diff --git a/cylc/flow/etc/examples/expiry/.validate b/cylc/flow/etc/examples/expiry/.validate
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..2b1b913853
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cylc/flow/etc/examples/expiry/.validate
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+# Copyright (C) NIWA & British Crown (Met Office) & Contributors.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+set -euxo pipefail
+test_one () {
+ ID="$(< /dev/urandom tr -dc A-Za-z | head -c6 || true)"
+ # start the workflow
+ cylc vip \
+ --check-circular \
+ --no-detach \
+ --final-cycle-point=P0D \
+ --no-run-name \
+ --workflow-name "$ID" \
+ ./one
+ # the start task should have expired
+ grep 'start.*(internal)expired' "$HOME/cylc-run/$ID/log/scheduler/log"
+ # the following task(s) should not have run
+ ! grep 'a.*running' "$HOME/cylc-run/$ID/log/scheduler/log"
+ ! grep 'b.*running' "$HOME/cylc-run/$ID/log/scheduler/log"
+ # lint
+ cylc lint "$ID"
+ # clean up
+ cylc clean "$ID"
+test_two () {
+ ID="$(< /dev/urandom tr -dc A-Za-z | head -c6 || true)"
+ # start the workflow
+ cylc vip \
+ --check-circular \
+ --no-detach \
+ --final-cycle-point=P0D \
+ --no-run-name \
+ --workflow-name "$ID" \
+ ./two
+ # the start task should run
+ grep 'start.*running' "$HOME/cylc-run/$ID/log/scheduler/log"
+ # some other task in the chain should expire
+ grep '(internal)expired' "$HOME/cylc-run/$ID/log/scheduler/log"
+ # the housekeep task at the end of the cycle should not run
+ ! grep 'housekeep.*running' "$HOME/cylc-run/$ID/log/scheduler/log"
+ # lint
+ cylc lint "$ID"
+ # clean up
+ cylc clean "$ID"
+test_three () {
+ ID="$(< /dev/urandom tr -dc A-Za-z | head -c6 || true)"
+ # start the workflow
+ cylc vip \
+ --check-circular \
+ --no-detach \
+ --final-cycle-point=P0D \
+ --no-run-name \
+ --workflow-name "$ID" \
+ ./three
+ # the start task should expire
+ grep 'start.*(internal)expired' "$HOME/cylc-run/$ID/log/scheduler/log"
+ [[ ! -f "$HOME/cylc-run/$ID/log/job/"*"/a/NN/job" ]]
+ # only the "a" and "housekeep" tasks should run
+ [[ $(cd "$HOME/cylc-run/XOECeJ/log/job/"*; echo *) == 'a housekeep' ]]
+ # tasks b, c and d should skip
+ grep '\/b.*run mode=skip' "$HOME/cylc-run/$ID/log/scheduler/log"
+ grep '\/c.*run mode=skip' "$HOME/cylc-run/$ID/log/scheduler/log"
+ grep '\/d.*run mode=skip' "$HOME/cylc-run/$ID/log/scheduler/log"
+ # lint
+ cylc lint "$ID"
+ # clean up
+ cylc clean "$ID"
diff --git a/cylc/flow/etc/examples/expiry/index.rst b/cylc/flow/etc/examples/expiry/index.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a2a9f82c2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cylc/flow/etc/examples/expiry/index.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+.. _examples.expiry:
+Expiring Tasks / Cycles
+Cylc is often used to write workflows which monitor real-world events.
+For example, this workflow will run the task ``foo`` every day at 00:00am:
+.. code-block:: cylc
+ [scheduling]
+ initial cycle point = previous(T00)
+ [[graph]]
+ P1D = """
+ @wall_clock => foo
+ """
+Sometimes such workflows might get behind, e.g. due to failures or slow task
+execution. In this situation, it might be necessary to skip a few tasks in
+order for the workflow to catch up with the real-world time.
+Cylc has a concept called :ref:`expiry ` which allows tasks
+to be automatcially "expired" if they are running behind schedule.
+.. seealso::
+ :ref:`ClockExpireTasks`.
+Example 1: Skip a whole cycle of tasks
+If the workflow gets behind, skip whole cycles of tasks until it catches up.
+.. admonition:: Get a copy of this example
+ :class: hint
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ cylc get-resources examples/expiry/one
+.. literalinclude:: one/flow.cylc
+ :language: cylc
+Example 2: Skip the remainder of a cycle of tasks
+If the workflow gets behind, skip the remainder of the tasks in the cycle,
+then skip whole cycles of tasks until it catches up.
+.. admonition:: Get a copy of this example
+ :class: hint
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ cylc get-resources examples/expiry/two
+.. literalinclude:: two/flow.cylc
+ :language: cylc
+Example 3: Skip selected tasks in a cycle
+If the workflow gets behind, turn off selected tasks to allow it to catch up
+more quickly.
+.. admonition:: Get a copy of this example
+ :class: hint
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ cylc get-resources examples/expiry/three
+.. literalinclude:: three/flow.cylc
+ :language: cylc
diff --git a/cylc/flow/etc/examples/expiry/one/flow.cylc b/cylc/flow/etc/examples/expiry/one/flow.cylc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..528dbaa233
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cylc/flow/etc/examples/expiry/one/flow.cylc
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ description = """
+ If the workflow runs slowly and the cycle time gets behind the real
+ world (wallclock) time, then it will skip cycles until it catches up.
+ Either a cycle runs or it is skipped.
+ When you start this workflow, the first cycle will be at 00:00am this
+ morning so will immediately expire causing the workflow to move onto
+ tomorrow's cycle.
+ """
+ allow implicit tasks = True
+ # start the workflow at 00:00am this morning
+ initial cycle point = previous(T00)
+ # the "start" task will "expire" if the cycle time falls behind
+ # the wallclock time
+ [[special tasks]]
+ clock-expire = start
+ [[graph]]
+ P1D = """
+ # the chain of tasks we want to run
+ start => a => b => c => d => housekeep
+ # wait for the previous cycle to either complete or expire before
+ # continuing onto the next cycle
+ housekeep[-P1D] | start[-P1D]:expired? => start
+ """
diff --git a/cylc/flow/etc/examples/expiry/three/flow.cylc b/cylc/flow/etc/examples/expiry/three/flow.cylc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8613aafd6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cylc/flow/etc/examples/expiry/three/flow.cylc
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ description = """
+ If the workflow runs slowly and the cycle time gets behind the real
+ world (wallclock) time, then it will skip selected tasks until it
+ catches up.
+ In this case, the tasks "b", "c" and "d" will be skipped to help the
+ workflow to catch up more quickly.
+ When this workflow starts up, the first cycle will be at 00:00am today
+ so the "start" task will immediately expire. This will cause tasks
+ "b", "c" and "d" to be configured to "skip" rather than run.
+ """
+ allow implicit tasks = True
+ # start the workflow at 00:00am this morning
+ initial cycle point = previous(T00)
+ final cycle point = +P0D
+ # the "start" task will "expire" if the cycle time falls behind
+ # the wallclock time
+ [[special tasks]]
+ clock-expire = start
+ [[graph]]
+ P1D = """
+ # the chain of tasks we want to run
+ start | start:expired? => a => b => c => d => housekeep
+ """
+ [[start]]
+ # if this task expires, configure the tasks "b", "c" and "d" to
+ # "skip" rather than run
+ # Note: This task will also be "skipped" if it expires
+ [[[events]]]
+ expired handlers = cylc broadcast "%(workflow)s" -p "%(point)s" -n b -n c -n d -s "run mode = skip"
diff --git a/cylc/flow/etc/examples/expiry/two/flow.cylc b/cylc/flow/etc/examples/expiry/two/flow.cylc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..66d3fd6518
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cylc/flow/etc/examples/expiry/two/flow.cylc
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ description = """
+ If the workflow runs slowly and the cycle time gets behind the real
+ world (wallclock) time, then it will skip tasks until it catches up.
+ A cycle may be skipped part way through to allow the workflow to catch
+ up faster.
+ When this workflow starts up, the first cycle will be one minute ahead
+ of the wallclock time. At some point in the cycle, the wallclock time
+ will overtake the cycle time and the next task in the chain will
+ expire. The workflow will then move onto the next cycle.
+ """
+ allow implicit tasks = True
+ # start the workflow at 00:00am this morning
+ initial cycle point = PT1M
+ # any task in the workflow will "expire" rather than run if the cycle
+ # time falls behind the wallclock time
+ [[special tasks]]
+ clock-expire = start, a, b, c, d, housekeep
+ [[graph]]
+ P1D = """
+ # the chain of tasks we want to run
+ start => a => b => c => d => housekeep
+ # start the next cycle as soon as the previous cycle has finished
+ # OR and task in the previous cycle has expired
+ housekeep[-P1D]
+ | start[-P1D]:expire?
+ | a[-P1D]:expired?
+ | b[-P1D]:expired?
+ | c[-P1D]:expired?
+ | d[-P1D]:expired?
+ | housekeep[-P1D]:expired?
+ => start
+ """
+ [[root]]
+ script = sleep 12