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Daniele Pallastrelli edited this page Mar 1, 2019 · 17 revisions

Welcome to the cli wiki!

In this page there are some random notes about the library. The target are mainly the contributors. Eventually, some of these thoughts will end up into the file.

Goals (and non goals)

  • I started this library out of a specific need of mine, after searching in vain for something similar. After developing it, I though it would be nice to share it with other developers that might need it. I wrote this library out of a specific need, and not to show off my C++/design/other skills. Please, remember this before writing a comment, open an issue or doing a pull request.
  • The library must be compilable with every c++14 compliant compiler. This is because many projects already using the library are constrained to old compilers. For this reason, I can’t accept pull requests exploiting C++ features newer than C++14 standard. The same applies if you rewrite any C++17 features and include it in the library: unless this is the only way to implement a very useful feature of cli library, I won’t accept the pull request.
  • TODO ...
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