+ for i in recordings/longnow/Long_Now__Seminars*/*.mp3; do
+ # get the filename
+ base=\$(basename "\$i");
+ # strip the extension
+ base=\${base%.mp3};
+ # date as yyyy-mm-dd
+ printf "\${base%%__*}\t" | tr '_' '-';
+ # name and title without underscores
+ printf "\${base#*__}\n" | tr '_' ' ';
+ done
+ ⮊ A for loop in shell
, will print each file name as
+ Date - Speaker - Title to the terminal.
+ ⮊ Redirection to a file with >
writes the stream to a file instead of the terminal.
+ ⮊ Note: This could be any script or shell command!
+ Run-records link dataset modifications to commands
+ commit f4a35c8841062eb58f65dbf3cde70ccdc3c9df68 (HEAD -> master)
+Author: Adina Wagner adina.wagner@t-online.de
+Date: Mon Nov 11 09:55:02 2019 +0100
+ [DATALAD RUNCMD] create a list of podcast titles
+ === Do not change lines below ===
+ {
+ "chain": [],
+ "cmd": "bash code/list_titles.sh > recordings/podcasts.tsv",
+ "dsid": "02a84dae-faf5-11e9-ba9f-e86a64c8054c",
+ "exit": 0,
+ "extra_inputs": [],
+ "inputs": [],
+ "outputs": [],
+ "pwd": "."
+ }
+ ^^^ Do not change lines above ^^^
+diff --git a/recordings/podcasts.tsv b/recordings/podcasts.tsv
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..f691b53
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/recordings/podcasts.tsv
+@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
++2003-11-15 Brian Eno The Long Now
++2003-12-13 Peter Schwartz The Art Of The Really Long View
++2004-01-10 George Dyson There s Plenty of Room at the Top Long term Thinking About Large scale Computing
+ It follows logically: If a command does not lead to any modification in a dataset,
+ it will not be recorded!