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Static methods of SelectItemForm

Radu Martin edited this page Apr 14, 2017 · 18 revisions

SelectItemForm is a dialogue form which is using for select an item from lists such as IEnumerable or DataTable. Also, the SelectItemForm has ability to sort items by clicking on the column's headers and filtering items by criteria from TextBox control which exists on the dialogue.

This page describes how to select an item on the SelectItemForm. For showing items, please see the SelectItemForm page.

ColumnDefinition class

This class is used in all static methods of the SelectItemForm and describes columns on the dataGrid property.

public class ColumnDefinition
  public string HeaderText;
  public string DataPropertyName;
  public DataGridViewContentAlignment ContentAlignment;
  public float? FillWeight;
  public SqlDbType DataPropertyType;

There is a special static method on the SelectItemForm which helps in creating column:

public static ColumnDefinition 
        string HeaderText, 
        string DataPropertyName,
        DataGridViewContentAlignment ContentAlignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.NotSet, 
        float? FillWeight = null, 
        SqlDbType DataPropertyType = SqlDbType.NVarChar)


There are several static methods for selecting an item from IEnumerable. The main of them is:

public static T GetSelectedRow<T>(
                    string Text, string HeaderText, 
                    IEnumerable<T> DataSource, 
                    T SelectedRow, 
                    params SelectItemForm.ColumnDefinition[] Columns)

DataTable and DataRows

The main static method for selecting DataRow from typed or untyped DataTable:

public static T GetSelectedRow<T>(
                    DataTable DataSource, T SelectedRow, 
                    params SelectItemForm.ColumnDefinition[] Columns) 
                where T : DataRow

The main static method for selecting untyped DataRow from any DataSource:

public static DataRow GetSelectedRow(
                          object DataSource, 
                          string ValueMember = null, 
                          string DisplayMember = null, 
                          object SelectedValue = null, 
                          bool AutoGenerateColumns = false)