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Details and results of an automatic attack disruption action |
View the results and key findings of automatic attack disruption in Microsoft Defender XDR |
met150 |
defender-xdr |
diannegali |
diannegali |
medium |
06/19/2024 |
dansimp |
ITPro |
conceptual |
evaldm, isco |
[!INCLUDE Microsoft Defender XDR rebranding]
Applies to:
- Microsoft Defender XDR
When an automatic attack disruption triggers in Microsoft Defender XDR, the details about the risk and the containment status of compromised assets are available during and after the process. You can view the details on the incident page, which provides the full details of the attack and the up-to-date status of associated assets.
Microsoft Defender XDR automatic attack disruption is built in in the incident view. Review the incident graph to get the entire attack story and assess the attack disruption impact and status.
Here are some examples of what it looks like:
- Disrupted incidents include a tag for 'Attack Disruption' and the specific threat type identified (i.e., ransomware). If you subscribe to incident email notifications, these tags also appear in the emails.
- A highlighted notification below the incident title indicating that the incident was disrupted.
- Suspended users and contained devices appear with a label indicating their status.
To release a user account or a device from containment, click on the contained asset and click release from containment for a device or enable user for a user account.
The Action center (https://security.microsoft.com/action-center) brings together remediation and response actions across your devices, email & collaboration content, and identities. Actions listed include remediation actions that were taken automatically or manually. You can view automatic attack disruption actions in the Action center.
You can release the contained assets, for example, enable a blocked user account or release a device from containment, from the action details pane. You can release the contained assets after you mitigate the risk and complete the investigation of an incident. For more information about the action center, see Action center. [!INCLUDE Microsoft Defender XDR rebranding]
You can use specific queries in advanced hunting to track contain device or user, and disable user account actions.
Contain actions triggered by attack disruption are found in the DeviceEvents table in advanced hunting. Use the following queries to hunt for these specific contain actions:
- Device contain actions:
| where ActionType contains "ContainedDevice"
- User contain actions:
| where ActionType contains "ContainedUser"
Attack disruption uses the remediation action capability of Microsoft Defender for Identity to disable accounts. Defender for Identity uses the LocalSystem account of the domain controller by default for all remediation actions.
The following query looks for events where a domain controller disabled user accounts. This query also returns user accounts disabled by automatic attack disruption by triggering account disable in Microsoft Defender XDR manually:
let AllDomainControllers =
| where TimeGenerated > ago(7d)
| where LocalPort == 88
| where LocalIPType == "FourToSixMapping"
| extend DCDevicename = tostring(split(DeviceName,".")[0])
| distinct DCDevicename;
| where TimeGenerated > ago(90d)
| where ActionType == "Account disabled"
| where Application == "Active Directory"
| extend ACTOR_DEVICE = tolower(tostring(AdditionalFields.["ACTOR.DEVICE"]))
| where isnotempty( ACTOR_DEVICE)
| where ACTOR_DEVICE in (AllDomainControllers)
| project TimeGenerated, TargetAccountUpn, ACTOR_DEVICE
The above query was adapted from a Microsoft Defender for Identity - Attack Disruption query.