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Open DIS for Java

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This repository contains a Java implementation of the Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) IEEE-1278 standard, which is often used in military simulations.

The library consists of classes that represent Protocol Data Units (PDUs). These classes have fields, getters, and setters, and are able to marshal and unmarshal themselves to and from the DIS binary format. Many of the classes were automatically generated via XMLPG. More on that below.

The library also provides supporting classes that read and write PDUs from the network, log PDUs to a file, and more.

Using the Java Library


There are two repositories where Open DIS can be gotten; JitPack and Maven Central. Read below before making a choice.


JitPack is a terrific service that allows you to choose any snapshot of the library you want and include that as a Maven dependency in your project. The most typical use case is someone who wants the latest and greatest snapshot because it contains a fix they want. Just pick a sha1 from the commit history and place that in the <version> field below and JitPack will take care of building and serving the dependency artifact to you.

Add this to your pom.xml.


And then add this to your <depenencies> section.

    <version>d3c2b19aed8e80c5e7ef938dc0982f5ad0282ae6</version> <!-- replace with any git sha1 -->

Maven Central

Official releases published by the Open DIS maintainers can be found on Maven Central. These are less frequent.

Add the following to your pom.xml.



Include the open-dis-<version-number>.jar file in your project, along with the supporting jar files in the lib directory.

Release Notes

5.0 release highlights (not yet released)

  • Dropped Hibernate and JAXB support (i.e. the annotations were removed from PDU classes), consequently the dismobile and dis7mobile packages became redundant and were removed.
  • PDUFactory has gained support for more PDU's; EventPDU, SignalPDU, TransmitterPDU and ReceiverPDU.
  • Added more JUnit tests.
  • Migrated to GitHub and extracted Java library into own repository.

4.x release highlights

  • SQL support.
  • Modified & rationalized repository layout.
  • Added mobile support in addition to desktop support.

3.x release highlights

  • CSharp implementation from Peter Smith. He wrote a new xmlpg class to generate CSharp code.

  • Automated patch application. The Unix patch utility is used to modify the auotmatically generated code. See the patch directory in the open-dis directory. Patches are applied via the ant task "patch". Windows users; need to install cygwin utilities to be able to use patch, and make some minor changes to the ant build.xml file.

  • Robert Harder has reworked the Java marshal and unmarshal code to use much more memory efficient NIO classes, which dramatically reduce the amount of temporary object memory generated.

  • Sheldon Snyder has contributed dead reckoning algorithms in Java, available in the edu.nps.moves.deadreckoning package.

  • Tariq Rashid has contributed an xplane gateway, which reads xplane flight simulator UDP packets and converts them to DIS. He's also implemented a KML gateway, which allows low-resolution updates to markers on Google Earth. This code is a bit rough right now--it needs to be cleaned up. There's no guarantee it works. This is available in the xplane directory of open-dis.

  • xmlpg, which generates the source code, is now included in the open-dis lib directory. This allows code to be generated completly withing the open-dis directory, rather than trying to do cross-directory builds. See the generateDisSourceCode ant target.

  • Enumerations. The SISO EBV XML document was used to generate Java enumeration classes. This can be extended as the EBV XML document is completed. A C++ enumerations project would be a useful project for some developer. The enumerations are used in several places in the open-dis code, notably the PduFactory.

  • Unit tests. The Java code has added some JUnit 4.4 unit tests, primarily to test that post-processing source code patches have been applied correctly. These can be extended to provide more complete test coverage.


All code is BSD license. See License.txt.

For Contributors

This section is useful for developers who may be contributing to the library. This contains info about "how the hotdog is made".

XML Description File

The DISXXXX.xml files are an abstract description of the protocol. These are processed by XMLPG to generate the Java protocol code in edu.nps.moves.dis.

To generate the Java code from scratch, type ant generateJavaDisSourceCode.

The idea is to use the XMLPG tool to get the final product "close", and then manually modify the source code to tweak the last bit. To this end there is a "patches" directory, which uses the Unix patch utility to modify the generated code via patch files.

Software release process

Once enough changes have been made we cut a new release and deploy it to Maven Central.

In a nutshell the person performing the release will need:

  • A Sonatype JIRA account
  • Your JIRA credentials placed in your ~/.m2/settings.xml
  • Your GPG key published

For more info view this guide.

Once that's done, for each release do the following commands:

$ mvn release:clean
$ mvn release:prepare
$ mvn release:perform