Only many basic examples os docker-compose, to generate quickly test environments.
- mongo-express MongoDB administration webapp
- mongo-standalone includes
- One MongoDB standalone node
- Using environemnt vars in
file:- MongoDB version
- Admin user credentials
- Database, credentials and roles to an application user
- mongo-replicaset-minimal basic example where initialize three MongoDB containers configured as a replica-set
- mongo-replicaset based on mongo-standalone example with:
- Three MongoDB containers, running as a replica-set
- Using environemnt vars in
file:- MongoDB version
- ReplicaSet name
- Admin user credentials
- Database, credentials and roles to an application useradmkafka
- Review documentation in mongo-replicaset and mongo-replicaset/rs0 for more detail
Before begin, you should be review kafka listeners explained by rmoff about kafka listeners with docker.
- kafka-confluent-cp-base based on Confluent Platform all in one
docker images, that includes:
- 4 broker nodes
- Authentication (no authorization)
- Automatic topic creation
- kafka-confluent-cp-sr based kafka-confluent-cp-base, and include:
- schema-registry
- kafka-confluent-cp-kafkaconnect based kafka-confluent-cp-base, and include:
- 2 workers of kafka connect
- kafka-confluent-cp-controlcenter based kafka-confluent-cp-base, and include:
- Confluent Control Center: Kafka distribution administration webapp
- kafka-confluent-cp-v1 based on previous composes:
- 4 broker nodes
- Authentication (no authorization)
- Automatic topic creation
- schema-registry
- 2 workers of kafka connect
- Confluent Control Center
- kafka-your-own-dockerfiles util to generate your own distribution,
based on donwloaded versions. Include scripts to create:
- Your own kafka base distribution
- Your own schema registry distribution