+ _____________________________________
+ >
+ > a nice little script for compiling all the c files in the folder that contains a specific word. You can turn on th -r flag for recessiveness
+ >⚒️ Gcc Find:
⚙️How To⚙️
+ >
+ >
+ >⚡
+ >
+ > 1. folder name to be compiled
+ > 2. a word. only files that contains the given word will be complied ::must!
+ > 3. optional: -r flag, if you want to compile the inner files as well.
> ./gccfind.sh myFolder main -r
+ > a funny little [tennis paper game](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tennis_(paper_game)), terminal styled.
+ > #### ⚙️How To⚙️
+ > There are two options for the game: in place game, and logged history game
+ > You can choose what to use by simply run the game with flags:
+ > * __for in place game:__ --in-place | -p
+ > * __for logged game :__ --l | -log
+ > * The default version is logged 🎾 Tennis (paper game):
+ >
+ > ⚡ > ./tennis.sh -p
+ _____________________________________
+ >
+ > a shell program that can be loaded with your custom commands
+ > 💲 Shell:
⚙️How To⚙️
+ >
+ > for example:
+ > if inside a folder named 'myCommands' you have a script named 'do-somthing.sh' gcc -o shell myshell.c
+ >
+ > you can run the runnable script without any other params.
+ > The program will act as you expect from a normal shell
+ > Or you can send path to a folder, which contains custom scrits. The folder be then added temporarily to your env variables,
+ > so you can can any script that is defined there by simply typing it's name.
+ > you can run the shell with the path to 'myCommads', then you can just type
+ > do-something.sh
no matter what pwd you are in.
+ >
+ > ⚡ > ./myshell ~/myCommands
+ _____________________________________
+ >
+ > a program that get two arguments of file pathes and determines the similarity: 2.1: Files Comperator
+ > 🔖 1: The files are identical
+ > 🔖 2: The files are different
+ > 🔖 3: The files are similar
+ >
+ > ⚡ > ./comp.out /home/os20 12 /code/1.txt /home/os20 12 /code/2.txt
+ >
+ >
+ > A program that gets config path and grades the folders by that 2.2: Grader
+ > The config file contains 3 rows:
+ > ✏️ 1: Path to parent folder which contains sub-folders for grade. Each folder is a user folder.
+ > ✏️ 2: Path to an input file for will-be executed program
+ > ✏️ 3: Path to correct output file
+ > The program iterates through the users' folders, compiles(if exists) the c file in that folder.
+ > Then runs the compiled program with the input file and comperes the results to the correct output from the config file.
+ > If anything in the way is getting wrong, the grade will be affected as listing here:
+ > > > > > > ✨ NO_C_FILE : 0
+ > > > > > > ✨ COMPILATION_ERROR: 10
+ > > > > > > ✨ TIMEOUT: 20
+ > > > > > > ✨ WRONG: 50
+ > > > > > > ✨ SIMILAR: 75
+ > The grade will be written into an excel file, named results.csv, which will be created inside the running folder.
+ >
+ > ⚡ > ./a.out /home/os20 12 /conf.txt
+ >
+ >
+ _____________________________________
+ > A program that gets a config file for products per procuder, and coediting abilities.
+ > The program syncronizing the work of everyone by threads
+ >
To create executable you can use the makefile
+ > ⚡ > ./ex3.out config.txt
+ _____________________________________