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Merlin Command Reference

Command Usage Description
addchan addchan <chan> <level> Adds a channel with the given level with maxlevel equal to your own access level
addquote addquote <quote goes here>
addslogan addslogan <slogan goes here>
adduser adduser <pnick> <access> Used to add new users with the specified pnick and access level
adopt adopt <pnick> Adopt an orphan
afford afford <x:y:z> <ship> Calculates the number of a certain ship the planet can produce based on the most recent planet scan
aids aids <pnick> See who a user has sexed
alias alias <alias> (at most 15 characters) Set an alias that maps to your pnick, useful if you have a different nick than your pnick and people use autocomplete.
amps amps [pnick|amps] Show the amp counts of the top 10 alliance scanners. Optionally filter by amps or name.
apenis apenis [alliance] Schlong
attack attack [<eta|landingtick> [<#waves>w] <coordlist> [comment]] | [list] | [show <id>] Create an attack page on the webby with automatic parsed scans
aumydef aumydef [fleets] x [comment] Add your fleets for defense listing using an Advanced Unit scan for your planet. Send the link to the bot, then use this command.
au au (<x:y:z> [old] [link] | <id>)
auth Authenticates the user, if they provide their username and password
bashee bashee <x:y:z>
basher basher <x:y:z>
bigdicks BEEFCAKE!!!11onetwo
bitches bitches [minimum eta] List of booked targets by galaxy and alliance
bonus bonus [tick] Calculates upgrade bonus for a given tick, or for the current tick.
book book <x:y:z> (eta|landing tick) [later] Book a target for attack. You should always book your targets, so someone doesn't inadvertedly piggy your attack.
broadcast broadcast <message> [HIDEME] Make a broadcast to all alliance channels. Append "HIDEME" if you do not want your username included.
bumchums bumchums <alliance> [alliance] [number] Pies
commandlog commandlog <command> [user=<username>] <parameters> | <id> Search the bot's command log for use of specified command. Parameters is a % encapsulated list of arguments. For example, to search for someone setting the alliance on a planet in 1:1, do: !commandlog intel %1%1%alliance=%. You can also limit the search to a specific username using the optional user= argument.
cookie cookie [howmany] <receiver> <reason> | [stat] Cookies are used to give out carebears. Carebears are rewards for carefaces. Give cookies to people when you think they've done something beneficial for you or for the alliance in general.
cost cost <number> <ship> Calculates the cost of producing the specified number of ships
covop covop <x:y:z> [agents] [stealth] Calculates target alert, damage caused and liklihood of success of a covop based on stored scans.
cunts cunts [alliance] [race] [<|>][size] [<|>][value] [bash] (must include at least one search criteria, order doesn't matter) Target search, based on planets currently attacking our alliance, ordered by size
debug Execute a statement. Warning: Playing with this is risky!
defcall defcall <x:y:z> <eta> <description> Make a broadcast to the channel requesting defence
details details <x.y.z> This command basically collates lookup, xp, intel and status into one simple to use command. Neat, huh?
dev dev (<x:y:z> [old] [link] | <id>)
editattack editattack [<id> add|remove <coordlist>] | [<id> land <tick|eta>] | [<id> comment <comment>] [<id> waves <waves>]
edituser edituser <user> (<access>|true|false) Used to change a user's access or (de)activate them
eff eff <number> <ship> [t1|t2|t3] Calculates the efficiency of the specified number of ships
email email <nick> <message> Sends an email to the specified user. Your username will be included automatically.
epenis epenis [user] Penis
exp exp <x:y:z> XP of a planet over the last 15 ticks
finddef finddef [<class>] <target class> [t1|t2|t3] Search mydef for ships by target class and, optionally, ship class or target level.
forcepref forcepref <user> [planet=x.y.z] [password=pass] [url=ip] [phone=999] [pubphone=T|F] [smsmode=clickatell|google|both] Set a user's planet, password for the webby, URL preference and phone number and settings; order doesn't matter
fuckthatname fuckthatname <fucked tag> usethis <better name>
gac Displays stats about the Gross Alliance Cookies. Similar to the Gross Domestic Product, GAC covers how many cookies changed hands in a given week.
galchan galchan <chan> Adds a channel where the access of commands is limited to 1 in that channel (so you don't accidentally do !intel or something 'important')
galmate galmate <pnick> Add a user with galmate access
galpenis galpenis <x:y> Cock
gangbang gangbang <alliance> [tick] List of booked targets in an alliance
getanewdaddy getanewdaddy <pnick> Remove sponsorship of a member. Their access will be reduced to "galmate" level. Anyone is free to sponsor the person back under the usual conditions. This isn't a kick and it's not final.
guess guess [x.y.z] [limit] Use stored fleet data to suggest posible alliances for unknown planets.
help help [command] Help
idler idler [alliance] [race] [<|>][size] [<|>][value] [bash] (must include at least one search criteria, order doesn't matter) Target search, ordered by idle ticks
info info <alliance> Alliance information (All information taken from intel, for tag information use the lookup command)
intel intel <x.y[.z]> [option=value]+ View or set intel for a planet. Valid options: alliance, nick, fakenick, defwhore, covop, amps, dists, bg, gov, relay, reportchan, comment
jgp jgp (<x:y:z> [old] [link] | <id>)
last10 last10 [alliance] [race] [score|value|size|xp] Bottom planets by specified criteria
last5 last5 [alliance] [race] [score|value|size|xp] Bottom planets by specified criteria
launch launch <class|eta> <land_tick> Calculate launch tick, launch time, prelaunch tick and prelaunch modifier for a given ship class or eta, and land tick.
letmein Invites the user to the private channel, if they provide their username and password
logdef logdef [ship] | [user]
lookup lookup [x:y[:z]|alliance|user]
maxcap maxcap (<total roids>|<x:y:z> [a:b:c]) Calculates the maximum roid capture rate for a given number of roids or a specified planet. Optionally specify attacker co-ordinates.
members members [coords] [defage] [mydef] [galmates] List all members, in format nick (alias). Optionally include coordinates, mydef age, tick of last mydef update.
myamps myamps [amps] Update your amp count.
mydef mydef [fleets] x <[ship count] [ship name]> [comment] Add your fleets for defense listing. For example: 2x 20k Barghest 30k Harpy Call me any time for hot shipsex.
news news (<x:y:z> [old] [link] | <id>)
orphans Lists all members whose sponsors are no longer members. Use !adopt to someone.
paranoidcunts paranoidcunts [galmates] [check] [noemail] List members who are have not set their phone number properly. Optionally sanity-checks phone numbers.
phone phone <list|allow|deny|show> [pnick] Lookup someone's phone number or set permissions for who can view your number if you've not set public (pref)
planet planet (<x:y:z> [old] [link] | <id>)
pref pref [planet=x.y.z] [password=pass] [url=ip] [phone=999] [pubphone=T|F] [smsmode=clickatell|google|both] [[email protected]] Set your planet, password for the webby, URL preference and phone number and settings; order doesn't matter
prod prod <number> <ship> <factories> [population] [government] Calculate ticks it takes to produce <number> <ships> with <factories>. Specify population and/or government for bonuses.
prop prop [<invite|kick> <pnick> <comment>] | [list] | [vote <number> <yes|no|abstain>] | [expire <number>] | [show <number>] | [cancel <number>] | [recent] | [search <pnick>] | [suggest <decision to be made>] A proposition is a vote to do something. For now, you can raise propositions to invite or kick someone. Once raised the proposition will stand until you expire it. Make sure you give everyone time to have their say. Votes for and against a proposition are weighted by carebears. You must have at least 1 carebear to vote.
quits quits <pnick>
quit Quit IRC and close down
quitter quitter <pnick>
racism racism <alliance> | <x:y> Shows averages for each race matching a given alliance in intel or for a galaxy.
raw Send a raw message to the server.
reboot Quit IRC reboot, reload and reconnect
reload Dynamically reload the Core and Hooks
reloadstats Reload ship stats
remchan remchan <chan>
remquote remquote <quote to remove>
remslogan remslogan <slogan to remove>
remuser remuser <user> Permenantly delete a user
request request <x.y.z> <scantype(s)> [dists] | <id> blocks <amps> | cancel <id> | list | links Request a scan
roidcost roidcost <roids> <value_cost> [mining_bonus] Calculate how long it will take to repay a value loss capping roids.
roidsave roidsave <roids> <ticks> [mining_bonus] Tells you how much value will be mined by a number of roids in that many ticks.
rprod rprod <ship> <ticks> <factories> [population] [government] Calculate how many <ship> you can build in <ticks> with <factories>. Specify population and/or government for bonuses.
scans scans <x:y:z>
scannerhelp scannerhelp [nick] Help for scanners
seagal seagal <x:y:z> [sum]
searchdef searchdef [number] <ship>
search search <alliance|nick> Search for a planet by alliance or nick.
secure Secures the PNick of the bot.
ship ship <ship> Returns the stats of the specified ship
showdef showdef <pnick>
smslog smslog [id] Show the last ten SMS sent, or the text of a specific SMS sender.
sms sms <nick> <message> Sends an SMS to the specified user. Your username will be appended to the end of each sms. The user must have their phone correctly added and you must have access to their number.
spamin spamin <alliance> [x.y.z]+ Update intel on many planets at once. Accepts !spam format.
spam spam <alliance> Spam alliance coords
status status [x:y[:z]|user|alliance] [tick] List of targets booked by user, or list of bookings for a given galaxy or planet
stop stop <number> <ship> [t1|t2|t3] Calculates the required defence to the specified number of ships
supersearch supersearch[option=value]+ [comment=key words] Advanced planet/intel search: alliance, nick, reportchan, amps, dists, size, value, race, comment
surprisesex surprisesex [x:y[:z]|alliance|user] Top alliances attacking the specified target
tell tell <nick> <message> Sends a message to a user when they next join a channel with me.
theirdef theirdef [user] [fleets] x <[ship count] [ship name]> [comment] Update another user's fleets for defense listing. For example: 2x 20k Barghest 30k Harpy Call me any time for hot shipsex.
top10lookup top10lookup [alliance] [race] [score|value|size|xp] Top planets by specified criteria. Results in !lookup format.
top10 top10 [alliance] [race] [score|value|size|xp] Top planets by specified criteria
topcunts topcunts [x:y[:z]|alliance|user] Top planets attacking the specified target
toprequesters toprequesters <age> <number> List top scan requesters in the last x ticks.
topscanners topscanners <age> <number> [all] List top scanners in the last x ticks. Shows requested scans by default. Use the "all" option to show all parsed scans.
unbook unbook <x:y:z> [eta|landing tick]
unit unit (<x:y:z> [old] [link] | <id>)
usedef usedef <pnick> [num] <ship>
value value <x:y:z> Value of a planet over the last 15 ticks
victim victim [alliance] [race] [<|>][size] [<|>][value] [bash] (must include at least one search criteria, order doesn't matter) Target search, ordered by maxcap
whois whois <pnick> Lookup a user's details
whore whore [alliance] [race] [<|>][size] [<|>][value] [bash] (must include at least one search criteria, order doesn't matter) Target search, ordered by xp gain
xp xp <x:y:z> [a:b:c] Calculates XP gain from stealing asteroids. Does not consider XP round_factor.
yourmum yourmum [pnick]