- T1D patients have to compute multiple times a day their dose, which is error prone.
- Need for systems to be really robust before they can be deployed.
- Recommender system for bolus dose is proposed.
Using Event-B formal modelling language - provides verification guarantees using set theory as a language.
Event B is limited to natural and integer numeric types.
Providing invariants and limits in the specification allows for a simple model to ensure a proper bolus dose.
- maxBolus
- targetRangeUpper - target blood glucose upper value
- targetRangeLower - target blood glucose lower value
- maxBolus is a natural number <= 500 IU
- targetRangeUpper is a natural number and >= 55 and <= 150
- targetRangeLower is a natural number and >= 30 and <= 80
- targetRangeLower <= targetRangeUpper
These examples illustrate critical safety constraints for a T1D bolus calculator involving AI can be captured formally. Note there are difficult challenges with verifying AI systems that modify themselves.