fix :: forall i o. (Event i -> { input :: Event i, output :: Event o }) -> Event o
Compute a fixed point
fold :: forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> Event a -> b -> Event b
Fold over values received from some Event
, creating a new Event
sampleOn :: forall a b. Event a -> Event (a -> b) -> Event b
Create an Event
which samples the latest values from the first event
at the times when the second event fires.
data Event a
An Event
represents a collection of discrete occurrences with associated
times. Conceptually, an Event
is a (possibly-infinite) list of values-and-times:
type Event a = List { value :: a, time :: Time }
Events are created from real events like timers or mouse clicks, and then combined using the various functions and instances provided in this module.
Events are consumed by providing a callback using the subscribe
Functor Event
Filterable Event
Apply Event
Applicative Event
Alt Event
Plus Event
Alternative Event
(Semigroup a) => Semigroup (Event a)
(Monoid a) => Monoid (Event a)
IsEvent Event
never :: forall a. Event a
keepLatest :: forall a. Event (Event a) -> Event a
Flatten a nested Event
, reporting values only from the most recent
inner Event
subscribe :: forall eff a r. Event a -> (a -> Eff (frp :: FRP | eff) r) -> Eff (frp :: FRP | eff) (Eff (frp :: FRP | eff) Unit)
Subscribe to an Event
by providing a callback.
returns a canceller function.
class (Functor f) <= Filterable f where
filterMap :: forall a b. (a -> Maybe b) -> f a -> f b
represents data structures which can be partitioned/filtered.
- partition a data structure based on an either predicate.partition
- partition a data structure based on boolean predicate.filterMap
- map over a data structure and filter based on a maybe.filter
- filter a data structure based on a boolean.
map f ≡ filterMap (Just <<< f)
filter ≡ filterMap <<< maybeBool
filterMap p ≡ filter (isJust <<< p)
Default implementations are provided by the following functions:
Filterable Array
Filterable Maybe
(Monoid m) => Filterable (Either m)
Filterable List
(Ord k) => Filterable (Map k)
class (Alternative event, Filterable event) <= IsEvent event where
fold :: forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> event a -> b -> event b
sampleOn :: forall a b. event a -> event (a -> b) -> event b
fix :: forall i o. (event i -> { input :: event i, output :: event o }) -> event o
Functions which an Event
type should implement, so that
s can be defined in terms of any such event type:
: combines incoming values using the specified function, starting with the specific initial value.sampleOn
: samples an event at the times when a second event fires.fix
: compute a fixed point, by feeding output events back in as inputs.
withLast :: forall event a. IsEvent event => event a -> event { now :: a, last :: Maybe a }
Compute differences between successive event values.
sampleOn_ :: forall event a b. IsEvent event => event a -> event b -> event a
Create an Event
which samples the latest values from the first event
at the times when the second event fires, ignoring the values produced by
the second event.
mapAccum :: forall event a b c. IsEvent event => (a -> b -> Tuple b c) -> event a -> b -> event c
Map over an event with an accumulator.
For example, to keep the index of the current event:
mapAccum (\x i -> Tuple (i + 1) (Tuple x i)) 0`.
folded :: forall event a. IsEvent event => Monoid a => event a -> event a
Combine subsequent events using a Monoid
count :: forall event a. IsEvent event => event a -> event Int
Count the number of events received.