- 952de08: Added forgotten iframeRemovalDelay on handler in cleanup function
- 57fae09: add iframeRemovalDelay config prop
- fe20cf2: 300ms delay for removal of iframe
- 8d27eaa: make onPrintDialogClose work in Firefox
- 24e5b27: ssr fix
- 4e4d6fa: update docs
- d9b17e2: added base64 blob in new window
- e3cb340: update the browser support
- f9c5d1a: added more browsers to incompatible browsers callback
- 9da7e52: open pdfs in iphone, ipad or safari in new window when print is not supported
- f3f5b52: add umd build for inline script usage
- 34cb83a: remove weird edge checks
- 1200ba7: add on focus for the cleanup for edge
- 22cd5d1: more timeout
- 21b56d9: more timeout for edge
- 3eb1fca: Edge needs more time to print before it should cleanup
- 81d63d7: Make Edge work with focus
- a5f5bb8: Browser support docs
- 0197a80: Edge HTML engine needs old print function
- efaa069: Added bowser without functions checks
- 037ce23: SSR bug in window chck of user agent
- 1fc2d14: Added bowser as browser detection service
- f8c7bb8: Remove iframe focus so Firefox also works with onPrintDialogClose
- 4309422: Move the library to typescript and drastically simplify function arguments
- e271655: Refactor code to typescript and make params config simpler
- e271655: Release first Typescript version
- e271655: Added global window type for prntr
- 00da681: Added global window type for prntr
- 7fc5d15: Refactor code to typescript and make params config simpler
- 5de332c: Release first Typescript version
- 435fb46: Add badges for bundlephovia
- fd94561: Removed the dependency on the cli of changeset
- bf9a468: postinstall script is breaking npm and yarn install
- efbc7dc: Package renamed to prntr