Conda is a package manager that can be installed on Linux, Windows, and Mac. If you have not yet installed conda on your computer, follow these instructions:
Conda Installation. Follow instructions for Miniconda.
Conda Download. Use the Python 2.7 based installation.
Create an environment named openalea:
conda create -n openalea -c openalea openalea.plantgl openalea.lpy
Activate the openalea environment:
[source] activate openalea
Install the different packages
conda install -c openalea openalea.mtg alinea.caribu openalea.plantscan3d openalea.visualea notebook matplotlib pandas
conda install -c openalea -c conda-forge pvlib-python alinea.astk
You can install everything by yourself, or using the r channel in conda.
With conda:
[source] deactivate
conda create -n renv -c r rstudio r-rmarkdown r-car r-lme4
[source] activate renv
- PerformanceAnalytics
- lme4
- car
- agricolae
- sensitivity
- lhs
- planor
Under R, you can install everything using:
install.packages(c('PerformanceAnalytics','agricolae','sensitivity','lhs','planor') )