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This branch is 204 commits behind filecoin-project/ref-fvm:master.


Gas Calibration Measurements

This directory contains some support scripts for visualizing the traces we can opt to collect during test vector execution, which can help calibrating gas prices.

Trace Collection

To collect traces in the first place, execute conformance tests using an extra TRACES env var to specify where the files should go:

cd testing/conformance/
mkdir traces
rm -rf traces/*
TRACE_DIR=traces \
  VECTOR=test-vectors/corpus \
  cargo test --release conformance -- --nocapture

Note the --release flag; without this the contract execution would be much slower and make the timings less relevant.

After this the TRACES_DIR directory will contain:

  • A traces.jsonline file containing one line per successful test message, with each line pointing at detailed traces just for that particular message, and containing the overall gas charge and execution time.
  • A mirror of the structure of the VECTOR directory, with each message in the successful test vector having a separate file containing the GasCharge records collected during the execution.


You can use the Makefile to produce charts in the ./out directory. It assumes the traces are in ../traces.

cd testing/conformance/measurements
make all