Convert Compass plot files into GeoJSON. Particularly handy if you need to render a Compass based cave survey in Mapbox.
Open your Survey in Compass and click the Process and View Cave
button to generate a .plt
file. Compass will place this file next to the project .mak
and the .dat

Run plot2geojson by passing the .plt
file to reproduce the plot as GeoJSON:
npx plt2geojson /path/to/your/plot.plt
cli.js <input>
Convert PLT to GeoJSON
input Input Compass PLT file [string]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-a, --analyze Analyze the Compass file instead of converting it to GeoJSON
-p, --pretty Render the GeoJSON with more visually appealing polygons
-l, --line Render the GeoJSON with a line connecting each station[boolean]
import plt2geojson from 'plt2geojson';
plt2geojson(plotFile: string, options?: RenderOptions): string;
type RenderOptions = {
// Render the GeoJSON with more visually appealing polygons
pretty: boolean;
// Render the GeoJSON with a line connecting each station
line: boolean;
Each set of stations is used to reproduce a polygon consisting of the left and right walls. The forward station (per Compass standards) in the polygon dictates the properties associated with the polygon. Station properties look like:
name: string;
elevation: number;
penetration: number;
comment: string;
flags: {
ExcludeClosure: boolean;
ExcludeLength: boolean;
Splay: boolean;