- A Tour of Go
- Go Standard Library Documentation
- How to write Go code
- Effective Go
- Wiki
- Blog - Many useful/helpful articles!
- Documentation Overview
- golang-nuts mailing list
- Writing, building, installing, and testing Go code - useful to get started with using the
command line tool. Especially useful for non-Unix folks! - A video tour of Go - highly recommended
- Go Concurrency Patterns - also highly recommended
- Go for Javaneros - recommended for Java programmers and others
- Testing Techniques
- Organizing Go Code
- Francesc Campoy Flores - Things I learned teaching Go
- Andrew Gerrand - 5 things I love (or why you should learn Go)
- Go by Example
- Lean Go in Y Minutes
- Gopher Academey Blog
- Building web application with Go - book about web app development (Thanks to Julian Minde for the tip)