cdn_configs |
CDN configuration options |
object({ default_root_object = optional(string, "index.html") additional_origins = optional(any, []) }) |
{ "additional_origins": [], "default_root_object": "index.html" } |
no |
s3_configs |
S3 bucket configuration options |
object({ acl = optional(string, "private") create_index_html = optional(bool, true) ignore_public_acls = optional(bool, true) restrict_public_buckets = optional(bool, true) block_public_acls = optional(bool, true) block_public_policy = optional(bool, true)
versioning = optional(object({ enabled = bool }), { enabled = false }) website = optional(object({ index_document = string, error_document = string }), { index_document = "index.html", error_document = "index.html" }) create_iam_user = optional(bool, false) cors_rule = optional(list(any), []) event_notification_config = optional(object({ target_type = string, // Target type for the S3 event notification, can be "sqs" or "null". Other target types can be implemented in the future. name_suffix = string, // Suffix to add to the target name. filter_prefix = string, // Prefix to filter object key names for the event notification. events = optional(list(string), ["s3:ObjectCreated:"]) // List of S3 events that trigger the notification. Defaults to "s3:ObjectCreated:". }), { target_type = "null" name_suffix = "event" filter_prefix = "test/" events = ["s3:ObjectCreated:*"] } ) }) |
{ "acl": "private", "block_public_acls": true, "block_public_policy": true, "cors_rule": [], "create_iam_user": false, "create_index_html": true, "event-notification-config": { "events": [ "s3:ObjectCreated:*" ], "filter_prefix": "test/", "queue_name": "test", "target_type": "null" }, "ignore_public_acls": true, "restrict_public_buckets": true, "versioning": { "enabled": false }, "website": { "error_document": "index.html", "index_document": "index.html" } } |
no |