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Solution Design - Azure Authenticator

Table of Contents


Term Description
Active Directory (AD) an access management service that allows users to sign-in and access resources based on privileges granted to them
Active Directory (AD) tenant a dedicated instance of AD for the organization (AAM for example)
Azure Resource Manager the service that is used to provision resources. When creating a new VM, it receives a request upon instance (VM) creation and gives the instance a system-assigned managed identity.
Service principle object representation of VM instance in AD. This object holds information defining its permissions on resources
Client ID unique identifier generated by Azure AD tied to application and service principal during initial provisioning. This client ID is used to identify the object that is requesting an access token
Object ID unique identifier for application object in Azure AD
System-assigned identity an identity for an instance in AD that is trusted. The identity is tied to the resource and abides to its lifecycle. In other words, if the resource is delete so to will the identity
User-assigned identity an identity for an instance in AD that is trusted. This identity can be assigned to 1+ Azure services instances and is independent of instance lifecycle
Azure Instance Metadata Service (IMDS) a REST endpoint accessible to all VMs created via the Azure Resource Manager. Resources in Azure request access tokens from the Azure Instance Metadata service endpoint. We will first focused on supporting VMs and explore other services at a later time
JWT JSON-based access token that asserts claims (logged in, etc)
xms_mirid a claim that defines the resource that holds the encoding of the instance's subscription, resource group, and name needed for authorization

Useful links

Issue description

We want to enable Azure resources to authenticate according to Azure properties and get back a Conjur access token in order to retrieve secrets from our providers. At current, customers can authenticate their Azure VMs with Conjur by creating a Conjur host identity for their Azure resources. The Azure resource would then receive an API key as part of the creation of a Conjur identity which they must use to connect to targets. This is not optimal nor convenient because we are not allowing the resources to authenticate based on their Azure identity and demand that the resource hold an extra secret, the Conjur-given API key.


We will add a new authenticator to Conjur, which users can authenticate with from Azure VMs. As mentioned in the feature doc, before any authentication request is sent to Conjur, the admin will load the authenticator policy:

# policy id needs to match the convention `conjur/authn-azure/<service ID>`
- !policy
  id: conjur/authn-azure/prod
  - !webservice

  - !variable
    id: provider-uri  
  - !group apps
  - !permit
    role: !group apps
    privilege: [ read, authenticate ]
    resource: !webservice

and add the provider-uri variable to the webservice (e.g

As part of our effort to improve the user experience for our authenticators, we discussed two options for defining the provider-uri:

  1. provider-uri as a variable

    - !policy
      id: conjur/authn-azure/prod
      - !webservice
      - !variable
        id: provider-uri      
  2. provider-uri as an entry in the webservice annotations

    - !policy
      id: conjur/authn-azure/prod
        - !webservice

Because the provider-uri doesn't hold sensitive information, it doesn't necessary need to be saved as a secret in Conjur. Adding the provider-uri as a variable in the policy demands later that the admin user populate its value through the CLI. Further, adding it as annotation entry makes it easier to set it as a key-value pair and is therefore more readable. On the other hand, with provider-uri in the host annotations, any change to this value will demand a complete replacement of the root policy which raises concerns for maintenance. For concerns of maintenance and for uniformity preservation across our different authenticators, we have decided against moving the provider-uri to the webservice annotation.

Azure Resource Restrictions

To authenticate with Conjur, Azure-specific fields will need to be provided in the host annotations of the Conjur host identity for the Azure resource- subscription-id, resource-group, and user/system-assigned-identity. Specifically, If the Azure resource is assigned a system-assigned-identity, we will also need to validate the oid field of the Azure access token. These fields will be used to confirm the identity of the Azure resource that is sending the authentication request. This will be done by comparing the Azure access token information with the host annotations that are defined in the policy below.

A Conjur host will be defined as follows with their annotations holding Azure-specific identification properties.

- !policy 
  id: azure-apps 
  - !host 
    id: test-app 
      authn-azure/subscription-id: test-subscription 
      authn-azure/resource-group: test-group 

      authn-azure/user-assigned-identity: test-app-pipeline 
      authn-azure/system-assigned-identity: 853b9a84-5bfa-4b22-a3f3-0b9a43d9ad8a

- !grant
  role: !group conjur/authn-azure/prod/apps
  member: !host azure-apps/test-app

Note: !host and !user Conjur identities should function interchangeably

Supported granularity

  1. Subscription ID + Resource Group

  2. Subscription ID + Resource Group + System Assigned Identity

  3. Subscription ID + Resource Group + User Assigned Identity

We do not support a combination of System Assigned Identity & User Assigned Identity

Multiple-assigned identity for host - NOT FOR NOW

We may allow hosts to be defined with both "authn-azure/user-assigned-identity" and "authn-azure/system-assigned-identity". This way such a host can authenticate a token with a user-assigned id as well as a token with a system-assigned id. As a first step we will not develop - nor test - such a use-case.


Authentication Flow

This flow assumes that the VM already exists in Azure, and that an authn-azure authenticator and a Conjur host were loaded.

Authn Azure Flow

  1. Azure VM sends the following request to Conjur:

    POST https://<conjur-server-hostname>/authn-azure/<service-id>/<account>/<host-id>/authenticate
     Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
     jwt: "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIs......uTonCA"
  2. An already existing route will be used (post '/:authenticator(/:service_id)/:account/:id/authenticate' => 'authenticate#authenticate') that will forward the request to the AuthenticationController.

  3. The request will then be forwarded to the Authentication::Authenticate CommandClass. This CommandClass holds a collection of general authenticator validations that will take place.

  4. The two first general validations include validate_authenticator_exists and validate_security.

    1. validate_authenticator_exists ensures that the authenticator sent as part of the request URI is one that we support (authn-k8s, authn-azure, etc.).

    2. validate_security validates that the Azure authenticator has been defined correctly in policy and the host is permitted to authenticate to the webservice.

  5. The next validation, validate_credentials calls the authenticator's valid? function. Then, Azure-specific authenticator validations will be triggered.

    1. validate_azure_token (see below for a more detailed explanation of the function).

    2. validate_application_identity - the annotations of the authenticating host and the properties extracted from the "xms_mirid" field of the Azure token provided by the Azure VM are compared (see below for a more detailed explanation of the function).

  6. Once the Azure authenticator-specific validations have passed, the general authenticator validations can continue.

    1. validate_origin checks the origin of the request to determine if the origin of the request is restricted.
  7. If all validations pass, an audit entry is written to audit logs and a Conjur access token will be returned to the Azure requesting resource. This Conjur access token will be used for all further communications between the Azure resource and Conjur.

If at any point a validation fails, an audit entry is written to audit logs and an error response is returned to the client.

Azure authenticator class

As mentioned in the flow above, we will create a new CommandClass for Azure-specific validations.

require 'command_class'

module Authentication
 module AuthnAzure

   Err = Errors::Authentication::AuthnAzure

   Authenticator =
     dependencies: {
     inputs: [:authenticator_input]
   ) do
     # Azure authenticator checks
     def call





The Azure token validation checks the signature and claims of the Azure token to ensure that the token was issued by the Azure Active Directory defined in the authenticator policy. To do this we need to:

  1. Discover the Oauth 2.0 provider - in this case the Azure AD is the Oauth 2.0 provider. Its URl will be retrieved from the "provider-uri" variable value defined in the authenticator policy
  2. Retrieve JWKs from the discovery endpoint - These keys are used for the token validation
  3. Decode and verify the token using the JWKs.

Steps 1 & 2 may seem familiar as they are the exact steps that we perform in the OIDC Authenticator. This is because OIDC is Oauth 2.0 based. We will take advantage on this and use the 3rd party used in the OIDC Authenticator to perform steps 1 & 2 in our authenticator.

Unfortunately, the 3rd party used in the OIDC Authenticator does not implement an access token decoding, and only an ID Token decoding. Thus, to perform step 3, we will need another 3rd party - the "jwt" gem. This gem has an MIT License which is aligned with our policy.

As you can see in the following blueprint for the validate_azure_token implementation, it will use AuthnOidc's FetchProviderCertificate class to retrieve the JWKs and will use them to verify & decode the token, using JWT's decode function:

require 'jwt'

module Authentication
  module AuthnAzure
    DecodeAndVerifyToken =
      dependencies: {
        # We have a ConcurrencyLimitedCache which wraps a RateLimitedCache which wraps a FetchProviderCertificate class

            refreshes_per_interval: 10,
            rate_limit_interval:    300, # 300 seconds (every 5 mins)
            logger: Rails.logger
          max_concurrent_requests: 3,
          logger: Rails.logger
      inputs:       %i(provider_uri token_jwt)
    ) do

      def call
        certs = @fetch_provider_certificate.(
          provider_uri: @provider_uri

        # indicate that we should verify the issuer and audience claims
        options = { iss: provider_uri, verify_iss: true, verify_aud: true }

        @decoded_token = JWT.decode(
          @certs, # JWKs retrieved from the provider
          true, # tells the decoder to verify the token

Note that JWT.decode not only decodes the token but also validates it. It gets as input the JWKs retrieved from the provider and validates the signature of the token. It also validates the iss and aud claims to verify that the token was issued by the correct Azure provider (which is the Oauth 2.0 provider).


The validate_application_identity function will validate that the Azure VM can authenticate with Conjur based on information extracted from the provided Azure token.

Proposed validation flow is as followings:

Assigned Identity Flow

  1. We will extract the xms_mirid field from the Azure access token

  2. If the xms_mirid field exists, we will parse it and extract the resource_group and subscription_id and compare them with their equivalents in the Conjur host. If the field does not exist, we will raise a proper error.

    NOTE: It is required that the Host annotation have at least authn-azure/subscription-id and authn-azure/resource-group but for greater security granularity, a third host annotation can exist - authn-azure/system-assigned-identity or authn-azure/user-assigned-identity.

  3. If a third annotation, authn-azure/system-assigned-identity or authn-azure/user-assigned-identity is present, the process of validating this annotation entry differs depending on the identity assigned to the Azure resource. Because of this, we need to handle each case differently. The two types of identities that can be assigned to an Azure resource include the following:

    1. system-assigned identity

    2. user-assigned identity

  4. As you can see in the "Examples" section below, the suffix of the xms_mirid field includes the assigned identity. If the suffix includes Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/<user_assigned_identity> then it is a user assigned identity. In this case we will compare its value (i.e <user_assigned_identity>) with the authn-azure/user-assigned-identity annotation defined in the Conjur host.

  5. Otherwise, we will check if providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/ is present in the xms_mirid claim. If so, we will compare the oid field from the Azure access token with the authn-azure/user-assigned-identity annotation in the Conjur host. Note: At this point we support only VMs. In the future we can check for other Azure resources in the xms_mirid suffix.


Let's take a look at examples for tokens with a system-assigned identity and token with a user-assigned identity.

system-assigned identity
  "aud": "",
  "iss": "",
  "iat": 157...,
  "nbf": 157...,
  "exp": 157...,
  "aio": "42Vg...",
  "appid": "7230cc60...",
  "appidacr": "2",
  "idp": "",
  "oid": "14751f4a...",
  "sub": "14751f4a...",
  "tid": "df242c82...",
  "uti": "g1mKQ0DE...",
  "ver": "1.0",
  "xms_mirid": "/subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourcegroups/<resource_group>/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/<resource_name>"

The following is a mapping of Host annotations with the values we will be extracting in the Azure access token for system-assigned-identities

Host annotation Azure access token
authn-azure/subscription-id subscription_id (inside xms_mirid)
authn-azure/resource-group resource_group (inside xms_mirid)
authn-azure/system-assigned-identity oid field (Azure token)
user-assigned identity
  "aud": "",
  "iss": "",
  "iat": 157...,
  "nbf": 157...,
  "exp": 157...,
  "aio": "42Vg...",
  "appid": "7230cc60...",
  "appidacr": "2",
  "idp": "",
  "oid": "14751f4a...",
  "sub": "14751f4a...",
  "tid": "df242c82...",
  "uti": "g1mKQ0DE...",
  "ver": "1.0",
  "xms_mirid": "/subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourceGroups/<resource_group>/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/<resource_name>"

The following is a mapping of Host annotations with the values we will be extracting in the Azure access token for user-assigned-identities

Host annotation Azure access token
authn-azure/subscription-id subscription_id (inside xms_mirid)
authn-azure/resource-group resource_group (inside xms_mirid)
authn-azure/user-assigned-identity resource_name (inside xms_mirid)

Regardless of the assigned-identity for the Azure resource, once the proper fields are extracted from the Azure token, we will compare them to the annotations of the Conjur host for this Azure resource. If they match, the next validation test will run. If all validations run without raising an error, the Azure VM resource will receive a Conjur access token in return. All further requests that this Azure VM sends will need to have this Conjur access token in the header.

Backwards compatibility

None because this is a new feature.


Azure authenticator performance should conform with our other authenticators with an average call time of 1 second.

Affected Components

  • Conjur

  • Conjur Enterprise


Security boundary

Azure security boundary

The security boundary (i.e. who can get an Azure access token) of the Azure Managed Identity Service is the resource to which it is attached to. For more details about this boundary, please visit Azure managed identity security boundary.

Conjur security boundary

The security boundary of the Conjur Azure authenticator is the Azure access token received in the authentication request. This access token is fetched using Azure Instance Metadata Service (IMDS) which in turn, uses Azure Active Directory (AAD) to generate the token. For the full details of how to achieve an access token and how its being generated, please visit Azure managed identity overview.


Conjur Azure authenticator authenticates the originator by its provided access token. The full authentication process is described in the Authentication flow section.


After authenticating the originator, Conjur Azure authenticator returns a Conjur access token (which is different from the Azure access token). This Conjur access token is generated for the Conjur host that was authenticated. The authorization will be done according to the following requests and is basically out-of-scope for the Azure authenticator. For more details about how Conjur authorization works, please visit Conjur authorization.

Azure Access token

Conjur Azure authenticator receives an Azure access token which is a credential for the Azure resource. As such, Conjur handles this token with the appropriate sensitivity.

Azure Access token in transit

Any request to Conjur is done over HTTPS to protect against any kind of Man-In-The-Middle attack.

Azure access token at rest

Conjur uses that token only for the authentication flow and does not store it or log it into any persistent store.

Azure access token Time-To-Live (TTL)

Attack surface can be reduced by limiting Azure access token time-to-live (TTL). The default TTL of an Azure access token is one hour, but it can reduced to a shorter period. To reduce the TTL of Azure access token, please visit Configurable token lifetimes in Azure Active Directory.

Test Plan

Integration tests

Given When Then Manual / UT / Integration Tested Core Test
1 Vanilla flow - a host identity exists for Azure VM and added to privileged group for authentication on webservice VM sends authentication request with a valid Azure token
  • Conjur access token is returned in body and action is logged
  • Conjur secret can be retrieved with Conjur access token
2 A host identity for Azure VM has not been added to privileged group VM sends request with valid Azure token
  • Return 401 Unauthorized
  • Error message RoleNotAuthorizedOnResource is written to the log
3 No Conjur Host identity exists for Azure VM VM sends authentication request with a valid Azure token
  • Return 401 Unauthorized
  • Error message RoleNotFound is written to the log
4 authn-azure isn't whitelisted in ENV or enabled in DB VM sends authentication request to Conjur with valid Azure token
  • Return 401 Unauthorized
  • Error message AuthenticatorNotEnabled is written to the log
5 Policy is loaded w/o provider-uri variable VM sends authentication request to Conjur with valid Azure token
  • Return 401 Unauthorized
  • Error message RequiredResourceMissing is written to the log
6 Policy is loaded with provider-uri variable but a value is never added VM sends authentication request to Conjur with valid Azure token
  • Return 401 Unauthorized
  • Error message RequiredSecretMissing is written to the log
7 Policy is loaded w/o defining authenticator webservice VM sends authentication request to Conjur with valid Azure token
  • Return 401 Unauthorized
  • Error message WebserviceNotFound is written to the log
8 An invalid/non-existent provider-uri (Conjur couldn't connect to provider) VM sends authentication request to Conjur with valid Azure token
  • Return 504 GatewayTimeout
  • Error message ProviderDiscoveryTimeout is written to the log
9 Conjur can make contact with provider but couldn't confirm token signature VM sends authentication request to Conjur with invalid Azure token
  • Return 502 Bad Gateway
  • Error message ProviderTokenInvalid is written to the log
10 One or more annotations combination is incorrect or missing from the host policy (6 separate tests, see below explanation) VM sends authentication request to Conjur with valid Azure token
  • Return 401 Unauthorized
  • Error message RoleMissingAnnotations is written to the log
partially(details in the table below)
11 Expected field from request is missing (missing "jwt" in request) VM sends authentication request to Conjur without jwt
  • Return 400 Bad request
  • Error message MissingRequestParam is written to the log
12 xms_mirid field of the Azure token is missing VM sends authentication request to Conjur with invalid Azure token
  • Return 401 Unauthorized
  • Error message TokenClaimNotFoundOrEmpty is written to the log
13 One or more fields in the Azure token don't match the Conjur host annotations VM sends authentication request to Conjur with valid Azure token
  • Return 401 Unauthorized
  • Error message InvalidApplicationIdentity is written to the log
14 Load on unreachable provider-uri VM authenticates x times in y threads w/ invalid Azure token
  • Return 503 Service Unavailable
  • Error message ConcurrencyLimitReachedBeforeCacheInitialization is written to the log

Note: For test #10, we will have separate integration tests according to the different, possible combinations for the host annotations

Given When Then Manual / UT / Integration Tested Core Test
13-1 A host with Subscription ID + Resource Group + User Assigned Identity in its annotations That host attempts to authenticates with authn-azure with an Azure token that has a User Assigned Identity
  • Return 200 status
  • RetrievedAnnotationValue is logged for all the annotations
13-2 A host with Subscription ID + Resource Group + System Assigned Identity in its annotations That host attempts to authenticates with authn-azure with an Azure token that has a System Assigned Identity
  • Return 200 status
  • RetrievedAnnotationValue is logged for all the annotations
13-3 A host with Subscription ID + Resource Group in its annotations That host attempts to authenticates with authn-azure
  • Return 200 status
  • RetrievedAnnotationValue is logged for all the annotations
13-4 A host with no Azure-specific identification in its annotations That host attempts to authenticates with authn-azure
  • Return 401 Unauthorized
  • Error message RoleMissingAnnotations is written to the log
13-5 A host with Subscription ID OR Resource Group in its annotations That host attempts to authenticates with authn-azure
  • Return 401 Unauthorized
  • Error message RoleMissingAnnotations is written to the log
13-6 A host with Subscription ID + Resource Group + User Assigned Identity + System Assigned Identity in its annotations That host attempts to authenticates with authn-azure
  • Return 401 Unauthorized
  • Error message IllegalConstraintCombinations is written to the log


Type Given When Then Tested Core tests
1 Performance Azure VM defined in Conjur Each Azure VM sends authentication requests (+-20 sequential requests) Check load on Azure and check load on Conjur (each request should take 1 second)
2 Performance Azure VM defined in Conjur Each Azure VM has invalid Azure tokens and sends authentication requests (+-20 sequential requests) Check load on Azure and check load on Conjur (each request should take 1 second)


  • Two authenticators that are enabled in same ENV

  • Same host should work with both authn-oidc and authn-azure


Error Log level

Scenario Log message Implemented
1 Authenticator is not enabled (in DB/ENV) Authenticator '{0-authenticator-name}' is not enabled
2 Webservice is not defined in a Conjur policy Webservice '{0-webservice-name}' wasn't found
3 Host is not permitted to authenticate with the webservice '{0-role-name}' does not have 'authenticate' privilege on {1-service-name}
4 Host is not defined in Conjur '{0-role-name}' wasn't found
5 Couldn't make connection with Azure Identity Provider in time Azure Identity Provider failed with timeout error (Provider URI: '{0}'). Reason: '{1}'
6 Failed to confirm Azure token signature Failed to confirm signature of '{0-token}' issued by (Provider URI: '{1}'
7 A required annotation is missing in the Conjur host Annotation is missing for authentication for Role '{0-role}'
8 Authentication request body is missing a field (e.g azure_token) Field '{0-field-name}' is missing or empty in request body
9 xms_field is not found in the Azure token Field '{0-field-name}' not found or empty in token
10 Resource Restrictions defined in Conjur host doesn't match Azure token Resource Restrictions field '{0-field-name}' does not match Azure token
11 Conjur host is defined with both a user-assigned & a system-assigned id Resource Restrictions includes an illegal constraint combination - '{0-constraints}'

Debug Log level

Scenario Log message Implemented
1 Before validating host annotations Validating annotations with prefix {0-prefix}
2 Before discovering Azure Identity Provider Working with Provider {0-provider-uri}
3 After discovering Azure Identity Provider Provider discovery succeeded
4 After decoding Azure token Token decode succeeded
5 Before extracting claims from the Azure token Extracting claims from token for resource {0-resource-name}
6 After validating the resource restrictions of the host Resource identity for {0-resource-name} has been validated successfully


Version update

  • Conjur

  • Conjur Enterprise


  • Solution design is pushed to GH and project-artifacts slack channel for early feedback
  • Solution design is approved
  • Test plan is approved
  • Security review was done
    • Security review was done to the 3rd party "jwt" gem
  • Implement Azure authn functionality
  • Azure VM can authenticate to Conjur using the Conjur authn-azure authenticator and get Conjur access token
  • Tests are implemented according to test plan and all tests pass
    • Integration tests exist
    • Unit tests exist
  • Security action items were taken care of
  • Performance tests were done and align with SLA
  • Logs were reviewed by TW and PO
  • Documentation has been written and reviewed by PO and TW for both Conjur Enterprise and Open Source
  • A demo was created for the new authenticator
  • Engineer(s) that were not involved in the project use documentation to authenticate with Conjur using Azure
  • Versions are bumped in all relevant projects
    • Conjur
    • Conjur Enterprise

Open questions

  • Do we want to develop a mechanism to support a request body with more than one field (currently, we have only "token", but we may want to add more fields later).

Future efforts

  • Challenge moving the provider-uri to the webservice annotations in terms of maintenance and evaluate the effort needed to cascade this update to our other authenticators (OIDC, K8s, etc)

    • How often does this value change?

    • How will it impact the OIDC authenticator experience?

  • Cache tests similar to authn-oidc