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224 lines (174 loc) · 9 KB

File metadata and controls

224 lines (174 loc) · 9 KB

Item 22: Understand Type Narrowing

Things to Remember

  • Understand how TypeScript narrows types based on conditionals and other types of control flow.
  • Use tagged/discriminated unions and user-defined type guards to help the process of narrowing.
  • Think about whether code can be refactored to let TypeScript follow along more easily.

Code Samples

const elem = document.getElementById('what-time-is-it');
//    ^? const elem: HTMLElement | null
if (elem) {
  elem.innerHTML = 'Party Time'.blink();
  // ^? const elem: HTMLElement
} else {
  // ^? const elem: null
  alert('No element #what-time-is-it');

💻 playground

const elem = document.getElementById('what-time-is-it');
//    ^? const elem: HTMLElement | null
if (!elem) throw new Error('Unable to find #what-time-is-it');
elem.innerHTML = 'Party Time'.blink();
// ^? const elem: HTMLElement

💻 playground

function contains(text: string, search: string | RegExp) {
  if (search instanceof RegExp) {
    return !!search.exec(text);
    //       ^? (parameter) search: RegExp
  return text.includes(search);
  //                   ^? (parameter) search: string

💻 playground

interface Apple { isGoodForBaking: boolean; }
interface Orange { numSlices: number; }
function pickFruit(fruit: Apple | Orange) {
  if ('isGoodForBaking' in fruit) {
    // ^? (parameter) fruit: Apple
  } else {
    // ^? (parameter) fruit: Orange
  // ^? (parameter) fruit: Apple | Orange

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function contains(text: string, terms: string | string[]) {
  const termList = Array.isArray(terms) ? terms : [terms];
  //    ^? const termList: string[]
  // ...

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const elem = document.getElementById('what-time-is-it');
//    ^? const elem: HTMLElement | null
if (typeof elem === 'object') {
  // ^? const elem: HTMLElement | null

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function maybeLogX(x?: number | string | null) {
  if (!x) {
    //          ^? (parameter) x: string | number | null | undefined

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interface UploadEvent { type: 'upload'; filename: string; contents: string }
interface DownloadEvent { type: 'download'; filename: string; }
type AppEvent = UploadEvent | DownloadEvent;

function handleEvent(e: AppEvent) {
  switch (e.type) {
    case 'download':
      console.log('Download', e.filename);
      //                      ^? (parameter) e: DownloadEvent
    case 'upload':
      console.log('Upload', e.filename, e.contents.length, 'bytes');
      //                    ^? (parameter) e: UploadEvent

💻 playground

function isInputElement(el: Element): el is HTMLInputElement {
  return 'value' in el;

function getElementContent(el: HTMLElement) {
  if (isInputElement(el)) {
    return el.value;
    //     ^? (parameter) el: HTMLInputElement
  return el.textContent;
  //     ^? (parameter) el: HTMLElement

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const formEls = document.querySelectorAll('.my-form *');
const formInputEls = [...formEls].filter(isInputElement);
//    ^? const formInputEls: HTMLInputElement[]

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const nameToNickname = new Map<string, string>();
declare let yourName: string;
let nameToUse: string;
if (nameToNickname.has(yourName)) {
  nameToUse = nameToNickname.get(yourName);
  // ~~~~~~ Type 'string | undefined' is not assignable to type 'string'.
} else {
  nameToUse = yourName;

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const nickname = nameToNickname.get(yourName);
let nameToUse: string;
if (nickname !== undefined) {
  nameToUse = nickname;
} else {
  nameToUse = yourName;

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const nameToUse = nameToNickname.get(yourName) ?? yourName;

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function logLaterIfNumber(obj: { value: string | number }) {
  if (typeof obj.value === "number") {
    setTimeout(() => console.log(obj.value.toFixed()));
    //                                     ~~~~~~~
    // Property 'toFixed' does not exist on type 'string | number'.

💻 playground

const obj: { value: string | number } = { value: 123 };
obj.value = 'Cookie Monster';

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