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Hellbender on Spark

Apache Spark is a fast and general engine for large-scale data processing, and thanks to Spark Dataflow, Hellbender can run on any Spark cluster, such as an on-premise Hadoop cluster with HDFS storage and the Spark runtime. You can also use the Spark Dataflow Runner locally for testing, without having to install Spark separately, or with a local standalone cluster running on your machine.

This document walks through all of these different scenarios.

Running Tests on Spark Dataflow

To run tests against the Spark Dataflow runner set the dataflowRunner system property as follows:

gradle test -DdataflowRunner=SparkPipelineRunner

The tests create a local Spark cluster running in the JVM and use it to run the Hellbender Dataflow pipelines.

Running Hellbender Commands Locally on Spark Dataflow (Without a Cluster)

This allows you to run Hellbender Dataflow command lines using Spark running in the local JVM. It is useful for testing commands against local files using the Spark Dataflow runner.

First, download and unpack the Spark tarball on your local machine. Version 1.3.1 for Hadoop 2.6 is recommended.

For convenience, add Spark to your PATH:

export SPARK_HOME=/path/to/spark/installation

The Hellbender build produces a JAR file that is suitable for running Spark jobs with (note that it differs from the "fat JAR" that is used for running regular Hellbender commands). Build it with:

gradle clean shadowJar

You should see a JAR file in the build/libs directory with a -spark extension.

Now you can run a pipeline using spark-submit in place of the regular java -jar invocation. For example, to run the count reads program to count the number of reads in a BAM file, type the following:

spark-submit \
  build/libs/hellbender-all-*-spark.jar CountReadsDataflow \
    --input ./src/test/resources/org/broadinstitute/hellbender/tools/flag_stat.bam \
    --output countreads \
    --runner SPARK

Notice that the Spark Dataflow runner was specified using the --runner argument.

You can inspect the output with

cat countreads*

Running Hellbender Commands on a Spark Cluster

In this scenario, your input and output files reside on HDFS, and Spark will run in a distributed fashion on the cluster. The Spark documentation has a good overview of the architecture.

Note that if you don't have a dedicated cluster you can run Spark in standalone mode on a single machine, which exercises the distributed code paths, albeit on a single node.

The first step is to copy a BAM file to HDFS, which can be achieved using the hadoop command as follows.

hadoop fs -put ./src/test/resources/org/broadinstitute/hellbender/tools/flag_stat.bam flag_stat.bam

Next, run spark-submit again, but with a few extra configuration properties set, which are suitable for a cluster environment:

NAMENODE=<hostname of the HDFS namenode>
spark-submit \
  --master $SPARK_MASTER \
  --conf spark.driver.userClassPathFirst=true \
  --conf spark.executor.userClassPathFirst=true \
  --conf \
  build/libs/hellbender-all-*-spark.jar CountReadsDataflow \
    --input hdfs://$NAMENODE/user/$USER/flag_stat.bam \
    --output hdfs://$NAMENODE/user/$USER/out/countreads \
    --runner SPARK \
    --sparkMaster $SPARK_MASTER

This requires a bit more explanation. The environment variables NAMENODE and SPARK_MASTER are used to tell the Spark client where to find the cluster. NAMENODE is used to construct the HDFS paths for the --input and --output arguments, and should point to the HDFS namenode in the cluster you are using.

SPARK_MASTER is used to tell the Spark client where to submit the job to. In this case we are running Spark on YARN, so yarn-client is appropriate. You can find more about Spark master URLs here.

The spark-submit command takes arguments - and these go before the argument specifying the JAR file. In this case, we've set some configuration variables: spark.driver.userClassPathFirst and spark.executor.userClassPathFirst are set which means that our JAR file is put on the classpath ahead of the Spark and Hadoop JAR files and dependencies. We need to do this so that we don’t get conflicts with older library versions that Hadoop uses.

Also, the property is changed from its default snappy, since that can cause classloading issues on some clusters. (Note that this setting is only for over-the-wire compression, not for file compression.)

When the command completes successfully you will see files in the out directory in HDFS:

hadoop fs -ls -R out/countreads*

You can inspect the output with

hadoop fs -cat out/countreads*

Adjusting the Number of Executors and Memory Settings

For pipelines running on large datasets (such as typical BAM files), you will need to adjust the number of Spark executors and the amount of memory that each executor uses. For example, the following runs a pipeline on 100 executors each with one core and 3GB of memory:

NAMENODE=<hostname of the HDFS namenode>
spark-submit \
  --master $SPARK_MASTER \
  --driver-memory 3G \
  --num-executors 100 \
  --executor-cores 1 \
  --executor-memory 3G \
  --conf spark.driver.userClassPathFirst=true \
  --conf spark.executor.userClassPathFirst=true \
  --conf \
  --conf \
  build/libs/hellbender-all-*-spark.jar CountReadsDataflow \
    --input hdfs://$NAMENODE/user/$USER/bam/NA12877_S1.bam \
    --output hdfs://$NAMENODE/user/$USER/out/countreads \
    --runner SPARK \
    --sparkMaster $SPARK_MASTER

The input file, NA12877_S1.bam, is 121GB in size, which gets split into ~950 pieces of input (by the Hadoop input format), so roughly ten rounds of 100 concurrent tasks are needed to process the file. On a larger cluster it would be advisable to increase the number of executors (or executor cores, or both) so that the pipeline completed faster.

You can find more information about tuning Spark and choosing good values for number of executors and memory settings at the following: