diff --git a/docs/plugins/i-root/README.md b/docs/plugins/i-root/README.md
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+# IRoot
+$ ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-iroot
+$ npm install @awesome-cordova-plugins/i-root
+## [Usage Documentation](https://danielsogl.gitbook.io/awesome-cordova-plugins/plugins/iroot/)
+Plugin Repo: [https://github.com/WuglyakBolgoink/cordova-plugin-iroot](https://github.com/WuglyakBolgoink/cordova-plugin-iroot)
+Use this plugin to add an extra layer of security for your app by detecting if the device was rooted (on android) or jailbreaked (on iOS).
+## Supported platforms
+* Android
+* iOS
+## Original Plugin Notes
+### iOS - Postinstall
+To avoid errors like
+> -canOpenURL: failed for URL: "cydia://package/com.example.package" - error: "This app is not allowed to query for scheme cydia"
+don’t forget to add `"cydia"` in `LSApplicationQueriesSchemes` key of `info.plist`. Otherwise `canOpenURL` will always return `false`.
+ LSApplicationQueriesSchemes
+ cydia
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diff --git a/src/@awesome-cordova-plugins/plugins/i-root/index.ts b/src/@awesome-cordova-plugins/plugins/i-root/index.ts
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+import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
+import { Plugin, Cordova, AwesomeCordovaNativePlugin } from '@awesome-cordova-plugins/core';
+ * @name IRoot
+ * @description
+ * Use this plugin to add an extra layer of security for your app by detecting if the device was rooted (on android) or jailbreaked (on iOS).
+ *
+ * @usage
+ * ```typescript
+ * import { IRoot } from '@awesome-cordova-plugins/i-root';
+ *
+ * constructor(private iRoot: IRoot) { }
+ *
+ * ...
+ *
+ * this.iRoot.isRooted()
+ * .then((res: boolean) => console.log('is rooted?', res))
+ * .catch((error: string) => console.error(error));
+ *
+ * this.iRoot.isRootedWithBusyBox()
+ * .then((res: boolean) => console.log('is rooted?', res))
+ * .catch((error: string) => console.error(error));
+ * ```
+ */
+ pluginName: 'IRoot',
+ plugin: 'cordova-plugin-IRoot',
+ pluginRef: 'IRoot',
+ repo: 'https://github.com/WuglyakBolgoink/cordova-plugin-IRoot',
+ platforms: ['Android', 'iOS'],
+export class IRoot extends AwesomeCordovaNativePlugin {
+ /**
+ * Checks if the device is rooted/jailbroken.
+ * @return {Promise} Resolves to true if the device is Jailbroken/rooted, otherwise false.
+ */
+ @Cordova()
+ isRooted(): Promise {
+ return;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Android only! Checks if the device was rooted via busybox.
+ * @return {Promise} Resolves to true if the device is Jailbroken/rooted, otherwise false.
+ */
+ @Cordova({
+ platforms: ['android'],
+ })
+ isRootedWithBusyBox(): Promise {
+ return;
+ }