diff --git a/metadata-ingestion/src/datahub/ingestion/source/nifi.py b/metadata-ingestion/src/datahub/ingestion/source/nifi.py
index 52dce3a8b7599f..25781cd2f1dcc9 100644
--- a/metadata-ingestion/src/datahub/ingestion/source/nifi.py
+++ b/metadata-ingestion/src/datahub/ingestion/source/nifi.py
@@ -2,10 +2,11 @@
 import logging
 import ssl
 import time
+from collections import defaultdict
 from dataclasses import dataclass, field
 from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
 from enum import Enum
-from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, Union
 from urllib.parse import urljoin
 import requests
@@ -196,6 +197,75 @@ def validator_site_url(cls, site_url: str) -> str:
         return site_url
+class BidirectionalComponentGraph:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._outgoing: Dict[str, Set[str]] = defaultdict(set)
+        self._incoming: Dict[str, Set[str]] = defaultdict(set)
+        # this will not count duplicates/removal of non-existing connections correctly - it is only there for a quick check
+        self._connections_cnt = 0
+    def add_connection(self, from_component: str, to_component: str) -> None:
+        # this is sanity check
+        outgoing_duplicated = to_component in self._outgoing[from_component]
+        incoming_duplicated = from_component in self._incoming[to_component]
+        self._outgoing[from_component].add(to_component)
+        self._incoming[to_component].add(from_component)
+        self._connections_cnt += 1
+        if outgoing_duplicated or incoming_duplicated:
+            logger.warning(
+                f"Somehow we attempted to add a connection between 2 components which already existed! Duplicated incoming: {incoming_duplicated}, duplicated outgoing: {outgoing_duplicated}. Connection from component: {from_component} to component: {to_component}"
+            )
+    def remove_connection(self, from_component: str, to_component: str) -> None:
+        self._outgoing[from_component].discard(to_component)
+        self._incoming[to_component].discard(from_component)
+        self._connections_cnt -= 1
+    def get_outgoing_connections(self, component: str) -> Set[str]:
+        return self._outgoing[component]
+    def get_incoming_connections(self, component: str) -> Set[str]:
+        return self._incoming[component]
+    def delete_component(self, component: str) -> None:
+        logger.debug(f"Deleting component with id: {component}")
+        incoming = self._incoming[component]
+        logger.debug(
+            f"Recognized {len(incoming)} incoming connections to the component"
+        )
+        outgoing = self._outgoing[component]
+        logger.debug(
+            f"Recognized {len(outgoing)} outgoing connections from the component"
+        )
+        for i in incoming:
+            for o in outgoing:
+                self.add_connection(i, o)
+        for i in incoming:
+            self._outgoing[i].remove(component)
+        for o in outgoing:
+            self._incoming[o].remove(component)
+        added_connections_cnt = len(incoming) * len(outgoing)
+        deleted_connections_cnt = len(incoming) + len(outgoing)
+        logger.debug(
+            f"Deleted {deleted_connections_cnt} connections and added {added_connections_cnt}"
+        )
+        del self._outgoing[component]
+        del self._incoming[component]
+        # for performance reasons we are not using `remove_connection` function when deleting an entire component,
+        # therefor we need to adjust the estimated count
+        self._connections_cnt -= deleted_connections_cnt
+    def __len__(self):
+        return self._connections_cnt
 TOKEN_ENDPOINT = "access/token"
 KERBEROS_TOKEN_ENDPOINT = "access/kerberos"
 ABOUT_ENDPOINT = "flow/about"
@@ -360,7 +430,9 @@ class NifiFlow:
     root_process_group: NifiProcessGroup
     components: Dict[str, NifiComponent] = field(default_factory=dict)
     remotely_accessible_ports: Dict[str, NifiComponent] = field(default_factory=dict)
-    connections: List[Tuple[str, str]] = field(default_factory=list)
+    connections: BidirectionalComponentGraph = field(
+        default_factory=BidirectionalComponentGraph
+    )
     processGroups: Dict[str, NifiProcessGroup] = field(default_factory=dict)
     remoteProcessGroups: Dict[str, NifiRemoteProcessGroup] = field(default_factory=dict)
     remote_ports: Dict[str, NifiComponent] = field(default_factory=dict)
@@ -416,10 +488,15 @@ def create(cls, config_dict: dict, ctx: PipelineContext) -> "Source":
     def get_report(self) -> SourceReport:
         return self.report
-    def update_flow(self, pg_flow_dto: Dict) -> None:  # noqa: C901
+    def update_flow(
+        self, pg_flow_dto: Dict, recursion_level: int = 0
+    ) -> None:  # noqa: C901
         Update self.nifi_flow with contents of the input process group `pg_flow_dto`
+        logger.debug(
+            f"Updating flow with pg_flow_dto {pg_flow_dto.get('breadcrumb', {}).get('breadcrumb', {}).get('id')}, recursion level: {recursion_level}"
+        )
         breadcrumb_dto = pg_flow_dto.get("breadcrumb", {}).get("breadcrumb", {})
         nifi_pg = NifiProcessGroup(
@@ -433,6 +510,7 @@ def update_flow(self, pg_flow_dto: Dict) -> None:  # noqa: C901
         flow_dto = pg_flow_dto.get("flow", {})
+        logger.debug(f"Processing {len(flow_dto.get('processors', []))} processors")
         for processor in flow_dto.get("processors", []):
             component = processor.get("component")
             self.nifi_flow.components[component.get("id")] = NifiComponent(
@@ -445,6 +523,7 @@ def update_flow(self, pg_flow_dto: Dict) -> None:  # noqa: C901
                 comments=component.get("config", {}).get("comments"),
                 status=component.get("status", {}).get("runStatus"),
+        logger.debug(f"Processing {len(flow_dto.get('funnels', []))} funnels")
         for funnel in flow_dto.get("funnels", []):
             component = funnel.get("component")
             self.nifi_flow.components[component.get("id")] = NifiComponent(
@@ -458,13 +537,15 @@ def update_flow(self, pg_flow_dto: Dict) -> None:  # noqa: C901
             logger.debug(f"Adding funnel {component.get('id')}")
+        logger.debug(f"Processing {len(flow_dto.get('connections', []))} connections")
         for connection in flow_dto.get("connections", []):
             # Exclude self - recursive relationships
             if connection.get("sourceId") != connection.get("destinationId"):
-                self.nifi_flow.connections.append(
-                    (connection.get("sourceId"), connection.get("destinationId"))
+                self.nifi_flow.connections.add_connection(
+                    connection.get("sourceId"), connection.get("destinationId")
+        logger.debug(f"Processing {len(flow_dto.get('inputPorts', []))} inputPorts")
         for inputPort in flow_dto.get("inputPorts", []):
             component = inputPort.get("component")
             if inputPort.get("allowRemoteAccess"):
@@ -492,6 +573,7 @@ def update_flow(self, pg_flow_dto: Dict) -> None:  # noqa: C901
                 logger.debug(f"Adding port {component.get('id')}")
+        logger.debug(f"Processing {len(flow_dto.get('outputPorts', []))} outputPorts")
         for outputPort in flow_dto.get("outputPorts", []):
             component = outputPort.get("component")
             if outputPort.get("allowRemoteAccess"):
@@ -519,6 +601,9 @@ def update_flow(self, pg_flow_dto: Dict) -> None:  # noqa: C901
                 logger.debug(f"Adding report port {component.get('id')}")
+        logger.debug(
+            f"Processing {len(flow_dto.get('remoteProcessGroups', []))} remoteProcessGroups"
+        )
         for rpg in flow_dto.get("remoteProcessGroups", []):
             rpg_component = rpg.get("component", {})
             remote_ports = {}
@@ -564,7 +649,13 @@ def update_flow(self, pg_flow_dto: Dict) -> None:  # noqa: C901
             self.nifi_flow.remoteProcessGroups[nifi_rpg.id] = nifi_rpg
+        logger.debug(
+            f"Processing {len(flow_dto.get('processGroups', []))} processGroups"
+        )
         for pg in flow_dto.get("processGroups", []):
+            logger.debug(
+                f"Retrieving process group: {pg.get('id')} while updating flow for {pg_flow_dto.get('breadcrumb', {}).get('breadcrumb', {}).get('id')}"
+            )
             pg_response = self.session.get(
                 url=urljoin(self.rest_api_base_url, PG_ENDPOINT) + pg.get("id")
@@ -578,11 +669,24 @@ def update_flow(self, pg_flow_dto: Dict) -> None:  # noqa: C901
             pg_flow_dto = pg_response.json().get("processGroupFlow", {})
-            self.update_flow(pg_flow_dto)
+            self.update_flow(pg_flow_dto, recursion_level=recursion_level + 1)
     def update_flow_keep_only_ingress_egress(self):
         components_to_del: List[NifiComponent] = []
-        for component in self.nifi_flow.components.values():
+        components = self.nifi_flow.components.values()
+        logger.debug(
+            f"Processing {len(components)} components for keep only ingress/egress"
+        )
+        logger.debug(
+            f"All the connections recognized: {len(self.nifi_flow.connections)}"
+        )
+        for index, component in enumerate(components, start=1):
+            logger.debug(
+                f"Processing {index}th component for ingress/egress pruning. Component id: {component.id}, name: {component.name}, type: {component.type}"
+            )
+            logger.debug(
+                f"Current amount of connections: {len(self.nifi_flow.connections)}"
+            )
             if (
                 component.nifi_type is NifiType.PROCESSOR
                 and component.type
@@ -592,47 +696,28 @@ def update_flow_keep_only_ingress_egress(self):
+                self.nifi_flow.connections.delete_component(component.id)
-                incoming = list(
-                    filter(lambda x: x[1] == component.id, self.nifi_flow.connections)
-                )
-                outgoing = list(
-                    filter(lambda x: x[0] == component.id, self.nifi_flow.connections)
-                )
-                # Create new connections from incoming to outgoing
-                for i in incoming:
-                    for j in outgoing:
-                        self.nifi_flow.connections.append((i[0], j[1]))
-                # Remove older connections, as we already created
-                # new connections bypassing component to be deleted
-                for i in incoming:
-                    self.nifi_flow.connections.remove(i)
-                for j in outgoing:
-                    self.nifi_flow.connections.remove(j)
-        for c in components_to_del:
-            if c.nifi_type is NifiType.PROCESSOR and (
-                c.name.startswith("Get")
-                or c.name.startswith("List")
-                or c.name.startswith("Fetch")
-                or c.name.startswith("Put")
+        for component in components_to_del:
+            if component.nifi_type is NifiType.PROCESSOR and component.name.startswith(
+                ("Get", "List", "Fetch", "Put")
-                    f"Dropping NiFi Processor of type {c.type}, id {c.id}, name {c.name} from lineage view. \
+                    f"Dropping NiFi Processor of type {component.type}, id {component.id}, name {component.name} from lineage view. \
                     This is likely an Ingress or Egress node which may be reading to/writing from external datasets \
                     However not currently supported in datahub",
-                    f"Dropping NiFi Component of type {c.type}, id {c.id}, name {c.name} from lineage view."
+                    f"Dropping NiFi Component of type {component.type}, id {component.id}, name {component.name} from lineage view."
-            del self.nifi_flow.components[c.id]
+            del self.nifi_flow.components[component.id]
     def create_nifi_flow(self):
+        logger.debug(f"Retrieving NIFI info from {ABOUT_ENDPOINT}")
         about_response = self.session.get(
             url=urljoin(self.rest_api_base_url, ABOUT_ENDPOINT)
@@ -646,6 +731,8 @@ def create_nifi_flow(self):
             logger.warning("Failed to fetch version for nifi")
+        logger.debug(f"Retrieved nifi version: {nifi_version}")
+        logger.debug(f"Retrieving cluster info from {CLUSTER_ENDPOINT}")
         cluster_response = self.session.get(
             url=urljoin(self.rest_api_base_url, CLUSTER_ENDPOINT)
@@ -654,8 +741,10 @@ def create_nifi_flow(self):
             clustered = (
                 cluster_response.json().get("clusterSummary", {}).get("clustered")
+            logger.debug(f"Retrieved cluster summary: {clustered}")
             logger.warning("Failed to fetch cluster summary for flow")
+        logger.debug("Retrieving ROOT Process Group")
         pg_response = self.session.get(
             url=urljoin(self.rest_api_base_url, PG_ENDPOINT) + "root"
@@ -695,7 +784,7 @@ def fetch_provenance_events(
         if provenance_response.ok:
             provenance = provenance_response.json().get("provenance", {})
             provenance_uri = provenance.get("uri")
+            logger.debug(f"Retrieving provenance uri: {provenance_uri}")
             provenance_response = self.session.get(provenance_uri)
             if provenance_response.ok:
                 provenance = provenance_response.json().get("provenance", {})
@@ -734,7 +823,9 @@ def fetch_provenance_events(
             total = provenance.get("results", {}).get("total")
             totalCount = provenance.get("results", {}).get("totalCount")
+            logger.debug(f"Retrieved {totalCount} of {total}")
             if total != str(totalCount):
+                logger.debug("Trying to retrieve more events for the same processor")
                 yield from self.fetch_provenance_events(
                     processor, eventType, startDate, oldest_event_time
@@ -800,6 +891,7 @@ def submit_provenance_query(self, processor, eventType, startDate, endDate):
         return provenance_response
     def delete_provenance(self, provenance_uri):
+        logger.debug(f"Deleting provenance with uri: {provenance_uri}")
         delete_response = self.session.delete(provenance_uri)
         if not delete_response.ok:
             logger.error("failed to delete provenance ", provenance_uri)
@@ -821,12 +913,8 @@ def construct_workunits(self) -> Iterable[MetadataWorkUnit]:  # noqa: C901
             job_name = component.name
             job_urn = builder.make_data_job_urn_with_flow(flow_urn, component.id)
-            incoming = list(
-                filter(lambda x: x[1] == component.id, self.nifi_flow.connections)
-            )
-            outgoing = list(
-                filter(lambda x: x[0] == component.id, self.nifi_flow.connections)
-            )
+            incoming = self.nifi_flow.connections.get_incoming_connections(component.id)
+            outgoing = self.nifi_flow.connections.get_outgoing_connections(component.id)
             inputJobs = set()
             jobProperties = None
@@ -864,8 +952,7 @@ def construct_workunits(self) -> Iterable[MetadataWorkUnit]:  # noqa: C901
-            for edge in incoming:
-                incoming_from = edge[0]
+            for incoming_from in incoming:
                 if incoming_from in self.nifi_flow.remotely_accessible_ports.keys():
                     dataset_name = f"{self.config.site_name}.{self.nifi_flow.remotely_accessible_ports[incoming_from].name}"
                     dataset_urn = builder.make_dataset_urn(
@@ -882,8 +969,7 @@ def construct_workunits(self) -> Iterable[MetadataWorkUnit]:  # noqa: C901
                         builder.make_data_job_urn_with_flow(flow_urn, incoming_from)
-            for edge in outgoing:
-                outgoing_to = edge[1]
+            for outgoing_to in outgoing:
                 if outgoing_to in self.nifi_flow.remotely_accessible_ports.keys():
                     dataset_name = f"{self.config.site_name}.{self.nifi_flow.remotely_accessible_ports[outgoing_to].name}"
                     dataset_urn = builder.make_dataset_urn(
@@ -977,14 +1063,19 @@ def make_flow_urn(self) -> str:
     def process_provenance_events(self):
+        logger.debug("Starting processing of provenance events")
         startDate = datetime.now(timezone.utc) - timedelta(
         eventAnalyzer = NifiProcessorProvenanceEventAnalyzer()
         eventAnalyzer.env = self.config.env
-        for component in self.nifi_flow.components.values():
+        components = self.nifi_flow.components.values()
+        logger.debug(f"Processing {len(components)} components")
+        for component in components:
+            logger.debug(
+                f"Processing provenance events for component id: {component.id} name: {component.name}"
+            )
             if component.nifi_type is NifiType.PROCESSOR:
                 eventType = eventAnalyzer.KNOWN_INGRESS_EGRESS_PROCESORS[component.type]
                 events = self.fetch_provenance_events(component, eventType, startDate)
diff --git a/metadata-ingestion/tests/unit/test_nifi_source.py b/metadata-ingestion/tests/unit/test_nifi_source.py
index 9e8bf64261ffaf..30a0855d44f341 100644
--- a/metadata-ingestion/tests/unit/test_nifi_source.py
+++ b/metadata-ingestion/tests/unit/test_nifi_source.py
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 from datahub.ingestion.api.common import PipelineContext
 from datahub.ingestion.source.nifi import (
+    BidirectionalComponentGraph,
@@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ def test_nifi_s3_provenance_event():
-            connections=[],
+            connections=BidirectionalComponentGraph(),
                 "803ebb92-017d-1000-2961-4bdaa27a3ba0": NifiProcessGroup(
@@ -126,7 +127,7 @@ def test_nifi_s3_provenance_event():
-            connections=[],
+            connections=BidirectionalComponentGraph(),
                 "803ebb92-017d-1000-2961-4bdaa27a3ba0": NifiProcessGroup(