配置檔為 JSON 或 YAML 檔案(副檔名須為 .yaml
或 .yml
* @typedef {Object} configScheme
* @property {string} [name] - name/description of the config
* @property {string[]} [requires] - required configs, which are made before
* making from this config, as an absolute path, or a path relative to the
* directory of this config file, or the basename of a built-in config file
* (with or without extension ".json", ".yaml", ".yml")
* @property {srcDictScheme[]} dicts - schemes of each dictionary file to be
* generated or loaded.
* A dictScheme or string for a dict.
* The string should be an absolute path, or a path relative to the directory
* of the config file, or the basename of a built-in dictionary file, with a
* file extension of .txt, .list, .json, .jlist, .yaml, or .yml.
* @typedef {(string|dictScheme)} srcDictScheme
* @typedef {Object} dictScheme
* @property {string} [file] - path of the dictionary file to generate, as an
* absolute path, or a path relative to the directory of this config file.
* It should be a .tlist (compiled trie), .jlist (compiled table), or .list
* (plain text table). An unknown file extension is treated as .list. `src`
* must exist when omitted.
* @property {string} [mode=load] - the mode to handle the loaded dicts.
* - "load" to simply merge the loaded keys and values;
* - "swap" to reverse the dict (i.e. use the values as keys and the keys
* as values);
* - "join" to chain dicts (a conversion using a dict joining dict1 and
* dict2 works like a conversion using dict1 and then dict2, but takes
* care of word segmentation);
* - "expand" to expand the placeholders (defined in the extra
* "placeholders" property) in the first dict with the matching key and
* values in other dicts;
* - "filter" to filter the output keys and values in the loaded dicts
* using extra "method", "include", and "exclude" properties.
* @property {srcDictScheme[]} [src] - the source dicts. `file` must exist when
* omitted.
* @property {boolean} [sort] - true to sort the keys of the output dictionary.
* @property {boolean} [check] - true to raise an exception if the output
* contains an invalid char which will be loaded incorrectly. Set this
* when the output is a plain text table file and the source files contain
* untrusted JSON or YAML data that may include a char like " ", "\t",
* "\n", etc. in the dictionary.
* @property {boolean} [auto_space] - true to automatically add spaced version
* at non-Hanzi borders for the output dictionary. (e.g. add
* `"SQL 注入" => "SQL 隱碼攻擊"` for `"SQL注入" => "SQL隱碼攻擊"`)
* @property {string[]} [placeholders] - strings to be expanded using other
* dicts. (for "expand" mode)
* @property {string} [method=remove_key_values] - how to filter (for "filter"
* mode)
* - "remove_keys" to remove keys from the first dict if it appears in any
* other one;
* - "remove_key_values" to remove key-value pairs from the first dict if it
* appears in any other one.
* @property {string} [include] - a regex filter that discards non-matched
* conversion values. (for "filter" mode)
* @property {string} [exclude] - a regex filter that discards matched
* conversion values. (for "filter" mode)
原始詞典檔可為純文字、JSON、或 YAML。編譯產生的詞典檔有純文字(.list
純文字詞典副檔名為 .txt
、或 .list
。規格為以 TAB 字元分隔輸入詞與轉換詞,多個轉換詞之間以半形空白分隔,如下:
輸入詞1\t轉換詞11 轉換詞12 ...
輸入詞2\t轉換詞21 轉換詞22 ...
注意;使用此格式時,輸入詞不可含有 TAB 字元,轉換詞不可含有半形空白字元。此外二者也不可含有換行等字元。如詞典需要使用這些字元,請改用其他格式。
程式會忽略第二個 TAB 字元以後的文字,例如以下兩個詞典等價:
輸入詞2\t轉換詞21 轉換詞22\t# 註解
輸入詞2\t轉換詞21 轉換詞22
注意:OpenCC 不支援此格式,會把上述寫法解讀為
'輸入詞1' => ['轉換詞11\t額外敘述']
及'輸入詞2' => ['轉換詞21', '轉換詞22\t# 註解']
若整行無 TAB 字元,空行會被忽略,有文字的行則視作轉換為相同的詞,例如以下兩個詞典等價:
注意:OpenCC 不支援此格式,上述寫法會導致程式錯誤。空行在 OpenCC 1.1.4 以前版本也會導致程式錯誤。
輸入詞1\t 輸入詞2\t
'輸入詞1' => ['']
JSON 詞典副檔名為 .json
或 .jlist
"輸入詞1": "轉換詞11",
"輸入詞2": ["轉換詞21"],
"輸入詞3": ["轉換詞31", "轉換詞32", ...],
YAML 詞典副檔名為 .yaml
或 .yml
輸入詞1: 轉換詞11
輸入詞2: [轉換詞21]
輸入詞3: [轉換詞31, 轉換詞32, ...]