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Developing and releasing caper

This repository and package uses a number of systems that you need to be aware of if you plan to work with the codebase:

  • The repository uses the git flow approach to maintaining develop and main branches and uses continuous integration, with changes accepted into develop only via pull requests from branches that pass checks.
  • The repository uses GitHub Actions to carry out out those checks on pushes and pull requests. These include passing R CMD CHECK --as-cran and that the documentation builds as expected.
  • Documentation for the package is maintained using roxygen and pkgdown.
  • The code should be checked using linting for consistent style.

These notes provide a brief walk through for these systems and some package specific requirements for releases.

Code development

Any new feature or bug fix should start with a new GitHub issue and then the creation of a new branch to implement the new code. When that branch is complete and passing checks then a pull request onto the develop branch should be made.

A new release start from the develop branch, following merged pull requests for features and bug fixes that are going to be included in the new release. A suitably named release branch should be made to check and make final changes. That release branch is then merged into main and tagged as the new release, and also back into develop to bring back last minute fixes. The main branch should only ever see merges in from a release branch - you must not work on it directly.

The package uses (semantic version numbering) and code on the development branch should use the prerelease token 9000. This is explained in more detail below in the description of the release cycle.

GitHub Actions

When commits are pushed to the Github origin then the package is automatically built and checked using GitHub Actions:

Checking happens on pushes to all branches, so day to day commits to feature branches will be built as well as pull requests onto develop and merges onto main from release branches. If you have made changes that you do not want to be built and checked then you can include [ci skip] in the commit message, but the idea is that all changes should be checked so this is typically only used for minor documentation changes and the like.

The currently configured actions do the following:

  • On push or pull_requests to feature, develop or main branches, the actions run R CMD CHECK --as-cran.

The package does not currently use pkgdown to maintain a website but when this is implemented, this action will also run pkgdown::build_site() and then a second action, on pull_requests to main, will run pkgdown::deploy_to_branch() to publish the new documentation for thereleased version.

Package documentation

When the package move to using the roxygen2 package , all of the package documentation content is located in source files that are then processed to generate the actual documentation content. When these source files are changed, that documentation content should be rebuilt to make sure all of the content is up to date before checking through GitHub Actions.

The man pages

The man directory contains all of the package documentation as .Rd format files. In the future, these files are built automatically by the roxygen2 package from docstrings in the R source files. If you have changed those docstrings, then you need to run the following to update the Rd file content:

Rscript -e "devtools::document()"

Note that this update does not happen automatically during package building.


The source content for vignettes are Rmarkdown files in the vignettes directory, but these need to be built into HTML files using the knitr package and installed in the inst/doc directory. The following tool can be used to rebuild the vignettes:

Rscript -e "devtools::build_vignettes()"

However, the R CMD BUILD process, which is used to generate the source R package for release also builds the vignettes and this must pass without error on GitHub Action checking.


In addition to using roxygen2 and knitr to maintain the package documentation and vignettes, safedata also uses pkgdown to create a documentation website. This basically builds a complete website and index around the Rd files as an API reference and the vignettes as explanatory content.

The configuration for this is in the _pkgdown.yml file. This file typically only needs updating when new functions are added, as they need to be added into the reference structure. The website will contain an HTML version of the Rd files and vignettes but also extra content: for example is used to create index.html and other markdown files can be used to provide other content.

Rebuilding the website uses two commands:

Rscript -e " pkgdown::clean_site()"
Rscript -e " pkgdown::build_site()"

This removes old files and recreates the website in the docs directory (not doc!). This directory is then automatically deployed by GitHub Actions to the Github Pages package website at:


The website files themselves are not part of the continuous integration of the package and having to build and then commit changes within docs is untidy. The safedata package therefore includes docs in the .gitignore file: you can have a local copy of the website but it is not managed by git.

Instead, a GitHub Action has been configured to run pkgdown - when a new release has passed checks, the action can be triggered in order to update the gh-pages branch using the most recent code.

Package test suite

The package contains a test suite used for testing that functions behave as expected. Currently, this largely checks that network failures are handled gracefully. Those have to be passing before the package can be released. The tests are automatically run by R CMD CHECK during Github Actions but can also be run locally using:

Rscript -e "devtools::test()"


The linting process inspects the R code files in the package to check they have a consistent coding and syntax style. Running the command below from the package root runs the linting and updates a file lint.txt in the package root.

Rscript -e "lintr::lint_package()" > lint.txt

The .lintr file in the package root is used to configure the linting and set any exclusions. Code lines can be excluded using the # nolint tag but this doesn't work well for comments and docstrings as code formatters aggresively wrap lines on save. For these lines .lintr has to be updated to exclude linting on specific line numbers.

Currently, the .lintr configuration:

  • sets a very lax limit on cyclomatic complexity,
  • permits commented out code - there are a couple of temporarily retired tests.

Release cycle

These are the steps needed to release a new version of caper. Using pull requests into develop and GitHub Actions should ensure that develop is always building correctly but checking should be repeated during the release process to ensure that everything is up to date.

Configure git

It is easier if git is configured to push new tags along with commits. This essentially just means that new releases can be sent with a single commit, which is simpler and saves GitHub Actions from building both the the code commit and then the tagged version. This only needs to be set once.

set git config --global push.followTags true

Create the new release branch

The following creates a new candidate branch containing the current develop code. You need to specify the upcoming release version number, so for example to release version 1.0.6:

git flow release start 1.0.6

This will create the release/1.0.6 branch and check it out.

You should now immediately update the DESCRIPTION file to match that version number. In this example, that should mean changing the previous development version number (-9000 is used to indicate code in development between versions ):

Version: 1.0.5-9000


Version: 1.0.6

You can then commit that change:

git commit -m "Update version number" DESCRIPTION

At the moment, the release branch is only local. The release branch and code needs to be pushed to Github to be picked up GitHub Actions. There is a specific git flow command to do this:

git flow release publish 1.0.6

This sends the release branch up to be checked. In addition, there is now a release branch on origin so any other last minutes fixes and commits can be pushed in order to check those.

Double check the code

# Not yet required - move to pkgdown and roxygen
Rscript -e "devtools::document()"
Rscript -e " pkgdown::clean_site()"
Rscript -e " pkgdown::build_site()"

cd ../
R CMD BUILD caper --compact-vignettes=gs+qpdf

# 3) Identify the version name that just got built and check it for CRAN
VERSION=$(sed -n -e '4p' caper/DESCRIPTION  | cut -d " "  -f 2)
R CMD CHECK --as-cran --run-donttest caper_$VERSION.tar.gz 

Two points to note:

  1. The built package and check output are saved in the parent directory of the repository, not in the repository itself.
  2. The version built is the one in the currently checked out branch!

The key file to look at is caper.Rcheck/00check.log. This contains a long list of checks applied to the code. Look out for NOTE, WARNING and ERROR and resolve these issues before moving on. If you are checking in the develop branch then you will see a note saying Version contains large components - that is about to be fixed.

Checking on different platforms

The GitHub Action build process should now be underway for the release branch. Git Actions is configured (see .github/workflows/check-standard.yaml) to build the package under R stable on Ubuntu, Mac and Windows and R devel on Ubuntu.

Although Windows is included in the GitHub Actions testing environment, the R Project also maintains a Windows test environment that can be used. This needs a built copy of the release branch, so run build_scripts/ again. This should create a newly built package with the new version number (e.g. safedata_1.0.6.tar.gz). If everything checked out ok before creating the release, this is really just updating the version name.

You then need to upload that file to win-builder. The python script build_scripts/ will do this for you - it is simply automating the process of using FTP to upload the current version for checking under both R stable and R devel. Note that win-builder communicates by email with the package maintainer (whoever has the cre flag in the authors section of the DESCRIPTION file.

python build_scripts/


Ideally what happens now is that the build and check process on GitHub Actions and win-builder all pass. You must wait for these checks to complete!

Obviously, if any errors or warnings crop up in the checking process, those should be fixed in the release branch. The changes should be committed and pushed to start a new round of GitHub Actions checking and you will need to rebuild and resubmit to win-builder

Final edits

There are some final edits to check you have made:

  • Update NEWS to document the changes since the previous version
  • Update to record the R versions and environments used for testing and the outcomes of those builds. This should all be status: OK but there might be notes that should be explained.

You now should also build the final version of the release code to be submitted to CRAN as described above

That should create the source package in the parent directory (e.g. caper-1.0.6.tar.gz).

These edits and building will obviously also need to be committed and so there is likely to be one last round of CI runs, but this will just be documentation and information changes and so is unlikely to reveal new issues. Of course, if it does, you'll have to fix them!

Finish the release

Once the release branch is passing checks on all platforms, then the candidate release is ready to be released as a version. Again using 1.0.6 as the example version number, the command is:

git flow release finish 1.0.6

You will be asked for some commit messages and a new tag comment, which will simply be the version number. You should then be on the develop branch. You now need to checkout the main branch which should now have all the commits since the last release and a new tag with the version number. You can now push this to create the release - if you've set the config described above then a single push will create the commit and tag.

git checkout main
git push

This will set off another round of GitHub Actions checking - you should see the tagged version being built and checked. This should all go cleanly!

You should now immediately get off the main branch and back onto develop, before you accidentally change the files or commit to it, You should also immediately update the version number in DESCRIPTION, adding -9000 to show that this is now the development version from the new release. This is a trivial change, so we can use [ci skip] to avoid triggering Github Actions.

git checkout develop
# Edit DESCRIPTION to e.g. version 1.0.6-9000
git commit -m "Bump develop version [ci skip]" DESCRIPTION
git push

Release to CRAN

You can then submit the built version of the source package that was created during the release process at: ()[]

You should take the up-to-date contents of and copy that in the comments section of the submission form. The CRAN maintainers expect submitted packages to be functional and fully checked and these notes will help them see that the package has been properly checked.