2012
+%    Copyright (C) 2002, 2009 by David Chiang
+%    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+%    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+%    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+%    (at your option) any later version.
+%    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+%    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%    GNU General Public License for more details.
+%    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+%    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+%    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+% New in version 1.2:
+% - level-specific styles (thanks to Andrew Stacey)
+% New in version 1.11:
+% - make options compatible with standard tikz trees
+% New in version 1.1:
+% - sideways trees
+%% These macros facilitate building up an object recursively before
+%% putting it into the input stream.
+%% scan a tree: this just scans a subtree and then puts it onto the
+%% input stream
+%\showthe\@result %debug
+\ifpgfpicture % is there a test for tikzpicture?
+%% scan a subtree
+%%% Check for mismatch.
+  \root@node=\@result
+  \message{Warning: mismatched labels, \the\root@node{} and \the\@result.}%
+\noexpand\pgfsubtree{\noexpand\path coordinate (\noexpand\nodename);}{\the\child@list}}}%
+%% scan a sequence of subtrees or leaves
+\pgfutil@ifnextchar]{\@result\child@list\@return}{% end of children
+\pgfutil@ifnextchar\edge{% explicit edge
+\message{Warning: more than one edge given for a single child}\let\next\@@children % ignore
+% else, a real node is next
+\ifscanned@edge\else % no explicit edge, supply default
+\pgfutil@ifnextchar[{% subtree
+{% leaf
+% wrap child inside curly braces
+\edef\act{\noexpand\child@list{\the\child@list \the\@result}}\act
+\def\@interior.{\@result{\node[alias=\nodename][every tree node,every internal node,every level \the\pgftree@level\space node/.try]}\@label}
+\noexpand\pgfsubtree{\noexpand\node[alias=\noexpand\nodename][every tree node,every leaf node,every level \noexpand\the\pgftree@level\space node/.try]\the\@result}{}}}\act\@return}
+\def\@edge\edge #1;{%
+\path edge from parent #1;%
+{\advance\pgftree@level by 1\relax
+\xdef\@act{\noexpand\tikzset{level \the\pgftree@level/.try}}}\@act}
+%\edef\act{\noexpand\tikzset{every tree node/.append code={\noexpand\tikzset{every level \the\pgftree@level+ node/.try}}}}\act
+{\advance\pgftree@level by 1\relax
+\xdef\@act{\noexpand\tikzset{level \the\pgftree@level+/.try}}}\@act
+% a label is either text or PGF/TikZ code starting with \node
+\def\@@label#1 {%
+% try to copy \node command into \@result without stripping braces
+\def\@@@litlabel#1{\expandafter\@result\expandafter{\the\@result {#1}}\@@litlabel}
+\def\@@@@litlabel#1;{\expandafter\@result\expandafter{\the\@result #1;}\@return}
+% predefined edges
+\def\tree@edge#1#2{(#1.\pgftree@parentanchor) -- (#2.\pgftree@childanchor)}
+\def\roof@edge#1#2{\csname roof@edge@\leveldirection\endcsname{#1}{#2}}
+\def\roof@edge@down#1#2{(#1.south) -- (#2.north west) -- (#2.north east) -- cycle}
+\def\roof@edge@up#1#2{(#1.north) -- (#2.south west) -- (#2.south east) -- cycle}
+\def\roof@edge@left#1#2{(#1.west) -- (#2.north east) -- (#2.south east) -- cycle}
+\def\roof@edge@right#1#2{(#1.east) -- (#2.north west) -- (#2.south west) -- cycle}
+%%% Options
+\pgfkeysgetvalue{/tikz/level distance/.@cmd}{\orig@leveldistance}
+\tikzoption{level distance}{\pgfmathsetlength\levelsep{#1}\orig@leveldistance#1\pgfeov}
+\tikzoption{distance from root}{\pgfmathsetlength\levelsep{#1}\advance\levelsep by -\pgftree@depth}
+\pgfkeysgetvalue{/tikz/sibling distance/.@cmd}{\orig@siblingdistance}
+\tikzoption{sibling distance}{\pgfmathsetlength\subtreesep{#1}\orig@siblingdistance#1\pgfeov} % different semantics
+% I don't really like this scheme
+\tikzoption{grow}{\csname grow@#1\endcsname\orig@grow#1\pgfeov}
+\tikzoption{grow'}{\csname growprime@#1\endcsname\orig@growprime#1\pgfeov}
+% defaults appropriate for linguistic trees
+\tikzset{every tree node/.style={anchor=base}}
+\tikzset{every leaf node/.style={}}
+\tikzset{every internal node/.style={}}
+% predefined roof style
+\tikzset{roof/.style={edge from parent path=\roof@edge{\tikzparentnode}{\tikzchildnode}}}