An Example of an event drive architecture using:
A simple Lambda that is monitoring for new Morgue Files, and once they find one, saving it to S3.
- Put Objects from the Morgue Files S3 Bucket
The Main Brain of our system. Responds to New Objects (in this case morgue files) dropped into an S3 Bucket. When a new object is dropped, it parses it and updates the Main Datastore DynamoDB, it then sends off SNS messages about all the categories that changed.
- Get Objects from the Morgue Files S3 Bucket
- Get and Put Objects into DynamoDB
- Permission to Send off SNS Messsages
A Lambda with a SQS Event Source, that will take a message about new Gods and then calculate a message to send. Which it will invoke the twitch bit to send to the Chat.
- Receive SQS Messages
- Invoke the Twitch Chat Bot
A Lambda with a SQS Event Source, that will take a message about Experiece Level Upgrades and then calculate a message to send. Which it will invoke the twitch bit to send to the Chat.
- Receive SQS Messages
- Right to the Chat Bot Kinesis Stream
Kinesis Stream Event source Lambda whose sole responsiblility is talking to Twitch.
- Permission to Read off the Kinesis Stream
- Ouath Permissions to talk to Twitch