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9bdb215 · Sep 14, 2017


This branch is 54 commits behind openebs-archive/elves:master.



This contains very basic server program and it's endpoint monitoring with prometheus. Currently this setup only works on minikube.This repo is highly motivated from this repo. rbac-setup file added to run this setup on k8s cluster.

Steps for minikube

  1. cd to this folder
  2. run minikube start (minikube is required)
  3. run script sh
  4. check pods kubectl get pods
  5. check svc kubectl get svc
  6. check configmap kubectl get configmap
  7. Once all working fine, run minikube service goserver-service (It will start server on a browser)
  8. Now run minikube service prometheus-service (It will launch prometheus expression browser, where you can monitor your app)

Steps for kubeadm

  1. cd to this folder
  2. run kubectl create -f rbac-setup.yaml
  3. repeat step 3 to 6 like in minikube
  4. once you get status of containers runnig run ssh -NL 1234:localhost:32514 ubuntu@<ip_address of Node> and open localhost:1234 in your browser to access ui of prometheus from outside k8s cluster setup.
  5. run ssh -NL 1235:localhost:32500 ubuntu@<ip_address of Node> and open localhost:1235 in your browser to hit at the /latest/volumes from outside k8s cluster setup.
  6. Now you will be able to see the targets in status (dropdown button) and custom metrics.