Provided by: Ignacio Van Droogenbroeck
This Dashboard is very simple but can help you with information about your x509 certificates about to expire. You can know how much certificates you're monitoring and the days to expire to each one of them.
If you have your InfluxDB credentials configured in the CLI, you can install this template with:
influx pkg -u
- 1 Telegraf Configuration
- 1 Dashboards: x509.yml
- 1 bucket: 'x509'
- 1 label: 'x509'
General instructions on using InfluxDB Templates can be found in the use a template document.
Telegraf Configuration requires the following environment variables
- `INFLUX_TOKEN` - The token with the permissions to read Telegraf configs and write data to the `telegraf` bucket. You can just use your master token to get started.
- `INFLUX_ORG` - The name of your Organization.
- `INFLUX_HOST` - The address of you InfluxDB
- `INFLUX_BUCKET` - The name of the Bucket. If you going to use the bucket included, you need to export the variable. Ex: <code>export INFLUX_BUCKET=x509</code>
In order to use this template, before import, you need to specify the certificates you want monitor in the x509.yml file.
Author: Ignacio Van Droogenbroeck
Email: ignacio[at]vandroogenbroeck[dot]net
Github and Gitlab user: @xe-nvdk
Influx Slack: Ignacio Van Droogenbroeck