Your help is appreciated and welcome!
The master branch is meant to hold the release code. At any time this should be identical to the code available on PyPI.
PR's will be pushed on the development branch if the actual package code is changed. When the time comes this branch will be merged to the master branch and a new release will be issued.
PR's that deal with documentation, and other adjacent files (README for example) can be pushed to the master branch.
When submitting PR's please take into account:
- the project's goals
- PEP8 and the style guide below
You can use tox to run tests locally. Example for the unit tests with Python version 3.7:
tox -e py27
Otherwise, you can just push and the tests will be run by GitHub Actions.
Just run black on modified files before sending the PR. There is no need to reinvent the wheel here!
Tip: Add a pre-commit hook with pip install pre-commit && pre-commit install