- Fix Rails 4.0.2 incompatibility. [#9]
- Fallback to
rails console
if relativebin/rails
isn't available.
- Depend on Rails 4.* instead of 4.0.*.
- Break rails meta-package dependency. [#5]
- Fix ActiveModel load error happening on rails -O configured apps. [#4]
- Don't throw server errors on finished slave processes.
- Add monokai color theme.
- Drop GPL dependency of vt100.js.
- Use term.js as vt100.js replacement.
- Add config.web_console.term for using custom $TERM.
- Add config.web_console.style.colors for color theming.
- Add config.web_console.style.font for using custom fonts.
- Fix ZSH repeating the first command argument on servers started inside a TMUX session.
- Proper VT100 emulation.
- Add config.web_console.command to allow custom programs execution.
- Add config.web_console.timeout to allow for long-polling, where available.
- Remove config.web_console.prevent_irbrc_execution.
- Run closest .irbrc config while initializing IRB adapters.
- Add config.web_console.prevent_irbrc_execution option.
- Initial release.