To run dctest in kubernetes cluster
- Develop the custom controller to run dctest in a pod
- Automate start and stop dctest
This is custom resource to deploy dctest pod. Nyamber create dctest pod and service from its definition.
This is custom resource to automate deployment dctest pod.
Nyamber create VirtualDC
custom resource from its definition according to the schedule field.
You can specify the VirtualDC
startSchedule and stopSchedule with cron format.
A deployment that controls Runner Pod. It create Runner pod which runs dctest and service to access Runner pod.
A deployment that create and delete VirutualDC resources according to set schedules. You can't specify only one schedule. You should specify both schedules or leave both schedules empty
- startSchedule and stopSchedule are empty: controller create virtualdc immediately
- startSchedule and stopSchedule are set: calculate NextTime from those schedule and set time to status
- nextStartTime < now and nextstopTime < now: do nothing
- now < nextStartTime and nextStopTime < now: start virtualdc
- nextStopTime < now and now < nextStartTime: stop virtualdc
- nextStartTime < now and nextStopTime < now: stop virtualdc
If dctest bootstrap fails, autovirtualdc-controller
recreated VirtualDC
resources from startTime until the time specified in timeoutDuration
has elapsed.
A component to run dctest with entrypoint. Runner pod execute entrypoint cli and start entrypoint with scripts.