Contributions are more than welcome. Bug reports with specific reproduction steps are great. If you have a code contribution you'd like to make, open a pull request with suggested code.
Note that PR's and issues are reviewed every ~2 weeks. If your PR or issue is critical in nature, please reflect that in the description so that it receives faster attention.
Pull requests should:
- Clearly state their intent in the title
- Have a description that explains the need for the changes
- Include tests!
- Not break the public API
- Add yourself to the CONTRIBUTING file
By contributing to this project you agree that you are granting New Relic a non-exclusive, non-revokable, no-cost license to use the code, algorithms, patents, and ideas in that code in our products if we so choose. You also agree the code is provided as-is and you provide no warranties as to its fitness or correctness for any purpose
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