#include <iostream>
class Rational {
unsigned num, den;
static unsigned euclid(unsigned a, unsigned b) {
while (b != 0) {
unsigned t = b;
b = a%b;
a = t;
return a;
Rational(unsigned num_, unsigned den_ = 1) {
unsigned gcd = euclid(num_, den_);
num = num_/gcd;
den = den_/gcd;
unsigned get_num() const { return num; }
unsigned get_den() const { return den; }
Rational operator+(Rational rhs) const;
explicit operator double () const {
return (double)num / (double) den;
// Non-inline implementation, classname::functionname as the name of the function.
// Operator overload; r1+r2 expression will call r1.operator+(r2) method
Rational Rational::operator+(Rational rhs) const {
return Rational(num * rhs.den + rhs.num * den,
den * rhs.den);
// Operator overload; r1*r2 expression will call operator*(r1, r2) free function.
// Use whichever leads to nicer design.
// As this is not a method (member function), this must use the public interface.
Rational operator*(Rational lhs, Rational rhs) {
return Rational(lhs.get_num() * rhs.get_num(),
lhs.get_den() * rhs.get_den());
// *= won't be generated automatically, even when there is *.
// Left hand side argument must be passed as reference,
// as the expression x += y changes the value of x.
// Returns the left hand side variable itself,
// therefore the return type is also a reference.
Rational & operator*=(Rational &lhs, Rational rhs) {
lhs = lhs * rhs;
return lhs;
// Print: std::cout << 1 << 2 << 3 means ((std::cout << 1) << 2) << 3,
// every printing operator returns std::cout, the stream.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, Rational r) {
os << r.get_num() << '/' << r.get_den();
return os;
int main() {
// Objects as local variables, just as in C
Rational a(1, 3);
Rational b(1, 2);
std::cout << a+b << std::endl;
// Temporal object
std::cout << Rational(5, 10) << std::endl;
Remark: in C++ class
and struct
are the same. For classes, default visibility is
private, and for structs, it is public. We usually prefer struct
for data transfer objects,
and class
for classes with behaviorm whenever there are methods.
Constructors with one argument, and conversion operators are used automatically by the compiler. For the previous example:
class Rational {
// unsigned -> Rational conversion
Rational(unsigned num_, unsigned den_ = 1);
// Rational -> double conversion
explicit operator double () const;
// 3/1, because Rational a = Rational(3);
Rational a = 3;
Rational b(4, 5);
// b + Rational(6), quite convenient!
std::cout << b + 6;
// Will print 0.8
std::cout << (double) b;
Conversions can be implicit (automatic) or explicit (requested by
the programmer). The explicit
keyword will disable automatic conversion.
This is important, and it should be the default:
class Rational {
// unsigned->Rational konverzió, can be automatic
Rational(unsigned num_, unsigned den_ = 1);
// Rational->double, can result in data loss, should be explicit
explicit operator double () const;
class MyArray {
// This is NOT an integer->MyArray conversion, should be explicit
explicit MyArray(unsigned size);
Technically this is also a conversion:
int i;
while (std::cin >> i) { // std::cin.operator bool()
/* ... */
Motivation: strings are char arrays, but arrays are hard to handle, pass between functions, manage their storage. A simple string concatenation function:
char *concat_strings(char const *first, char const *second) {
size_t newlen = strlen(first) + strlen(second);
char *concat = new char[newlen + 1]; // +1 for \0
strcpy(concat, first);
strcat(concat, second);
// return pointer to array, note there is no delete[] here
return concat;
char *stuff = concat_string("apple", "tree");
std::cout << stuff;
// must not forget this line
delete[] stuff;
This should look like this
String s1 = "apple", s2 = "tree";
String stuff = s1+s2;
Implementation of a string class is below. See the comments!
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <cstring> // low level char array functions
class String {
char *data; // has \0 terminator
size_t len; // real length without the \0
explicit String(size_t initlen);
String(char const *init);
String(String const &s);
String & operator=(String const &s);
char & operator[](size_t idx);
char const & operator[](size_t idx) const;
String operator+(String const &rhs) const;
String& operator+=(String const &rhs);
explicit operator char const * () const;
// Constructor: allocates memory and copies string
String::String(char const *init) {
len = strlen(init);
data = new char[len+1];
strcpy(data, init);
// Destructor: if the string object is destroyed,
// the accompanying character array must be deleted as well.
// The dtor is called automatically at the end of the lifetime:
// - local variables at the end of blocks
// - global variables at the end of the process
// - calling delete on dynamically allocated objects
// - end of the lifetime of a container object
String::~String() {
delete[] data;
// Copy ctor. It is called automatically for:
// 1) explicit copying: String s2 = s1; or String s2(s1);
// 2) Passing function arguments by value: void func(String s);
// 3) Return value of function: String func();
// 4) Throwing exceptions, as part of an exception object
// Rule of three: if there is a destructor, usually a copy ctor
// and an operator= is required as well.
String::String(String const &s) {
len = s.len;
data = new char[len+1]; // most important line
strcpy(data, s.data);
// Assignment operator: see the copy ctor and the dtor
String & String::operator=(String const &s) {
if (this != &s) { // Avoid problems of self assignment
delete[] data;
len = s.len;
data = new char[len+1];
strcpy(data, s.data);
return *this; // For usual operator= semantics, like a = b = c;
// Also handles out of bound indexing
char & String::operator[] (size_t idx) {
if (idx >= len)
throw std::out_of_range("string index out of range");
return data[idx];
// Const string -> const character.
// (Note that the array internally is not const.)
char const & String::operator[] (size_t idx) const {
if (idx >= len)
throw std::out_of_range("string index out of range");
return data[idx];
// Private constructor for the concatenation operations.
// Allocates the char array, but it is uninitialized.
String::String(size_t initlen) {
len = initlen;
data = new char[len+1];
// The array is created with the private ctor,
// and then initialized.
String String::operator+(String const &rhs) const {
String concat(len + rhs.len);
strcpy(concat.data, this->data);
strcat(concat.data, rhs.data);
return concat;
// Boilerplate code, we have to create this manually.
String& String::operator+=(String const &rhs) {
*this = *this + rhs;
return *this;
String::operator char const * () const {
return data; // valid as C string, as it has \0
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream & os, String const & s) {
os << (char const *) s;
return os;
int main() {
String s1 = "apple";
String s2 = "tree";
String s3 = s1+s2;
std::cout << s3 << std::endl;
try {
s3[100] = 'X';
} catch (std::exception & e) {
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
Check the
s in the code above, figure out where they are needed and why. -
Also think about
s. -
"The copy constructor is called for argument passing and return values" - this is not necessarily true.
Example 1:
void myfunc(String s) {
// do something with the string...
int main() {
myfunc(String s)
says "I need a String object
as an argument". The call site has a char array (converted
to a pointer by taking its address). Therefore the
String(char const *)
constructor will be called.
Example 2:
String otherfunc() {
return "appletree",
This will work the same way. In order to return from the
function, a string object must be created. The char array
can be used to initialize the objects, therefore
String(char const *)
is called. That is the constructor
that can accept this type.
Example 3:
void yetanotherfunc(String s) {
// ...
int main() {
String s1 = "apple", s2 = "tree";
yetanotherfunc(s1 + s2);
The concatenation operator creates a string object containing "appletree". This object is an unnamed temporary object, not a variable. To pass the object, we might make a copy of it using the copy ctor - however it is also acceptable to pass the temporary object itself, without copying. This is called copy elision, and is a great optimization technique, used extensively by compilers. More on that later.
Consider the following functions, both taking a string as argument:
void delete_file_1(std::string const & filename);
void delete_file_2(char const * filename);
Both versions have their own problems.
version is nice if you have anstd::string
object, and you want to pass it to the function. The reference is bound to that object. However when you call it likedelete_file_1("example.txt")
, then the argument is a character array, and a string object is created with thestring(char const *)
constructor. This requires memory allocation, array copying etc. so it is not efficient. The copy of the array is unnecessary. -
char const *
version works nicely for thedelete_file_2("example.txt)"
case; the pointer argument will point to the character array, and that's all. However for thestd::string
object, you will have to call it asdelete_file_2(fn.c_str())
, to "convert" it to achar const *
. (std::string
has nochar const *
cast operator, to avoid ambiguity.)
This is why C++17 introduced std::string_view
. This class represents
a string, without any memory management. Hence the name view
. It
has conversions from char const *
and std::string
; if you have your
own string class (please don't), you can write a conversion operator for it
to create an std::string_view
void delete_file_3(std::string_view filename);
std::string fn = "example.txt";
Neither call requires boilerplate code. Also neither call will do any memory management.
Always throw exceptions as value, and catch them by reference. This makes memory management of exception objects automatic, and allows the catch to group errors by base classes. See the string example.